blob: c1ecc1ef488c7cdfe3a08123eac9ce7ecb131d38 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
#ifndef PCH
#include <string.h>
#include "compiler.hxx"
#include "tokstack.hxx"
#include "global.hxx"
#include "scmatrix.hxx"
#include <stdio.h> // printf
const sal_uInt16 TokenPool::nScTokenOff = 8192;
TokenStack::TokenStack( sal_uInt16 nNewSize )
pStack = new TokenId[ nNewSize ];
nSize = nNewSize;
delete[] pStack;
// !ACHTUNG!: nach Aussen hin beginnt die Nummerierung mit 1!
// !ACHTUNG!: SC-Token werden mit einem Offset nScTokenOff abgelegt
// -> Unterscheidung von anderen Token
TokenPool::TokenPool( void )
sal_uInt16 nLauf = nScTokenOff;
// Sammelstelle fuer Id-Folgen
nP_Id = 256;
pP_Id = new sal_uInt16[ nP_Id ];
// Sammelstelle fuer Ids
nElement = 32;
pElement = new sal_uInt16[ nElement ];
pType = new E_TYPE[ nElement ];
pSize = new sal_uInt16[ nElement ];
nP_IdLast = 0;
// Sammelstelle fuer Strings
nP_Str = 4;
ppP_Str = new String *[ nP_Str ];
for( nLauf = 0 ; nLauf < nP_Str ; nLauf++ )
ppP_Str[ nLauf ] = NULL;
// Sammelstelle fuer double
nP_Dbl = 8;
pP_Dbl = new double[ nP_Dbl ];
// Sammelstelle fuer error codes
nP_Err = 8;
pP_Err = new sal_uInt16[ nP_Err ];
// Sammelstellen fuer Referenzen
nP_RefTr = 32;
ppP_RefTr = new ScSingleRefData *[ nP_RefTr ];
for( nLauf = 0 ; nLauf < nP_RefTr ; nLauf++ )
ppP_RefTr[ nLauf ] = NULL;
nP_Ext = 32;
ppP_Ext = new EXTCONT*[ nP_Ext ];
memset( ppP_Ext, 0, sizeof( EXTCONT* ) * nP_Ext );
nP_Nlf = 16;
ppP_Nlf = new NLFCONT*[ nP_Nlf ];
memset( ppP_Nlf, 0, sizeof( NLFCONT* ) * nP_Nlf );
nP_Matrix = 16;
ppP_Matrix = new ScMatrix*[ nP_Matrix ];
memset( ppP_Matrix, 0, sizeof( ScMatrix* ) * nP_Matrix );
pScToken = new ScTokenArray;
sal_uInt16 n;
delete[] pP_Id;
delete[] pElement;
delete[] pType;
delete[] pSize;
delete[] pP_Dbl;
delete[] pP_Err;
for( n = 0 ; n < nP_RefTr ; n++ )
delete ppP_RefTr[ n ];
delete[] ppP_RefTr;
for( n = 0 ; n < nP_Str ; n++ )
delete ppP_Str[ n ];
delete[] ppP_Str;
for( n = 0 ; n < nP_Ext ; n++ )
delete ppP_Ext[ n ];
delete[] ppP_Ext;
for( n = 0 ; n < nP_Nlf ; n++ )
delete ppP_Nlf[ n ];
delete[] ppP_Nlf;
for( n = 0 ; n < nP_Matrix ; n++ )
if( ppP_Matrix[ n ] )
ppP_Matrix[ n ]->DecRef( );
delete[] ppP_Matrix;
delete pScToken;
/** Returns the new number of elements, or 0 if overflow. */
static sal_uInt16 lcl_canGrow( sal_uInt16 nOld, sal_uInt16 nByMin = 1 )
if (!nOld)
return nByMin ? nByMin : 1;
if (nOld == SAL_MAX_UINT16)
return 0;
sal_uInt32 nNew = ::std::max( static_cast<sal_uInt32>(nOld) * 2,
static_cast<sal_uInt32>(nOld) + nByMin);
if (nNew > SAL_MAX_UINT16)
nNew = SAL_MAX_UINT16;
if (nNew - nByMin < nOld)
nNew = 0;
return static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nNew);
bool TokenPool::GrowString( void )
sal_uInt16 nP_StrNew = lcl_canGrow( nP_Str);
if (!nP_StrNew)
return false;
sal_uInt16 nL;
String** ppP_StrNew = new (::std::nothrow) String *[ nP_StrNew ];
if (!ppP_StrNew)
return false;
for( nL = 0 ; nL < nP_Str ; nL++ )
ppP_StrNew[ nL ] = ppP_Str[ nL ];
for( nL = nP_Str ; nL < nP_StrNew ; nL++ )
ppP_StrNew[ nL ] = NULL;
nP_Str = nP_StrNew;
delete[] ppP_Str;
ppP_Str = ppP_StrNew;
return true;
bool TokenPool::GrowDouble( void )
sal_uInt16 nP_DblNew = lcl_canGrow( nP_Dbl);
if (!nP_DblNew)
return false;
double* pP_DblNew = new (::std::nothrow) double[ nP_DblNew ];
if (!pP_DblNew)
return false;
for( sal_uInt16 nL = 0 ; nL < nP_Dbl ; nL++ )
pP_DblNew[ nL ] = pP_Dbl[ nL ];
nP_Dbl = nP_DblNew;
delete[] pP_Dbl;
pP_Dbl = pP_DblNew;
return true;
/* TODO: in case we had FormulaTokenArray::AddError() */
#if 0
void TokenPool::GrowError( void )
sal_uInt16 nP_ErrNew = lcl_canGrow( nP_Err);
if (!nP_ErrNew)
return false;
sal_uInt16* pP_ErrNew = new (::std::nothrow) sal_uInt16[ nP_ErrNew ];
if (!pP_ErrNew)
return false;
for( sal_uInt16 nL = 0 ; nL < nP_Err ; nL++ )
pP_ErrNew[ nL ] = pP_Err[ nL ];
nP_Err = nP_ErrNew;
delete[] pP_Err;
pP_Err = pP_ErrNew;
return true;
bool TokenPool::GrowTripel( sal_uInt16 nByMin )
sal_uInt16 nP_RefTrNew = lcl_canGrow( nP_RefTr, nByMin);
if (!nP_RefTrNew)
return false;
sal_uInt16 nL;
ScSingleRefData** ppP_RefTrNew = new (::std::nothrow) ScSingleRefData *[ nP_RefTrNew ];
if (!ppP_RefTrNew)
return false;
for( nL = 0 ; nL < nP_RefTr ; nL++ )
ppP_RefTrNew[ nL ] = ppP_RefTr[ nL ];
for( nL = nP_RefTr ; nL < nP_RefTrNew ; nL++ )
ppP_RefTrNew[ nL ] = NULL;
nP_RefTr = nP_RefTrNew;
delete[] ppP_RefTr;
ppP_RefTr = ppP_RefTrNew;
return true;
bool TokenPool::GrowId( void )
sal_uInt16 nP_IdNew = lcl_canGrow( nP_Id);
if (!nP_IdNew)
return false;
sal_uInt16* pP_IdNew = new (::std::nothrow) sal_uInt16[ nP_IdNew ];
if (!pP_IdNew)
return false;
for( sal_uInt16 nL = 0 ; nL < nP_Id ; nL++ )
pP_IdNew[ nL ] = pP_Id[ nL ];
nP_Id = nP_IdNew;
delete[] pP_Id;
pP_Id = pP_IdNew;
return true;
bool TokenPool::GrowElement( void )
sal_uInt16 nElementNew = lcl_canGrow( nElement);
if (!nElementNew)
return false;
sal_uInt16* pElementNew = new (::std::nothrow) sal_uInt16[ nElementNew ];
E_TYPE* pTypeNew = new (::std::nothrow) E_TYPE[ nElementNew ];
sal_uInt16* pSizeNew = new (::std::nothrow) sal_uInt16[ nElementNew ];
if (!pElementNew || !pTypeNew || !pSizeNew)
delete [] pElementNew;
delete [] pTypeNew;
delete [] pSizeNew;
return false;
for( sal_uInt16 nL = 0 ; nL < nElement ; nL++ )
pElementNew[ nL ] = pElement[ nL ];
pTypeNew[ nL ] = pType[ nL ];
pSizeNew[ nL ] = pSize[ nL ];
nElement = nElementNew;
delete[] pElement;
delete[] pType;
delete[] pSize;
pElement = pElementNew;
pType = pTypeNew;
pSize = pSizeNew;
return true;
bool TokenPool::GrowExt( void )
sal_uInt16 nNewSize = lcl_canGrow( nP_Ext);
if (!nNewSize)
return false;
EXTCONT** ppNew = new (::std::nothrow) EXTCONT*[ nNewSize ];
if (!ppNew)
return false;
memset( ppNew, 0, sizeof( EXTCONT* ) * nNewSize );
memcpy( ppNew, ppP_Ext, sizeof( EXTCONT* ) * nP_Ext );
delete[] ppP_Ext;
ppP_Ext = ppNew;
nP_Ext = nNewSize;
return true;
bool TokenPool::GrowNlf( void )
sal_uInt16 nNewSize = lcl_canGrow( nP_Nlf);
if (!nNewSize)
return false;
NLFCONT** ppNew = new (::std::nothrow) NLFCONT*[ nNewSize ];
if (!ppNew)
return false;
memset( ppNew, 0, sizeof( NLFCONT* ) * nNewSize );
memcpy( ppNew, ppP_Nlf, sizeof( NLFCONT* ) * nP_Nlf );
delete[] ppP_Nlf;
ppP_Nlf = ppNew;
nP_Nlf = nNewSize;
return true;
bool TokenPool::GrowMatrix( void )
sal_uInt16 nNewSize = lcl_canGrow( nP_Matrix);
if (!nNewSize)
return false;
ScMatrix** ppNew = new (::std::nothrow) ScMatrix*[ nNewSize ];
if (!ppNew)
return false;
memset( ppNew, 0, sizeof( ScMatrix* ) * nNewSize );
memcpy( ppNew, ppP_Matrix, sizeof( ScMatrix* ) * nP_Matrix );
delete[] ppP_Matrix;
ppP_Matrix = ppNew;
nP_Matrix = nNewSize;
return true;
bool TokenPool::GetElement( const sal_uInt16 nId )
DBG_ASSERT( nId < nElementAkt, "*TokenPool::GetElement(): Id too large!?" );
if (nId >= nElementAkt)
return false;
bool bRet = true;
if( pType[ nId ] == T_Id )
bRet = GetElementRek( nId );
switch( pType[ nId ] )
case T_Str:
sal_uInt16 n = pElement[ nId ];
String* p = ( n < nP_Str )? ppP_Str[ n ] : NULL;
if (p)
pScToken->AddString( *p );
bRet = false;
case T_D:
sal_uInt16 n = pElement[ nId ];
if (n < nP_Dbl)
pScToken->AddDouble( pP_Dbl[ n ] );
bRet = false;
case T_Err:
/* TODO: in case we had FormulaTokenArray::AddError() */
#if 0
sal_uInt16 n = pElement[ nId ];
if (n < nP_Err)
pScToken->AddError( pP_Err[ n ] );
bRet = false;
case T_RefC:
sal_uInt16 n = pElement[ nId ];
ScSingleRefData* p = ( n < nP_RefTr )? ppP_RefTr[ n ] : NULL;
if (p)
pScToken->AddSingleReference( *p );
bRet = false;
case T_RefA:
sal_uInt16 n = pElement[ nId ];
if (n < nP_RefTr && ppP_RefTr[ n ] && n+1 < nP_RefTr && ppP_RefTr[ n + 1 ])
ScComplexRefData aScComplexRefData;
aScComplexRefData.Ref1 = *ppP_RefTr[ n ];
aScComplexRefData.Ref2 = *ppP_RefTr[ n + 1 ];
pScToken->AddDoubleReference( aScComplexRefData );
bRet = false;
case T_RN:
pScToken->AddName( pElement[ nId ] );
case T_Ext:
sal_uInt16 n = pElement[ nId ];
EXTCONT* p = ( n < nP_Ext )? ppP_Ext[ n ] : NULL;
if( p )
if( p->eId == ocEuroConvert )
pScToken->AddOpCode( p->eId );
pScToken->AddExternal( p->aText, p->eId );
bRet = false;
case T_Nlf:
sal_uInt16 n = pElement[ nId ];
NLFCONT* p = ( n < nP_Nlf )? ppP_Nlf[ n ] : NULL;
if( p )
pScToken->AddColRowName( p->aRef );
bRet = false;
case T_Matrix:
sal_uInt16 n = pElement[ nId ];
ScMatrix* p = ( n < nP_Matrix )? ppP_Matrix[ n ] : NULL;
if( p )
pScToken->AddMatrix( p );
bRet = false;
case T_ExtName:
sal_uInt16 n = pElement[nId];
if (n < maExtNames.size())
const ExtName& r = maExtNames[n];
pScToken->AddExternalName(r.mnFileId, r.maName);
bRet = false;
case T_ExtRefC:
sal_uInt16 n = pElement[nId];
if (n < maExtCellRefs.size())
const ExtCellRef& r = maExtCellRefs[n];
pScToken->AddExternalSingleReference(r.mnFileId, r.maTabName, r.maRef);
bRet = false;
case T_ExtRefA:
sal_uInt16 n = pElement[nId];
if (n < maExtAreaRefs.size())
const ExtAreaRef& r = maExtAreaRefs[n];
pScToken->AddExternalDoubleReference(r.mnFileId, r.maTabName, r.maRef);
bRet = false;
DBG_ERROR("-TokenPool::GetElement(): undefined state!?");
bRet = false;
return bRet;
bool TokenPool::GetElementRek( const sal_uInt16 nId )
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
DBG_ASSERT( nRek <= nP_Id, "*TokenPool::GetElement(): recursion loops" );
if (nId >= nElementAkt)
DBG_ERRORFILE( "*TokenPool::GetElementRek(): nId >= nElementAkt" );
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
return false;
if (pType[ nId ] != T_Id)
DBG_ERRORFILE( "-TokenPool::GetElementRek(): pType[ nId ] != T_Id" );
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
return false;
bool bRet = true;
sal_uInt16 nAnz = pSize[ nId ];
sal_uInt16 nFirstId = pElement[ nId ];
if (nFirstId >= nP_Id)
DBG_ERRORFILE( "TokenPool::GetElementRek: nFirstId >= nP_Id");
nAnz = 0;
bRet = false;
sal_uInt16* pAkt = nAnz ? &pP_Id[ nFirstId ] : NULL;
if (nAnz > nP_Id - nFirstId)
DBG_ERRORFILE( "TokenPool::GetElementRek: nAnz > nP_Id - nFirstId");
nAnz = nP_Id - nFirstId;
bRet = false;
for( ; nAnz > 0 ; nAnz--, pAkt++ )
if( *pAkt < nScTokenOff )
{// Rekursion oder nicht?
if (*pAkt >= nElementAkt)
DBG_ERRORFILE( "TokenPool::GetElementRek: *pAkt >= nElementAkt");
bRet = false;
if (pType[ *pAkt ] == T_Id)
bRet = GetElementRek( *pAkt );
bRet = GetElement( *pAkt );
else // elementarer SC_Token
pScToken->AddOpCode( ( DefTokenId ) ( *pAkt - nScTokenOff ) );
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
return bRet;
void TokenPool::operator >>( TokenId& rId )
rId = ( TokenId ) ( nElementAkt + 1 );
if( nElementAkt >= nElement )
if (!GrowElement())
pElement[ nElementAkt ] = nP_IdLast; // Start der Token-Folge
pType[ nElementAkt ] = T_Id; // Typinfo eintragen
pSize[ nElementAkt ] = nP_IdAkt - nP_IdLast;
// von nP_IdLast bis nP_IdAkt-1 geschrieben -> Laenge der Folge
nElementAkt++; // Startwerte fuer naechste Folge
nP_IdLast = nP_IdAkt;
const TokenId TokenPool::Store( const double& rDouble )
if( nElementAkt >= nElement )
if (!GrowElement())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
if( nP_DblAkt >= nP_Dbl )
if (!GrowDouble())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
pElement[ nElementAkt ] = nP_DblAkt; // Index in Double-Array
pType[ nElementAkt ] = T_D; // Typinfo Double eintragen
pP_Dbl[ nP_DblAkt ] = rDouble;
pSize[ nElementAkt ] = 1; // eigentlich Banane
return ( const TokenId ) nElementAkt; // Ausgabe von altem Wert + 1!
const TokenId TokenPool::Store( const sal_uInt16 nIndex )
if( nElementAkt >= nElement )
if (!GrowElement())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
pElement[ nElementAkt ] = nIndex; // Daten direkt im Index!
pType[ nElementAkt ] = T_RN; // Typinfo Range Name eintragen
return ( const TokenId ) nElementAkt; // Ausgabe von altem Wert + 1!
const TokenId TokenPool::Store( const String& rString )
// weitgehend nach Store( const sal_Char* ) kopiert, zur Vermeidung
// eines temporaeren Strings in "
if( nElementAkt >= nElement )
if (!GrowElement())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
if( nP_StrAkt >= nP_Str )
if (!GrowString())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
pElement[ nElementAkt ] = nP_StrAkt; // Index in String-Array
pType[ nElementAkt ] = T_Str; // Typinfo String eintragen
// String anlegen
if( !ppP_Str[ nP_StrAkt ] )
//...aber nur, wenn noch nicht vorhanden
ppP_Str[ nP_StrAkt ] = new (::std::nothrow) String( rString );
//...ansonsten nur kopieren
*ppP_Str[ nP_StrAkt ] = rString;
if (ppP_Str[ nP_StrAkt ])
DBG_ASSERT( sizeof( xub_StrLen ) <= 2, "*TokenPool::Store(): StrLen doesn't match!" );
pSize[ nElementAkt ] = ( sal_uInt16 ) ppP_Str[ nP_StrAkt ]->Len();
return ( const TokenId ) nElementAkt; // Ausgabe von altem Wert + 1!
const TokenId TokenPool::Store( const ScSingleRefData& rTr )
if( nElementAkt >= nElement )
if (!GrowElement())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
if( nP_RefTrAkt >= nP_RefTr )
if (!GrowTripel())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
pElement[ nElementAkt ] = nP_RefTrAkt;
pType[ nElementAkt ] = T_RefC; // Typinfo Cell-Reff eintragen
if( !ppP_RefTr[ nP_RefTrAkt ] )
ppP_RefTr[ nP_RefTrAkt ] = new ScSingleRefData( rTr );
*ppP_RefTr[ nP_RefTrAkt ] = rTr;
return ( const TokenId ) nElementAkt; // Ausgabe von altem Wert + 1!
const TokenId TokenPool::Store( const ScComplexRefData& rTr )
if( nElementAkt >= nElement )
if (!GrowElement())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
if( nP_RefTrAkt + 1 >= nP_RefTr )
if (!GrowTripel( 2))
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
pElement[ nElementAkt ] = nP_RefTrAkt;
pType[ nElementAkt ] = T_RefA; // Typinfo Area-Reff eintragen
if( !ppP_RefTr[ nP_RefTrAkt ] )
ppP_RefTr[ nP_RefTrAkt ] = new ScSingleRefData( rTr.Ref1 );
*ppP_RefTr[ nP_RefTrAkt ] = rTr.Ref1;
if( !ppP_RefTr[ nP_RefTrAkt ] )
ppP_RefTr[ nP_RefTrAkt ] = new ScSingleRefData( rTr.Ref2 );
*ppP_RefTr[ nP_RefTrAkt ] = rTr.Ref2;
return ( const TokenId ) nElementAkt; // Ausgabe von altem Wert + 1!
const TokenId TokenPool::Store( const DefTokenId e, const String& r )
if( nElementAkt >= nElement )
if (!GrowElement())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
if( nP_ExtAkt >= nP_Ext )
if (!GrowExt())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
pElement[ nElementAkt ] = nP_ExtAkt;
pType[ nElementAkt ] = T_Ext; // Typinfo String eintragen
if( ppP_Ext[ nP_ExtAkt ] )
ppP_Ext[ nP_ExtAkt ]->eId = e;
ppP_Ext[ nP_ExtAkt ]->aText = r;
ppP_Ext[ nP_ExtAkt ] = new EXTCONT( e, r );
return ( const TokenId ) nElementAkt; // Ausgabe von altem Wert + 1!
const TokenId TokenPool::StoreNlf( const ScSingleRefData& rTr )
if( nElementAkt >= nElement )
if (!GrowElement())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
if( nP_NlfAkt >= nP_Nlf )
if (!GrowNlf())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
pElement[ nElementAkt ] = nP_NlfAkt;
pType[ nElementAkt ] = T_Nlf;
if( ppP_Nlf[ nP_NlfAkt ] )
ppP_Nlf[ nP_NlfAkt ]->aRef = rTr;
ppP_Nlf[ nP_NlfAkt ] = new NLFCONT( rTr );
return ( const TokenId ) nElementAkt;
const TokenId TokenPool::StoreMatrix()
ScMatrix* pM;
if( nElementAkt >= nElement )
if (!GrowElement())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
if( nP_MatrixAkt >= nP_Matrix )
if (!GrowMatrix())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
pElement[ nElementAkt ] = nP_MatrixAkt;
pType[ nElementAkt ] = T_Matrix;
pM = new ScMatrix( 0, 0 );
pM->IncRef( );
ppP_Matrix[ nP_MatrixAkt ] = pM;
return ( const TokenId ) nElementAkt;
const TokenId TokenPool::StoreExtName( sal_uInt16 nFileId, const String& rName )
if ( nElementAkt >= nElement )
if (!GrowElement())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
pElement[nElementAkt] = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(maExtNames.size());
pType[nElementAkt] = T_ExtName;
ExtName& r = maExtNames.back();
r.mnFileId = nFileId;
r.maName = rName;
return static_cast<const TokenId>(nElementAkt);
const TokenId TokenPool::StoreExtRef( sal_uInt16 nFileId, const String& rTabName, const ScSingleRefData& rRef )
if ( nElementAkt >= nElement )
if (!GrowElement())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
pElement[nElementAkt] = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(maExtCellRefs.size());
pType[nElementAkt] = T_ExtRefC;
ExtCellRef& r = maExtCellRefs.back();
r.mnFileId = nFileId;
r.maTabName = rTabName;
r.maRef = rRef;
return static_cast<const TokenId>(nElementAkt);
const TokenId TokenPool::StoreExtRef( sal_uInt16 nFileId, const String& rTabName, const ScComplexRefData& rRef )
if ( nElementAkt >= nElement )
if (!GrowElement())
return (const TokenId) nElementAkt+1;
pElement[nElementAkt] = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(maExtAreaRefs.size());
pType[nElementAkt] = T_ExtRefA;
ExtAreaRef& r = maExtAreaRefs.back();
r.mnFileId = nFileId;
r.maTabName = rTabName;
r.maRef = rRef;
return static_cast<const TokenId>(nElementAkt);
void TokenPool::Reset( void )
nP_IdAkt = nP_IdLast = nElementAkt = nP_StrAkt = nP_DblAkt = nP_ErrAkt = nP_RefTrAkt = nP_ExtAkt = nP_NlfAkt = nP_MatrixAkt = 0;
sal_Bool TokenPool::IsSingleOp( const TokenId& rId, const DefTokenId eId ) const
sal_uInt16 nId = (sal_uInt16) rId;
if( nId && nId <= nElementAkt )
{// existent?
if( T_Id == pType[ nId ] )
{// Tokenfolge?
if( pSize[ nId ] == 1 )
{// GENAU 1 Token
sal_uInt16 nPid = pElement[ nId ];
if (nPid < nP_Id)
sal_uInt16 nSecId = pP_Id[ nPid ];
if( nSecId >= nScTokenOff )
{// Default-Token?
return ( DefTokenId ) ( nSecId - nScTokenOff ) == eId; // Gesuchter?
return sal_False;
const String* TokenPool::GetExternal( const TokenId& rId ) const
const String* p = NULL;
sal_uInt16 n = (sal_uInt16) rId;
if( n && n <= nElementAkt )
if( pType[ n ] == T_Ext )
sal_uInt16 nExt = pElement[ n ];
if ( nExt < nP_Ext && ppP_Ext[ nExt ] )
p = &ppP_Ext[ nExt ]->aText;
return p;
ScMatrix* TokenPool::GetMatrix( unsigned int n ) const
if( n < nP_MatrixAkt )
return ppP_Matrix[ n ];
printf ("GETMATRIX %d >= %d\n", n, nP_MatrixAkt);
return NULL;