blob: 4ab1498f92de976c5da763d61bda06427d1be252 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
#include "xlescher.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XControlShape.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/ScriptEventDescriptor.hpp>
#include <svx/unoapi.hxx>
#include "document.hxx"
#include "xestream.hxx"
#include "xistream.hxx"
#include "xlroot.hxx"
#include "xltools.hxx"
using ::rtl::OUString;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY;
using ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape;
using ::com::sun::star::drawing::XControlShape;
using ::com::sun::star::awt::XControlModel;
using ::com::sun::star::script::ScriptEventDescriptor;
// Structs and classes ========================================================
XclObjId::XclObjId() :
XclObjId::XclObjId( SCTAB nScTab, sal_uInt16 nObjId ) :
mnScTab( nScTab ),
mnObjId( nObjId )
bool operator==( const XclObjId& rL, const XclObjId& rR )
return (rL.mnScTab == rR.mnScTab) && (rL.mnObjId == rR.mnObjId);
bool operator<( const XclObjId& rL, const XclObjId& rR )
return (rL.mnScTab < rR.mnScTab) || ((rL.mnScTab == rR.mnScTab) && (rL.mnObjId < rR.mnObjId));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
/** Returns the scaling factor to calculate coordinates from twips. */
double lclGetTwipsScale( MapUnit eMapUnit )
/* #111027# We cannot use OutputDevice::LogicToLogic() or the XclTools
conversion functions to calculate drawing layer coordinates due to
Calc's strange definition of a point (1 inch == 72.27 points, instead
of 72 points). */
double fScale = 1.0;
switch( eMapUnit )
case MAP_TWIP: fScale = 72 / POINTS_PER_INCH; break; // Calc twips <-> real twips
case MAP_100TH_MM: fScale = HMM_PER_TWIPS; break; // Calc twips <-> 1/100mm
default: DBG_ERRORFILE( "lclGetTwipsScale - map unit not implemented" );
return fScale;
/** Calculates a drawing layer X position (in twips) from an object column position. */
long lclGetXFromCol( ScDocument& rDoc, SCTAB nScTab, sal_uInt16 nXclCol, sal_uInt16 nOffset, double fScale )
SCCOL nScCol = static_cast< SCCOL >( nXclCol );
return static_cast< long >( fScale * (rDoc.GetColOffset( nScCol, nScTab ) +
::std::min( nOffset / 1024.0, 1.0 ) * rDoc.GetColWidth( nScCol, nScTab )) + 0.5 );
/** Calculates a drawing layer Y position (in twips) from an object row position. */
long lclGetYFromRow( ScDocument& rDoc, SCTAB nScTab, sal_uInt16 nXclRow, sal_uInt16 nOffset, double fScale )
SCROW nScRow = static_cast< SCROW >( nXclRow );
return static_cast< long >( fScale * (rDoc.GetRowOffset( nScRow, nScTab ) +
::std::min( nOffset / 256.0, 1.0 ) * rDoc.GetRowHeight( nScRow, nScTab )) + 0.5 );
/** Calculates an object column position from a drawing layer X position (in twips). */
void lclGetColFromX(
ScDocument& rDoc, SCTAB nScTab, sal_uInt16& rnXclCol,
sal_uInt16& rnOffset, sal_uInt16 nXclStartCol, sal_uInt16 nXclMaxCol,
long& rnStartW, long nX, double fScale )
// rnStartW in conjunction with nXclStartCol is used as buffer for previously calculated width
long nTwipsX = static_cast< long >( nX / fScale + 0.5 );
long nColW = 0;
for( rnXclCol = nXclStartCol; rnXclCol <= nXclMaxCol; ++rnXclCol )
nColW = rDoc.GetColWidth( static_cast< SCCOL >( rnXclCol ), nScTab );
if( rnStartW + nColW > nTwipsX )
rnStartW += nColW;
rnOffset = nColW ? static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( (nTwipsX - rnStartW) * 1024.0 / nColW + 0.5 ) : 0;
/** Calculates an object row position from a drawing layer Y position (in twips). */
void lclGetRowFromY(
ScDocument& rDoc, SCTAB nScTab, sal_uInt16& rnXclRow,
sal_uInt16& rnOffset, sal_uInt16 nXclStartRow, sal_uInt16 nXclMaxRow,
long& rnStartH, long nY, double fScale )
// rnStartH in conjunction with nXclStartRow is used as buffer for previously calculated height
long nTwipsY = static_cast< long >( nY / fScale + 0.5 );
long nRowH = 0;
bool bFound = false;
for( SCROW nRow = static_cast< SCROW >( nXclStartRow ); nRow <= nXclMaxRow; ++nRow )
nRowH = rDoc.GetRowHeight( nRow, nScTab );
if( rnStartH + nRowH > nTwipsY )
rnXclRow = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( nRow );
bFound = true;
rnStartH += nRowH;
if( !bFound )
rnXclRow = nXclMaxRow;
rnOffset = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( nRowH ? ((nTwipsY - rnStartH) * 256.0 / nRowH + 0.5) : 0 );
/** Mirrors a rectangle (from LTR to RTL layout or vice versa). */
void lclMirrorRectangle( Rectangle& rRect )
long nLeft = rRect.Left();
rRect.Left() = -rRect.Right();
rRect.Right() = -nLeft;
sal_uInt16 lclGetEmbeddedScale( long nPageSize, sal_Int32 nPageScale, long nPos, double fPosScale )
return static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( nPos * fPosScale / nPageSize * nPageScale + 0.5 );
} // namespace
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
XclObjAnchor::XclObjAnchor() :
mnLX( 0 ),
mnTY( 0 ),
mnRX( 0 ),
mnBY( 0 )
Rectangle XclObjAnchor::GetRect( const XclRoot& rRoot, SCTAB nScTab, MapUnit eMapUnit ) const
ScDocument& rDoc = rRoot.GetDoc();
double fScale = lclGetTwipsScale( eMapUnit );
Rectangle aRect(
lclGetXFromCol( rDoc, nScTab, maFirst.mnCol, mnLX, fScale ),
lclGetYFromRow( rDoc, nScTab, maFirst.mnRow, mnTY, fScale ),
lclGetXFromCol( rDoc, nScTab, maLast.mnCol, mnRX + 1, fScale ),
lclGetYFromRow( rDoc, nScTab, maLast.mnRow, mnBY, fScale ) );
// #106948# adjust coordinates in mirrored sheets
if( rDoc.IsLayoutRTL( nScTab ) )
lclMirrorRectangle( aRect );
return aRect;
void XclObjAnchor::SetRect( const XclRoot& rRoot, SCTAB nScTab, const Rectangle& rRect, MapUnit eMapUnit )
ScDocument& rDoc = rRoot.GetDoc();
sal_uInt16 nXclMaxCol = rRoot.GetXclMaxPos().Col();
sal_uInt16 nXclMaxRow = static_cast<sal_uInt16>( rRoot.GetXclMaxPos().Row());
// #106948# adjust coordinates in mirrored sheets
Rectangle aRect( rRect );
if( rDoc.IsLayoutRTL( nScTab ) )
lclMirrorRectangle( aRect );
double fScale = lclGetTwipsScale( eMapUnit );
long nDummy = 0;
lclGetColFromX( rDoc, nScTab, maFirst.mnCol, mnLX, 0, nXclMaxCol, nDummy, aRect.Left(), fScale );
lclGetColFromX( rDoc, nScTab, maLast.mnCol, mnRX, maFirst.mnCol, nXclMaxCol, nDummy, aRect.Right(), fScale );
nDummy = 0;
lclGetRowFromY( rDoc, nScTab, maFirst.mnRow, mnTY, 0, nXclMaxRow, nDummy, aRect.Top(), fScale );
lclGetRowFromY( rDoc, nScTab, maLast.mnRow, mnBY, maFirst.mnRow, nXclMaxRow, nDummy, aRect.Bottom(), fScale );
void XclObjAnchor::SetRect( const Size& rPageSize, sal_Int32 nScaleX, sal_Int32 nScaleY,
const Rectangle& rRect, MapUnit eMapUnit, bool bDffAnchor )
double fScale = 1.0;
switch( eMapUnit )
case MAP_TWIP: fScale = HMM_PER_TWIPS; break; // Calc twips -> 1/100mm
case MAP_100TH_MM: fScale = 1.0; break; // Calc 1/100mm -> 1/100mm
default: DBG_ERRORFILE( "XclObjAnchor::SetRect - map unit not implemented" );
/* In objects with DFF client anchor, the position of the shape is stored
in the cell address components of the client anchor. In old BIFF3-BIFF5
objects, the position is stored in the offset components of the anchor. */
(bDffAnchor ? maFirst.mnCol : mnLX) = lclGetEmbeddedScale( rPageSize.Width(), nScaleX, rRect.Left(), fScale );
(bDffAnchor ? maFirst.mnRow : mnTY) = lclGetEmbeddedScale( rPageSize.Height(), nScaleY, rRect.Top(), fScale );
(bDffAnchor ? maLast.mnCol : mnRX) = lclGetEmbeddedScale( rPageSize.Width(), nScaleX, rRect.Right(), fScale );
(bDffAnchor ? maLast.mnRow : mnBY) = lclGetEmbeddedScale( rPageSize.Height(), nScaleY, rRect.Bottom(), fScale );
// for safety, clear the other members
if( bDffAnchor )
mnLX = mnTY = mnRX = mnBY = 0;
Set( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
XclObjLineData::XclObjLineData() :
XclImpStream& operator>>( XclImpStream& rStrm, XclObjLineData& rLineData )
return rStrm
>> rLineData.mnColorIdx
>> rLineData.mnStyle
>> rLineData.mnWidth
>> rLineData.mnAuto;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
XclObjFillData::XclObjFillData() :
mnPattern( EXC_PATT_SOLID ),
XclImpStream& operator>>( XclImpStream& rStrm, XclObjFillData& rFillData )
return rStrm
>> rFillData.mnBackColorIdx
>> rFillData.mnPattColorIdx
>> rFillData.mnPattern
>> rFillData.mnAuto;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
XclObjTextData::XclObjTextData() :
mnTextLen( 0 ),
mnFormatSize( 0 ),
mnLinkSize( 0 ),
mnDefFontIdx( EXC_FONT_APP ),
mnFlags( 0 ),
mnButtonFlags( 0 ),
mnShortcut( 0 ),
mnShortcutEA( 0 )
void XclObjTextData::ReadObj3( XclImpStream& rStrm )
rStrm >> mnTextLen;
rStrm.Ignore( 2 );
rStrm >> mnFormatSize >> mnDefFontIdx;
rStrm.Ignore( 2 );
rStrm >> mnFlags >> mnOrient;
rStrm.Ignore( 8 );
void XclObjTextData::ReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm )
rStrm >> mnTextLen;
rStrm.Ignore( 2 );
rStrm >> mnFormatSize >> mnDefFontIdx;
rStrm.Ignore( 2 );
rStrm >> mnFlags >> mnOrient;
rStrm.Ignore( 2 );
rStrm >> mnLinkSize;
rStrm.Ignore( 2 );
rStrm >> mnButtonFlags >> mnShortcut >> mnShortcutEA;
void XclObjTextData::ReadTxo8( XclImpStream& rStrm )
rStrm >> mnFlags >> mnOrient >> mnButtonFlags >> mnShortcut >> mnShortcutEA >> mnTextLen >> mnFormatSize;
// ============================================================================
Reference< XControlModel > XclControlHelper::GetControlModel( Reference< XShape > xShape )
Reference< XControlModel > xCtrlModel;
Reference< XControlShape > xCtrlShape( xShape, UNO_QUERY );
if( )
xCtrlModel = xCtrlShape->getControl();
return xCtrlModel;
namespace {
static const struct
const sal_Char* mpcListenerType;
const sal_Char* mpcEventMethod;
spTbxListenerData[] =
// Attention: MUST be in order of the XclTbxEventType enum!
/*EXC_TBX_EVENT_ACTION*/ { "XActionListener", "actionPerformed" },
/*EXC_TBX_EVENT_MOUSE*/ { "XMouseListener", "mouseReleased" },
/*EXC_TBX_EVENT_TEXT*/ { "XTextListener", "textChanged" },
/*EXC_TBX_EVENT_VALUE*/ { "XAdjustmentListener", "adjustmentValueChanged" },
/*EXC_TBX_EVENT_CHANGE*/ { "XChangeListener", "changed" }
} // namespace
bool XclControlHelper::FillMacroDescriptor( ScriptEventDescriptor& rDescriptor,
XclTbxEventType eEventType, const String& rXclMacroName, SfxObjectShell* pDocShell )
if( rXclMacroName.Len() > 0 )
rDescriptor.ListenerType = OUString::createFromAscii( spTbxListenerData[ eEventType ].mpcListenerType );
rDescriptor.EventMethod = OUString::createFromAscii( spTbxListenerData[ eEventType ].mpcEventMethod );
rDescriptor.ScriptType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "Script" );
rDescriptor.ScriptCode = XclTools::GetSbMacroUrl( rXclMacroName, pDocShell );
return true;
return false;
String XclControlHelper::ExtractFromMacroDescriptor(
const ScriptEventDescriptor& rDescriptor, XclTbxEventType eEventType )
if( (rDescriptor.ScriptCode.getLength() > 0) &&
rDescriptor.ScriptType.equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( "Script" ) &&
rDescriptor.ListenerType.equalsAscii( spTbxListenerData[ eEventType ].mpcListenerType ) &&
rDescriptor.EventMethod.equalsAscii( spTbxListenerData[ eEventType ].mpcEventMethod ) )
return XclTools::GetXclMacroName( rDescriptor.ScriptCode );
return String::EmptyString();
// ============================================================================