blob: 4e6e89c98f062cf79510f66cafc220f466340e3c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "collect.hxx"
#include "rangelst.hxx"
#include "chartpos.hxx"
class ScAddress;
class Table;
class ScDocument;
// ScMemChart is a stripped-down SchMemChart from old chart,
// used only to transport a rectangular data array for the UNO API,
// contains only column/row header text and data values.
class ScMemChart
short nRowCnt;
short nColCnt;
double* pData;
String* pColText;
String* pRowText;
ScMemChart(const ScMemChart& rMemChart); // not implemented
ScMemChart(short nCols, short nRows);
short GetColCount() const { return nColCnt; }
short GetRowCount() const { return nRowCnt; }
const String& GetColText(short nCol) const { return pColText[nCol]; }
const String& GetRowText(short nRow) const { return pRowText[nRow]; }
double GetData(short nCol, short nRow) const { return pData[nCol * nRowCnt + nRow]; }
void SetData(short nCol, short nRow, const double& rVal) { pData[nCol * nRowCnt + nRow] = rVal; }
void SetColText(short nCol, const String& rText) { pColText[nCol] = rText; }
void SetRowText(short nRow, const String& rText) { pRowText[nRow] = rText; }
class SC_DLLPUBLIC ScChartArray : public ScDataObject // nur noch Parameter-Struct
String aName;
ScDocument* pDocument;
ScChartPositioner aPositioner;
sal_Bool bValid; // fuer Erzeugung aus SchMemChart
ScMemChart* CreateMemChartSingle();
ScMemChart* CreateMemChartMulti();
ScChartArray( ScDocument* pDoc, SCTAB nTab,
SCCOL nStartColP, SCROW nStartRowP,
const String& rChartName );
ScChartArray( ScDocument* pDoc, const ScRangeListRef& rRangeList,
const String& rChartName );
ScChartArray( const ScChartArray& rArr );
virtual ~ScChartArray();
virtual ScDataObject* Clone() const;
const ScRangeListRef& GetRangeList() const { return aPositioner.GetRangeList(); }
void SetRangeList( const ScRangeListRef& rNew ) { aPositioner.SetRangeList(rNew); }
void SetRangeList( const ScRange& rNew ) { aPositioner.SetRangeList(rNew); }
const ScChartPositionMap* GetPositionMap() { return aPositioner.GetPositionMap(); }
void SetHeaders(sal_Bool bCol, sal_Bool bRow) { aPositioner.SetHeaders(bCol, bRow); }
sal_Bool HasColHeaders() const { return aPositioner.HasColHeaders(); }
sal_Bool HasRowHeaders() const { return aPositioner.HasRowHeaders(); }
sal_Bool IsValid() const { return bValid; }
void SetName(const String& rNew) { aName = rNew; }
const String& GetName() const { return aName; }
sal_Bool operator==(const ScChartArray& rCmp) const;
ScMemChart* CreateMemChart();
class ScChartCollection : public ScCollection
ScChartCollection() : ScCollection( 4,4 ) {}
ScChartCollection( const ScChartCollection& rColl ):
ScCollection( rColl ) {}
virtual ScDataObject* Clone() const;
ScChartArray* operator[](sal_uInt16 nIndex) const
{ return (ScChartArray*)At(nIndex); }
sal_Bool operator==(const ScChartCollection& rCmp) const;