blob: a084363af5d0e4b3a2ce9ea45e797ac84a8e784d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
#include "xipage.hxx"
#include <svl/itemset.hxx>
#include <vcl/graph.hxx>
#include "scitems.hxx"
#include <svl/eitem.hxx>
#include <svl/intitem.hxx>
#include <svx/pageitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/sizeitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/lrspitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/ulspitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/brshitem.hxx>
#include "document.hxx"
#include "stlsheet.hxx"
#include "attrib.hxx"
#include "xistream.hxx"
#include "xihelper.hxx"
#include "xiescher.hxx"
// Page settings ==============================================================
XclImpPageSettings::XclImpPageSettings( const XclImpRoot& rRoot ) :
XclImpRoot( rRoot )
void XclImpPageSettings::Initialize()
mbValidPaper = false;
void XclImpPageSettings::ReadSetup( XclImpStream& rStrm )
if( GetBiff() < EXC_BIFF4 )
// BIFF4 - BIFF8
sal_uInt16 nFlags;
rStrm >> maData.mnPaperSize >> maData.mnScaling >> maData.mnStartPage
>> maData.mnFitToWidth >> maData.mnFitToHeight >> nFlags;
mbValidPaper = maData.mbValid = !::get_flag( nFlags, EXC_SETUP_INVALID );
maData.mbPrintInRows = ::get_flag( nFlags, EXC_SETUP_INROWS );
maData.mbPortrait = ::get_flag( nFlags, EXC_SETUP_PORTRAIT );
maData.mbBlackWhite = ::get_flag( nFlags, EXC_SETUP_BLACKWHITE );
maData.mbManualStart = true;
// new in BIFF5 - BIFF8
if( GetBiff() >= EXC_BIFF5 )
rStrm >> maData.mnHorPrintRes >> maData.mnVerPrintRes
>> maData.mfHeaderMargin >> maData.mfFooterMargin >> maData.mnCopies;
maData.mbDraftQuality = ::get_flag( nFlags, EXC_SETUP_DRAFT );
maData.mbPrintNotes = ::get_flag( nFlags, EXC_SETUP_PRINTNOTES );
maData.mbManualStart = ::get_flag( nFlags, EXC_SETUP_STARTPAGE );
void XclImpPageSettings::ReadMargin( XclImpStream& rStrm )
switch( rStrm.GetRecId() )
case EXC_ID_LEFTMARGIN: rStrm >> maData.mfLeftMargin; break;
case EXC_ID_RIGHTMARGIN: rStrm >> maData.mfRightMargin; break;
case EXC_ID_TOPMARGIN: rStrm >> maData.mfTopMargin; break;
case EXC_ID_BOTTOMMARGIN: rStrm >> maData.mfBottomMargin; break;
default: DBG_ERRORFILE( "XclImpPageSettings::ReadMargin - unknown record" );
void XclImpPageSettings::ReadCenter( XclImpStream& rStrm )
DBG_ASSERT_BIFF( GetBiff() >= EXC_BIFF3 ); // read it anyway
bool bCenter = (rStrm.ReaduInt16() != 0);
switch( rStrm.GetRecId() )
case EXC_ID_HCENTER: maData.mbHorCenter = bCenter; break;
case EXC_ID_VCENTER: maData.mbVerCenter = bCenter; break;
default: DBG_ERRORFILE( "XclImpPageSettings::ReadCenter - unknown record" );
void XclImpPageSettings::ReadHeaderFooter( XclImpStream& rStrm )
String aString;
if( rStrm.GetRecLeft() )
aString = (GetBiff() <= EXC_BIFF5) ? rStrm.ReadByteString( false ) : rStrm.ReadUniString();
switch( rStrm.GetRecId() )
case EXC_ID_HEADER: maData.maHeader = aString; break;
case EXC_ID_FOOTER: maData.maFooter = aString; break;
default: DBG_ERRORFILE( "XclImpPageSettings::ReadHeaderFooter - unknown record" );
void XclImpPageSettings::ReadPageBreaks( XclImpStream& rStrm )
ScfUInt16Vec* pVec = 0;
switch( rStrm.GetRecId() )
case EXC_ID_HORPAGEBREAKS: pVec = &maData.maHorPageBreaks; break;
case EXC_ID_VERPAGEBREAKS: pVec = &maData.maVerPageBreaks; break;
default: DBG_ERRORFILE( "XclImpPageSettings::ReadPageBreaks - unknown record" );
if( pVec )
bool bIgnore = GetBiff() == EXC_BIFF8; // ignore start/end columns or rows in BIFF8
sal_uInt16 nCount, nBreak;
rStrm >> nCount;
pVec->reserve( nCount );
while( nCount-- )
rStrm >> nBreak;
if( nBreak )
pVec->push_back( nBreak );
if( bIgnore )
rStrm.Ignore( 4 );
void XclImpPageSettings::ReadPrintHeaders( XclImpStream& rStrm )
maData.mbPrintHeadings = (rStrm.ReaduInt16() != 0);
void XclImpPageSettings::ReadPrintGridLines( XclImpStream& rStrm )
maData.mbPrintGrid = (rStrm.ReaduInt16() != 0);
void XclImpPageSettings::ReadImgData( XclImpStream& rStrm )
Graphic aGraphic = XclImpDrawing::ReadImgData( GetRoot(), rStrm );
if( aGraphic.GetType() != GRAPHIC_NONE )
maData.mxBrushItem.reset( new SvxBrushItem( aGraphic, GPOS_TILED, ATTR_BACKGROUND ) );
void XclImpPageSettings::SetPaperSize( sal_uInt16 nXclPaperSize, bool bPortrait )
maData.mnPaperSize = nXclPaperSize;
maData.mbPortrait = bPortrait;
mbValidPaper = true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace {
void lclPutMarginItem( SfxItemSet& rItemSet, sal_uInt16 nRecId, double fMarginInch )
sal_uInt16 nMarginTwips = XclTools::GetTwipsFromInch( fMarginInch );
switch( nRecId )
SvxULSpaceItem aItem( GETITEM( rItemSet, SvxULSpaceItem, ATTR_ULSPACE ) );
if( nRecId == EXC_ID_TOPMARGIN )
aItem.SetUpperValue( nMarginTwips );
aItem.SetLowerValue( nMarginTwips );
rItemSet.Put( aItem );
SvxLRSpaceItem aItem( GETITEM( rItemSet, SvxLRSpaceItem, ATTR_LRSPACE ) );
aItem.SetLeftValue( nMarginTwips );
aItem.SetRightValue( nMarginTwips );
rItemSet.Put( aItem );
DBG_ERRORFILE( "XclImpPageSettings::SetMarginItem - unknown record id" );
} // namespace
void XclImpPageSettings::Finalize()
ScDocument& rDoc = GetDoc();
SCTAB nScTab = GetCurrScTab();
// *** create page style sheet ***
String aStyleName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "PageStyle_" ) );
String aTableName;
if( GetDoc().GetName( nScTab, aTableName ) )
aStyleName.Append( aTableName );
aStyleName.Append( String::CreateFromInt32( nScTab + 1 ) );
ScStyleSheet& rStyleSheet = ScfTools::MakePageStyleSheet( GetStyleSheetPool(), aStyleName, false );
SfxItemSet& rItemSet = rStyleSheet.GetItemSet();
// *** page settings ***
ScfTools::PutItem( rItemSet, SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_TOPDOWN, !maData.mbPrintInRows ), true );
ScfTools::PutItem( rItemSet, SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_HORCENTER, maData.mbHorCenter ), true );
ScfTools::PutItem( rItemSet, SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_VERCENTER, maData.mbVerCenter ), true );
ScfTools::PutItem( rItemSet, SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_HEADERS, maData.mbPrintHeadings ), true );
ScfTools::PutItem( rItemSet, SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_GRID, maData.mbPrintGrid ), true );
ScfTools::PutItem( rItemSet, SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_NOTES, maData.mbPrintNotes ), true );
sal_uInt16 nStartPage = maData.mbManualStart ? maData.mnStartPage : 0;
ScfTools::PutItem( rItemSet, SfxUInt16Item( ATTR_PAGE_FIRSTPAGENO, nStartPage ), true );
if( maData.mxBrushItem.get() )
rItemSet.Put( *maData.mxBrushItem );
if( mbValidPaper )
SvxPageItem aPageItem( GETITEM( rItemSet, SvxPageItem, ATTR_PAGE ) );
aPageItem.SetLandscape( !maData.mbPortrait );
rItemSet.Put( aPageItem );
ScfTools::PutItem( rItemSet, SvxSizeItem( ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, maData.GetScPaperSize() ), true );
if( maData.mbFitToPages )
rItemSet.Put( ScPageScaleToItem( maData.mnFitToWidth, maData.mnFitToHeight ) );
else if( maData.mbValid )
rItemSet.Put( SfxUInt16Item( ATTR_PAGE_SCALE, maData.mnScaling ) );
// *** margin preparations ***
double fLeftMargin = maData.mfLeftMargin;
double fRightMargin = maData.mfRightMargin;
double fTopMargin = maData.mfTopMargin;
double fBottomMargin = maData.mfBottomMargin;
// distances between header/footer and page area
double fHeaderHeight = 0.0;
double fHeaderDist = 0.0;
double fFooterHeight = 0.0;
double fFooterDist = 0.0;
// in Calc, "header/footer left/right margin" is X distance between header/footer and page margin
double fHdrLeftMargin = maData.mfHdrLeftMargin - maData.mfLeftMargin;
double fHdrRightMargin = maData.mfHdrRightMargin - maData.mfRightMargin;
double fFtrLeftMargin = maData.mfFtrLeftMargin - maData.mfLeftMargin;
double fFtrRightMargin = maData.mfFtrRightMargin - maData.mfRightMargin;
// *** header and footer ***
XclImpHFConverter aHFConv( GetRoot() );
// header
bool bHasHeader = (maData.maHeader.Len() != 0);
SvxSetItem aHdrSetItem( GETITEM( rItemSet, SvxSetItem, ATTR_PAGE_HEADERSET ) );
SfxItemSet& rHdrItemSet = aHdrSetItem.GetItemSet();
rHdrItemSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_ON, bHasHeader ) );
if( bHasHeader )
aHFConv.ParseString( maData.maHeader );
aHFConv.FillToItemSet( rItemSet, ATTR_PAGE_HEADERLEFT );
aHFConv.FillToItemSet( rItemSet, ATTR_PAGE_HEADERRIGHT );
// #i23296# In Calc, "top margin" is distance to header
fTopMargin = maData.mfHeaderMargin;
// Calc uses distance between header and sheet data area
fHeaderHeight = XclTools::GetInchFromTwips( aHFConv.GetTotalHeight() );
fHeaderDist = maData.mfTopMargin - maData.mfHeaderMargin - fHeaderHeight;
if( fHeaderDist < 0.0 )
/* #i23296# Header overlays sheet data:
-> set fixed header height to get correct sheet data position. */
ScfTools::PutItem( rHdrItemSet, SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_DYNAMIC, false ), true );
// shrink header height
long nHdrHeight = XclTools::GetTwipsFromInch( fHeaderHeight + fHeaderDist );
ScfTools::PutItem( rHdrItemSet, SvxSizeItem( ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, Size( 0, nHdrHeight ) ), true );
lclPutMarginItem( rHdrItemSet, EXC_ID_BOTTOMMARGIN, 0.0 );
// use dynamic header height
ScfTools::PutItem( rHdrItemSet, SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_DYNAMIC, true ), true );
lclPutMarginItem( rHdrItemSet, EXC_ID_BOTTOMMARGIN, fHeaderDist );
lclPutMarginItem( rHdrItemSet, EXC_ID_LEFTMARGIN, fHdrLeftMargin );
lclPutMarginItem( rHdrItemSet, EXC_ID_RIGHTMARGIN, fHdrRightMargin );
rItemSet.Put( aHdrSetItem );
// footer
bool bHasFooter = (maData.maFooter.Len() != 0);
SvxSetItem aFtrSetItem( GETITEM( rItemSet, SvxSetItem, ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERSET ) );
SfxItemSet& rFtrItemSet = aFtrSetItem.GetItemSet();
rFtrItemSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_ON, bHasFooter ) );
if( bHasFooter )
aHFConv.ParseString( maData.maFooter );
aHFConv.FillToItemSet( rItemSet, ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERLEFT );
aHFConv.FillToItemSet( rItemSet, ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERRIGHT );
// #i23296# In Calc, "bottom margin" is distance to footer
fBottomMargin = maData.mfFooterMargin;
// Calc uses distance between footer and sheet data area
fFooterHeight = XclTools::GetInchFromTwips( aHFConv.GetTotalHeight() );
fFooterDist = maData.mfBottomMargin - maData.mfFooterMargin - fFooterHeight;
if( fFooterDist < 0.0 )
/* #i23296# Footer overlays sheet data:
-> set fixed footer height to get correct sheet data end position. */
ScfTools::PutItem( rFtrItemSet, SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_DYNAMIC, false ), true );
// shrink footer height
long nFtrHeight = XclTools::GetTwipsFromInch( fFooterHeight + fFooterDist );
ScfTools::PutItem( rFtrItemSet, SvxSizeItem( ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, Size( 0, nFtrHeight ) ), true );
lclPutMarginItem( rFtrItemSet, EXC_ID_TOPMARGIN, 0.0 );
// use dynamic footer height
ScfTools::PutItem( rFtrItemSet, SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_DYNAMIC, true ), true );
lclPutMarginItem( rFtrItemSet, EXC_ID_TOPMARGIN, fFooterDist );
lclPutMarginItem( rFtrItemSet, EXC_ID_LEFTMARGIN, fFtrLeftMargin );
lclPutMarginItem( rFtrItemSet, EXC_ID_RIGHTMARGIN, fFtrRightMargin );
rItemSet.Put( aFtrSetItem );
// *** set final margins ***
lclPutMarginItem( rItemSet, EXC_ID_LEFTMARGIN, fLeftMargin );
lclPutMarginItem( rItemSet, EXC_ID_RIGHTMARGIN, fRightMargin );
lclPutMarginItem( rItemSet, EXC_ID_TOPMARGIN, fTopMargin );
lclPutMarginItem( rItemSet, EXC_ID_BOTTOMMARGIN, fBottomMargin );
// *** put style sheet into document ***
rDoc.SetPageStyle( nScTab, rStyleSheet.GetName() );
// *** page breaks ***
ScfUInt16Vec::const_iterator aIt, aEnd;
for( aIt = maData.maHorPageBreaks.begin(), aEnd = maData.maHorPageBreaks.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
SCROW nScRow = static_cast< SCROW >( *aIt );
if( nScRow <= MAXROW )
rDoc.SetRowBreak(nScRow, nScTab, false, true);
for( aIt = maData.maVerPageBreaks.begin(), aEnd = maData.maVerPageBreaks.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
SCCOL nScCol = static_cast< SCCOL >( *aIt );
if( nScCol <= MAXCOL )
rDoc.SetColBreak(nScCol, nScTab, false, true);
// ============================================================================