blob: 9cb240048c6f6acde90e254905188d42ac170671 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#define _UWINAPI_
#include <systools/win32/uwinapi.h>
#ifndef _INC_MALLOC
# include <malloc.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400)
#pragma warning(disable:4740)
#ifndef _INC_TCHAR
# ifdef UNICODE
# define _UNICODE
# endif
# include <TCHAR.H>
// Globally disable "warning C4100: unreferenced formal parameter" caused by
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4100)
/* Version macros */
#define MAKE_VER_WIN32( major, minor, build, isWindows ) \
((DWORD)MAKELONG( MAKEWORD( major, minor ), (build) | ( isWindows ? 0x8000 : 0 ) ))
#define MAKE_VER_WIN32_NT( major, minor, build ) \
MAKE_VER_WIN32( major, minor, build, FALSE )
#define MAKE_VER_WIN32_WINDOWS( major, minor, build ) \
MAKE_VER_WIN32( major, minor, build, TRUE )
#define VER_WIN32_WINDOWS_95 MAKE_VER_WIN32_WINDOWS( 4, 0, 0 )
#define VER_WIN32_WINDOWS_98 MAKE_VER_WIN32_WINDOWS( 4, 10, 0 )
#define VER_WIN32_NT_NT4 MAKE_VER_WIN32_NT( 4, 0, 0 )
#define VER_WIN32_NT_2000 MAKE_VER_WIN32_NT( 5, 0, 0 )
#define VER_WIN32_NT_XP MAKE_VER_WIN32_NT( 5, 1, 0 )
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define _AUTO_WSTR2STR( lpStrA, lpStrW ) \
LPSTR lpStrA; \
if ( lpStrW ) \
{ \
int cNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, lpStrW, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); \
lpStrA = (LPSTR)_alloca( cNeeded * sizeof(CHAR) ); \
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, lpStrW, -1, lpStrA, cNeeded, NULL, NULL ); \
} \
else \
lpStrA = NULL;
#define AUTO_WSTR2STR( lpStr ) \
_AUTO_WSTR2STR( lpStr##A, lpStr##W )
#define AUTO_STR( lpStr, cchBuffer ) \
LPSTR lpStr##A = lpStr##W ? (LPSTR)_alloca( (cchBuffer) * sizeof(CHAR) ) : NULL;
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#define STRBUF2WSTR( lpStr, cchSrcBuffer, cchDestBuffer ) \
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, lpStr##A, cchSrcBuffer, lpStr##W, (int) cchDestBuffer )
#define STR2WSTR( lpStr, cchBuffer ) \
STRBUF2WSTR( lpStr, -1, cchBuffer )
#define WSTR2STR( lpStr, cchBuffer ) \
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, lpStr##W, -1, lpStr##A, cchBuffer, NULL, NULL )
EXTERN_C void WINAPI ResolveThunk_WINDOWS( FARPROC *lppfn, LPCSTR lpLibFileName, LPCSTR lpFuncName, FARPROC lpfnEmulate, FARPROC lpfnFailure );
EXTERN_C void WINAPI ResolveThunk_TRYLOAD( FARPROC *lppfn, LPCSTR lpLibFileName, LPCSTR lpFuncName, FARPROC lpfnEmulate, FARPROC lpfnFailure );
EXTERN_C void WINAPI ResolveThunk_ALLWAYS( FARPROC *lppfn, LPCSTR lpLibFileName, LPCSTR lpFuncName, FARPROC lpfnEmulate, FARPROC lpfnFailure );
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#define IMPLEMENT_THUNK( module, resolve, rettype, calltype, func, params ) \
static void func##_Thunk(); \
EXTERN_C _declspec( dllexport ) FARPROC module##_##func##_Ptr = (FARPROC)func##_Thunk; \
EXTERN_C rettype calltype func params \
{ \
asm(" popl %ebp"); \
asm(" jmp *(%0)"::"m"(module##_##func##_Ptr)); \
} \
EXTERN_C rettype calltype func##_##resolve params; \
static rettype calltype func##_##Failure params; \
static void func##_Thunk() \
{ \
ResolveThunk_##resolve( &module##_##func##_Ptr, #module ".dll", #func, (FARPROC)func##_##resolve, (FARPROC)func##_##Failure ); \
asm(" movl %ebp, %esp"); \
asm(" popl %ebp"); \
asm(" jmp *(%0)"::"m"(module##_##func##_Ptr)); \
} \
static rettype calltype func##_##Failure params \
{ \
return (rettype)0; \
} \
EXTERN_C rettype calltype func##_##resolve params
#define IMPLEMENT_THUNK( module, resolve, rettype, calltype, func, params ) \
EXTERN_C _declspec( dllexport ) FARPROC module##_##func##_Ptr; \
EXTERN_C rettype calltype func##_##resolve params; \
static rettype calltype func##_##Failure params; \
static _declspec ( naked ) void func##_Thunk() \
{ \
ResolveThunk_##resolve( &module##_##func##_Ptr, #module ".dll", #func, (FARPROC)func##_##resolve, (FARPROC)func##_##Failure ); \
_asm jmp [module##_##func##_Ptr] \
} \
EXTERN_C _declspec( naked ) rettype calltype func params \
{ \
_asm jmp [module##_##func##_Ptr] \
} \
EXTERN_C _declspec( dllexport ) FARPROC module##_##func##_Ptr = (FARPROC)func##_Thunk; \
static rettype calltype func##_##Failure params \
{ \
return (rettype)0; \
} \
EXTERN_C rettype calltype func##_##resolve params
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#define DEFINE_CUSTOM_THUNK( module, resolve, rettype, calltype, func, params ) \
static void func##_Thunk(); \
EXTERN_C _declspec( dllexport ) FARPROC module##_##func##_Ptr = (FARPROC)func##_Thunk; \
static void func##_Thunk() \
{ \
ResolveThunk_##resolve( &module##_##func##_Ptr, #module ".dll", #func ); \
asm(" movl %ebp, %esp"); \
asm(" popl %ebp"); \
asm(" jmp *(%0)"::"m"(module##_##func##_Ptr)); \
} \
EXTERN_C rettype calltype func params \
{ \
asm(" popl %ebp"); \
asm(" jmp *(%0)"::"m"(module##_##func##_Ptr)); \
#define DEFINE_CUSTOM_THUNK( module, resolve, rettype, calltype, func, params ) \
EXTERN_C _declspec( dllexport ) FARPROC module##_##func##_Ptr; \
static _declspec ( naked ) void func##_Thunk() \
{ \
ResolveThunk_##resolve( &module##_##func##_Ptr, #module ".dll", #func ); \
_asm jmp [module##_##func##_Ptr] \
} \
EXTERN_C _declspec( naked ) rettype calltype func params \
{ \
_asm jmp [module##_##func##_Ptr] \
} \
EXTERN_C _declspec( dllexport ) FARPROC module##_##func##_Ptr = (FARPROC)func##_Thunk;
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#define DEFINE_DEFAULT_THUNK( module, resolve, rettype, calltype, func, params ) \
static void func##_Thunk(); \
EXTERN_C _declspec( dllexport ) FARPROC module##_##func##_Ptr = (FARPROC)func##_Thunk; \
static rettype calltype func##_##Failure params; \
static _declspec ( naked ) void func##_Thunk() \
{ \
ResolveThunk_##resolve( &module##_##func##_Ptr, #module ".dll", #func, NULL, (FARPROC)func##_##Failure ); \
asm(" movl %ebp, %esp"); \
asm(" popl %ebp"); \
asm(" jmp *(%0)"::"m"(module##_##func##_Ptr)); \
} \
EXTERN_C _declspec( naked ) rettype calltype func params \
{ \
asm(" popl %ebp"); \
asm(" jmp *(%0)"::"m"(module##_##func##_Ptr)); \
} \
static rettype calltype func##_##Failure params \
{ \
return (rettype)0; \
#define DEFINE_DEFAULT_THUNK( module, resolve, rettype, calltype, func, params ) \
EXTERN_C _declspec( dllexport ) FARPROC module##_##func##_Ptr; \
static rettype calltype func##_##Failure params; \
static _declspec ( naked ) void func##_Thunk() \
{ \
ResolveThunk_##resolve( &module##_##func##_Ptr, #module ".dll", #func, NULL, (FARPROC)func##_##Failure ); \
_asm jmp [module##_##func##_Ptr] \
} \
EXTERN_C _declspec( naked ) rettype calltype func params \
{ \
_asm jmp [module##_##func##_Ptr] \
} \
EXTERN_C _declspec( dllexport ) FARPROC module##_##func##_Ptr = (FARPROC)func##_Thunk; \
static rettype calltype func##_##Failure params \
{ \
return (rettype)0; \