blob: 8d2459453d73f43135d19891a4458577fd036b74 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <vcl/graph.hxx>
#include <svx/fmmodel.hxx>
#include <svx/svdundo.hxx>
#include "global.hxx"
class ScDocument;
class SfxViewShell;
class SfxObjectShell;
class ScDrawObjData;
class ScIMapInfo;
class ScMacroInfo;
class IMapObject;
class ScMarkData;
class SdrOle2Obj;
class ScRange;
class ScAddress;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class ScTabDeletedHint : public SfxHint
ScTabDeletedHint( SCTAB nTabNo = SCTAB_MAX );
virtual ~ScTabDeletedHint();
SCTAB GetTab() { return nTab; }
class ScTabSizeChangedHint : public SfxHint
ScTabSizeChangedHint( SCTAB nTabNo = SCTAB_MAX );
virtual ~ScTabSizeChangedHint();
SCTAB GetTab() { return nTab; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Das Anpassen der Detektiv-UserData muss zusammen mit den Draw-Undo's
// in der SdrUndoGroup liegen, darum von SdrUndoAction abgeleitet:
class ScUndoObjData : public SdrUndoObj
ScAddress aOldStt;
ScAddress aOldEnd;
ScAddress aNewStt;
ScAddress aNewEnd;
sal_Bool bHasNew;
ScUndoObjData( SdrObject* pObj, const ScAddress& rOS, const ScAddress& rOE,
const ScAddress& rNS, const ScAddress& rNE );
virtual void Undo();
virtual void Redo();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
class SC_DLLPUBLIC ScDrawLayer : public FmFormModel
//REMOVE SotStorageRef xPictureStorage;
String aName;
ScDocument* pDoc;
SdrUndoGroup* pUndoGroup;
sal_Bool bRecording;
sal_Bool bAdjustEnabled;
sal_Bool bHyphenatorSet;
bool mbUndoAllowed;
void MoveAreaTwips( SCTAB nTab, const Rectangle& rArea, const Point& rMove,
const Point& rTopLeft );
void MoveCells( SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1,SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2,SCROW nRow2,
SCsCOL nDx,SCsROW nDy, bool bUpdateNoteCaptionPos );
void RecalcPos( SdrObject* pObj, const ScDrawObjData& rData, bool bNegativePage, bool bUpdateNoteCaptionPos );
ScDrawLayer( ScDocument* pDocument, const String& rName );
virtual ~ScDrawLayer();
virtual SdrPage* AllocPage(FASTBOOL bMasterPage);
virtual SdrModel* AllocModel() const;
virtual void SetChanged( sal_Bool bFlg = sal_True );
virtual Window* GetCurDocViewWin();
virtual SvStream* GetDocumentStream(SdrDocumentStreamInfo& rStreamInfo) const;
virtual SdrLayerID GetControlExportLayerId( const SdrObject & ) const;
//REMOVE void ReleasePictureStorage();
sal_Bool HasObjects() const;
sal_Bool ScAddPage( SCTAB nTab );
void ScRemovePage( SCTAB nTab );
void ScRenamePage( SCTAB nTab, const String& rNewName );
void ScMovePage( sal_uInt16 nOldPos, sal_uInt16 nNewPos );
// inkl. Inhalt, bAlloc=sal_False -> nur Inhalt
void ScCopyPage( sal_uInt16 nOldPos, sal_uInt16 nNewPos, sal_Bool bAlloc );
ScDocument* GetDocument() const { return pDoc; }
void UpdateBasic(); // DocShell-Basic in DrawPages setzen
void UseHyphenator();
sal_Bool GetPrintArea( ScRange& rRange, sal_Bool bSetHor, sal_Bool bSetVer ) const;
// automatische Anpassungen
void EnableAdjust( sal_Bool bSet = sal_True ) { bAdjustEnabled = bSet; }
void BeginCalcUndo(bool bDisableTextEditUsesCommonUndoManager);
SdrUndoGroup* GetCalcUndo();
sal_Bool IsRecording() const { return bRecording; }
void AddCalcUndo( SdrUndoAction* pUndo );
template< typename TUndoAction, typename TArg >
inline void AddCalcUndo( const TArg & rArg ) { if( this->IsUndoAllowed() ) this->AddCalcUndo( new TUndoAction( rArg ) ); }
template< typename TUndoAction, typename TArg >
inline void AddCalcUndo( TArg & rArg ) { if( this->IsUndoAllowed() ) this->AddCalcUndo( new TUndoAction( rArg ) ); }
template< typename TUndoAction, typename TArg1, typename TArg2 >
inline void AddCalcUndo( TArg1 & rArg1, TArg2 & rArg2 ) { if( this->IsUndoAllowed() ) this->AddCalcUndo( new TUndoAction( rArg1, rArg2 ) ); }
template< typename TUndoAction, typename TArg1, typename TArg2 >
inline void AddCalcUndo( const TArg1 & rArg1, const TArg2 & rArg2 ) { if( this->IsUndoAllowed() ) this->AddCalcUndo( new TUndoAction( rArg1, rArg2 ) ); }
template< typename TUndoAction, typename TArg1, typename TArg2, typename TArg3, typename TArg4, typename TArg5 >
inline void AddCalcUndo( const TArg1 & rArg1, const TArg2 & rArg2, const TArg3 & rArg3, const TArg4 & rArg4, const TArg5 & rArg5 ) { if( this->IsUndoAllowed() ) this->AddCalcUndo( new TUndoAction( rArg1, rArg2, rArg3, rArg4, rArg5 ) ); }
void MoveArea( SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1,SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2,SCROW nRow2,
SCsCOL nDx,SCsROW nDy, sal_Bool bInsDel, bool bUpdateNoteCaptionPos = true );
void WidthChanged( SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol, long nDifTwips );
void HeightChanged( SCTAB nTab, SCROW nRow, long nDifTwips );
sal_Bool HasObjectsInRows( SCTAB nTab, SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, bool bIncludeNotes = true );
void DeleteObjectsInArea( SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1,SCROW nRow1,
SCCOL nCol2,SCROW nRow2 );
void DeleteObjectsInSelection( const ScMarkData& rMark );
#if 0
void DeleteObjects( SCTAB nTab );
void CopyToClip( ScDocument* pClipDoc, SCTAB nTab, const Rectangle& rRange );
void CopyFromClip( ScDrawLayer* pClipModel,
SCTAB nSourceTab, const Rectangle& rSourceRange,
const ScAddress& rDestPos, const Rectangle& rDestRange );
void SetPageSize( sal_uInt16 nPageNo, const Size& rSize, bool bUpdateNoteCaptionPos = true );
// mirror or move between positive and negative positions for RTL
void MirrorRTL( SdrObject* pObj );
static void MirrorRectRTL( Rectangle& rRect ); // for bounding rectangles etc.
/** Returns the rectangle for the passed cell address in 1/100 mm.
@param bMergedCell True = regards merged cells. False = use single column/row size. */
static Rectangle GetCellRect( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, bool bMergedCell );
// GetVisibleName: name for navigator etc: GetPersistName or GetName
// (ChartListenerCollection etc. must use GetPersistName directly)
static String GetVisibleName( SdrObject* pObj );
SdrObject* GetNamedObject( const String& rName, sal_uInt16 nId, SCTAB& rFoundTab ) const;
// if pnCounter != NULL, the search for a name starts with this index + 1,
// and the index really used is returned.
String GetNewGraphicName( long* pnCounter = NULL ) const;
void EnsureGraphicNames();
// Verankerung setzen und ermitteln
static void SetAnchor( SdrObject*, ScAnchorType );
static ScAnchorType GetAnchor( const SdrObject* );
// Positionen fuer Detektivlinien
static ScDrawObjData* GetObjData( SdrObject* pObj, sal_Bool bCreate=sal_False );
// The sheet information in ScDrawObjData isn't updated when sheets are inserted/deleted.
// Use this method to get an object with positions on the specified sheet (should be the
// sheet on which the object is inserted).
static ScDrawObjData* GetObjDataTab( SdrObject* pObj, SCTAB nTab );
/** Returns true, if the passed object is the caption of a cell note. */
static bool IsNoteCaption( SdrObject* pObj );
/** Returns the object data, if the passed object is a cell note caption. */
static ScDrawObjData* GetNoteCaptionData( SdrObject* pObj, SCTAB nTab );
// Image-Map
static ScIMapInfo* GetIMapInfo( SdrObject* pObj );
static IMapObject* GetHitIMapObject( SdrObject* pObject,
const Point& rWinPoint, const Window& rCmpWnd );
static ScMacroInfo* GetMacroInfo( SdrObject* pObj, sal_Bool bCreate = sal_False );
virtual ImageMap* GetImageMapForObject(SdrObject* pObj);
virtual sal_Int32 GetHyperlinkCount(SdrObject* pObj);
static SfxObjectShell* pGlobalDrawPersist; // fuer AllocModel
static void SetGlobalDrawPersist(SfxObjectShell* pPersist);
virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface > createUnoModel();
inline void SetUndoAllowed( bool bUndoAllowed ){ mbUndoAllowed = bUndoAllowed; }
inline bool IsUndoAllowed() const{ return mbUndoAllowed; }