blob: f6d597d6a4e8d80f47585fa81bb37d85b031c670 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
#include "scitems.hxx"
#include <svl/intitem.hxx>
#include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
#include <float.h> // DBL_MIN
#include "chartarr.hxx"
#include "document.hxx"
#include "rechead.hxx"
#include "globstr.hrc"
#include "cell.hxx"
#include "docoptio.hxx"
#include <vector>
using ::std::vector;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ScMemChart::ScMemChart(short nCols, short nRows)
nRowCnt = nRows;
nColCnt = nCols;
pData = new double[nColCnt * nRowCnt];
if (pData)
double *pFill = pData;
for (short i = 0; i < nColCnt; i++)
for (short j = 0; j < nRowCnt; j++)
*(pFill ++) = 0.0;
pColText = new String[nColCnt];
pRowText = new String[nRowCnt];
delete[] pRowText;
delete[] pColText;
delete[] pData;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ScChartArray::ScChartArray( ScDocument* pDoc, SCTAB nTab,
SCCOL nStartColP, SCROW nStartRowP, SCCOL nEndColP, SCROW nEndRowP,
const String& rChartName ) :
aName( rChartName ),
pDocument( pDoc ),
aPositioner(pDoc, nTab, nStartColP, nStartRowP, nEndColP, nEndRowP),
bValid( sal_True )
ScChartArray::ScChartArray( ScDocument* pDoc, const ScRangeListRef& rRangeList,
const String& rChartName ) :
aName( rChartName ),
pDocument( pDoc ),
aPositioner(pDoc, rRangeList),
bValid( sal_True )
ScChartArray::ScChartArray( const ScChartArray& rArr ) :
ScDataObject* ScChartArray::Clone() const
return new ScChartArray(*this);
sal_Bool ScChartArray::operator==(const ScChartArray& rCmp) const
return aPositioner == rCmp.aPositioner
&& aName == rCmp.aName;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma optimize("",off)
ScMemChart* ScChartArray::CreateMemChart()
ScRangeListRef aRangeListRef(GetRangeList());
sal_uLong nCount = aRangeListRef->Count();
if ( nCount > 1 )
return CreateMemChartMulti();
else if ( nCount == 1 )
ScRange* pR = aRangeListRef->First();
if ( pR->aStart.Tab() != pR->aEnd.Tab() )
return CreateMemChartMulti();
return CreateMemChartSingle();
return CreateMemChartMulti(); // kann 0 Range besser ab als Single
ScMemChart* ScChartArray::CreateMemChartSingle()
// wirkliche Groesse (ohne versteckte Zeilen/Spalten)
SCCOL nColAdd = HasRowHeaders() ? 1 : 0;
SCROW nRowAdd = HasColHeaders() ? 1 : 0;
SCCOL nCol1;
SCROW nRow1;
SCTAB nTab1;
SCCOL nCol2;
SCROW nRow2;
SCTAB nTab2;
ScRangeListRef aRangeListRef(GetRangeList());
aRangeListRef->First()->GetVars( nCol1, nRow1, nTab1, nCol2, nRow2, nTab2 );
SCCOL nStrCol = nCol1; // fuer Beschriftung merken
SCROW nStrRow = nRow1;
// Skip hidden columns.
// TODO: make use of last column value once implemented.
SCCOL nLastCol = -1;
while (pDocument->ColHidden(nCol1, nTab1, nLastCol))
// Skip hidden rows.
SCROW nLastRow = -1;
if (pDocument->RowHidden(nRow1, nTab1, nLastRow))
nRow1 = nLastRow + 1;
// falls alles hidden ist, bleibt die Beschriftung am Anfang
if ( nCol1 <= nCol2 )
nStrCol = nCol1;
nCol1 = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>( nCol1 + nColAdd );
if ( nRow1 <= nRow2 )
nStrRow = nRow1;
nRow1 = sal::static_int_cast<SCROW>( nRow1 + nRowAdd );
SCSIZE nTotalCols = ( nCol1 <= nCol2 ? nCol2 - nCol1 + 1 : 0 );
vector<SCCOL> aCols;
for (SCSIZE i=0; i<nTotalCols; i++)
SCCOL nThisCol = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>(nCol1+i);
if (!pDocument->ColHidden(nThisCol, nTab1, nLastCol))
SCSIZE nColCount = aCols.size();
SCSIZE nTotalRows = ( nRow1 <= nRow2 ? nRow2 - nRow1 + 1 : 0 );
vector<SCROW> aRows;
if (nRow1 <= nRow2)
// Get all visible rows between nRow1 and nRow2.
SCROW nThisRow = nRow1;
while (nThisRow <= nRow2)
if (pDocument->RowHidden(nThisRow, nTab1, nLastRow))
nThisRow = nLastRow;
SCSIZE nRowCount = aRows.size();
// May happen at least with more than 32k rows.
if (nColCount > SHRT_MAX || nRowCount > SHRT_MAX)
nColCount = 0;
nRowCount = 0;
sal_Bool bValidData = sal_True;
if ( !nColCount )
bValidData = sal_False;
nColCount = 1;
if ( !nRowCount )
bValidData = sal_False;
nRowCount = 1;
// Daten
ScMemChart* pMemChart = new ScMemChart(
static_cast<short>(nColCount), static_cast<short>(nRowCount) );
if (pMemChart)
// SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = pDocument->GetFormatTable();
// pMemChart->SetNumberFormatter( pFormatter );
if ( bValidData )
sal_Bool bCalcAsShown = pDocument->GetDocOptions().IsCalcAsShown();
ScBaseCell* pCell;
for (nCol=0; nCol<nColCount; nCol++)
for (nRow=0; nRow<nRowCount; nRow++)
double nVal = DBL_MIN; // Hack fuer Chart, um leere Zellen zu erkennen
pDocument->GetCell( aCols[nCol], aRows[nRow], nTab1, pCell );
if (pCell)
CellType eType = pCell->GetCellType();
if (eType == CELLTYPE_VALUE)
nVal = ((ScValueCell*)pCell)->GetValue();
if ( bCalcAsShown && nVal != 0.0 )
sal_uInt32 nFormat;
pDocument->GetNumberFormat( aCols[nCol],
aRows[nRow], nTab1, nFormat );
nVal = pDocument->RoundValueAsShown( nVal, nFormat );
else if (eType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
ScFormulaCell* pFCell = (ScFormulaCell*)pCell;
if ( (pFCell->GetErrCode() == 0) && pFCell->IsValue() )
nVal = pFCell->GetValue();
pMemChart->SetData(static_cast<short>(nCol), static_cast<short>(nRow), nVal);
//! Flag, dass Daten ungueltig ??
for (nCol=0; nCol<nColCount; nCol++)
for (nRow=0; nRow<nRowCount; nRow++)
pMemChart->SetData( static_cast<short>(nCol), static_cast<short>(nRow), DBL_MIN );
// Spalten-Header
for (nCol=0; nCol<nColCount; nCol++)
String aString, aColStr;
if (HasColHeaders())
pDocument->GetString( aCols[nCol], nStrRow, nTab1, aString );
if ( !aString.Len() )
aString = ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_COLUMN);
aString += ' ';
// aString += String::CreateFromInt32( pCols[nCol]+1 );
ScAddress aPos( aCols[ nCol ], 0, 0 );
aPos.Format( aColStr, SCA_VALID_COL, NULL );
aString += aColStr;
pMemChart->SetColText( static_cast<short>(nCol), aString);
// sal_uLong nNumberAttr = (nTotalRows ? pDocument->GetNumberFormat(
// ScAddress( pCols[nCol], nRow1, nTab1)) : 0);
// pMemChart->SetNumFormatIdCol( static_cast<long>(nCol), nNumberAttr );
// Zeilen-Header
for (nRow=0; nRow<nRowCount; nRow++)
String aString;
if (HasRowHeaders())
ScAddress aAddr( nStrCol, aRows[nRow], nTab1 );
pDocument->GetString( nStrCol, aRows[nRow], nTab1, aString );
if ( !aString.Len() )
aString = ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_ROW);
aString += ' ';
aString += String::CreateFromInt32( aRows[nRow]+1 );
pMemChart->SetRowText( static_cast<short>(nRow), aString);
// sal_uLong nNumberAttr = (nTotalCols ? pDocument->GetNumberFormat(
// ScAddress( nCol1, pRows[nRow], nTab1)) : 0);
// pMemChart->SetNumFormatIdRow( static_cast<long>(nRow), nNumberAttr );
// Titel
// pMemChart->SetMainTitle(ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_CHART_MAINTITLE));
// pMemChart->SetSubTitle(ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_CHART_SUBTITLE));
// pMemChart->SetXAxisTitle(ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_CHART_XTITLE));
// pMemChart->SetYAxisTitle(ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_CHART_YTITLE));
// pMemChart->SetZAxisTitle(ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_CHART_ZTITLE));
// Zahlen-Typ
// sal_uLong nNumberAttr = (nTotalCols && nTotalRows ?
// pDocument->GetNumberFormat( ScAddress( nCol1, nRow1, nTab1)) :
// 0);
// if (pFormatter)
// pMemChart->SetDataType(pFormatter->GetType( nNumberAttr ));
// Parameter-Strings
// SetExtraStrings( *pMemChart );
return pMemChart;
ScMemChart* ScChartArray::CreateMemChartMulti()
SCSIZE nColCount = GetPositionMap()->GetColCount();
SCSIZE nRowCount = GetPositionMap()->GetRowCount();
SCSIZE nCol = 0;
SCSIZE nRow = 0;
// May happen at least with more than 32k rows.
if (nColCount > SHRT_MAX || nRowCount > SHRT_MAX)
nColCount = 0;
nRowCount = 0;
sal_Bool bValidData = sal_True;
if ( !nColCount )
bValidData = sal_False;
nColCount = 1;
if ( !nRowCount )
bValidData = sal_False;
nRowCount = 1;
// Daten
ScMemChart* pMemChart = new ScMemChart(
static_cast<short>(nColCount), static_cast<short>(nRowCount) );
if (pMemChart)
// pMemChart->SetNumberFormatter( pDocument->GetFormatTable() );
sal_Bool bCalcAsShown = pDocument->GetDocOptions().IsCalcAsShown();
sal_uLong nIndex = 0;
if (bValidData)
for ( nCol = 0; nCol < nColCount; nCol++ )
for ( nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; nRow++, nIndex++ )
double nVal = DBL_MIN; // Hack fuer Chart, um leere Zellen zu erkennen
const ScAddress* pPos = GetPositionMap()->GetPosition( nIndex );
if ( pPos )
{ // sonst: Luecke
ScBaseCell* pCell = pDocument->GetCell( *pPos );
if (pCell)
CellType eType = pCell->GetCellType();
if (eType == CELLTYPE_VALUE)
nVal = ((ScValueCell*)pCell)->GetValue();
if ( bCalcAsShown && nVal != 0.0 )
sal_uLong nFormat = pDocument->GetNumberFormat( *pPos );
nVal = pDocument->RoundValueAsShown( nVal, nFormat );
else if (eType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
ScFormulaCell* pFCell = (ScFormulaCell*)pCell;
if ( (pFCell->GetErrCode() == 0) && pFCell->IsValue() )
nVal = pFCell->GetValue();
pMemChart->SetData(static_cast<short>(nCol), static_cast<short>(nRow), nVal);
for ( nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; nRow++, nIndex++ )
double nVal = DBL_MIN; // Hack fuer Chart, um leere Zellen zu erkennen
const ScAddress* pPos = GetPositionMap()->GetPosition( nIndex );
if ( pPos )
{ // sonst: Luecke
ScBaseCell* pCell = pDocument->GetCell( *pPos );
if (pCell)
CellType eType = pCell->GetCellType();
if (eType == CELLTYPE_VALUE)
nVal = ((ScValueCell*)pCell)->GetValue();
if ( bCalcAsShown && nVal != 0.0 )
sal_uLong nFormat = pDocument->GetNumberFormat( *pPos );
nVal = pDocument->RoundValueAsShown( nVal, nFormat );
else if (eType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
ScFormulaCell* pFCell = (ScFormulaCell*)pCell;
if ( (pFCell->GetErrCode() == 0) && pFCell->IsValue() )
nVal = pFCell->GetValue();
pMemChart->SetData(static_cast<short>(nCol), static_cast<short>(nRow), nVal);
//2do: Beschriftung bei Luecken
// Spalten-Header
SCCOL nPosCol = 0;
for ( nCol = 0; nCol < nColCount; nCol++ )
String aString, aColStr;
const ScAddress* pPos = GetPositionMap()->GetColHeaderPosition( static_cast<SCCOL>(nCol) );
if ( HasColHeaders() && pPos )
pPos->Col(), pPos->Row(), pPos->Tab(), aString );
if ( !aString.Len() )
aString = ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_COLUMN);
aString += ' ';
if ( pPos )
nPosCol = pPos->Col() + 1;
ScAddress aPos( nPosCol - 1, 0, 0 );
aPos.Format( aColStr, SCA_VALID_COL, NULL );
// aString += String::CreateFromInt32( nPosCol );
aString += aColStr;
pMemChart->SetColText( static_cast<short>(nCol), aString);
// sal_uLong nNumberAttr = 0;
// pPos = GetPositionMap()->GetPosition( nCol, 0 );
// if ( pPos )
// nNumberAttr = pDocument->GetNumberFormat( *pPos );
// pMemChart->SetNumFormatIdCol( static_cast<long>(nCol), nNumberAttr );
// Zeilen-Header
SCROW nPosRow = 0;
for ( nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; nRow++ )
String aString;
const ScAddress* pPos = GetPositionMap()->GetRowHeaderPosition( nRow );
if ( HasRowHeaders() && pPos )
pPos->Col(), pPos->Row(), pPos->Tab(), aString );
if ( !aString.Len() )
aString = ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_ROW);
aString += ' ';
if ( pPos )
nPosRow = pPos->Row() + 1;
aString += String::CreateFromInt32( nPosRow );
pMemChart->SetRowText( static_cast<short>(nRow), aString);
// sal_uLong nNumberAttr = 0;
// pPos = GetPositionMap()->GetPosition( 0, nRow );
// if ( pPos )
// nNumberAttr = pDocument->GetNumberFormat( *pPos );
// pMemChart->SetNumFormatIdRow( static_cast<long>(nRow), nNumberAttr );
// Titel
// pMemChart->SetMainTitle(ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_CHART_MAINTITLE));
// pMemChart->SetSubTitle(ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_CHART_SUBTITLE));
// pMemChart->SetXAxisTitle(ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_CHART_XTITLE));
// pMemChart->SetYAxisTitle(ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_CHART_YTITLE));
// pMemChart->SetZAxisTitle(ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_CHART_ZTITLE));
// Zahlen-Typ
// SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = pDocument->GetFormatTable();
// if (pFormatter)
// {
// sal_uLong nIndex = 0;
// sal_uLong nCount = GetPositionMap()->GetCount();
// const ScAddress* pPos;
// do
// {
// pPos = GetPositionMap()->GetPosition( nIndex );
// } while ( !pPos && ++nIndex < nCount );
// sal_uLong nFormat = ( pPos ? pDocument->GetNumberFormat( *pPos ) : 0 );
// pMemChart->SetDataType( pFormatter->GetType( nFormat ) );
// }
// Parameter-Strings
// SetExtraStrings( *pMemChart );
return pMemChart;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma optimize("",on)
// Collection
ScDataObject* ScChartCollection::Clone() const
return new ScChartCollection(*this);
sal_Bool ScChartCollection::operator==(const ScChartCollection& rCmp) const
if (nCount != rCmp.nCount)
return sal_False;
for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<nCount; i++)
if (!((*(const ScChartArray*)pItems[i]) == (*(const ScChartArray*)rCmp.pItems[i])))
return sal_False;
return sal_True;