blob: 4bdba191b398c9a936001de697a11731bdf598fe [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sal.hxx"
// include files
#include <osl_Module_Const.h>
using namespace osl;
using namespace rtl;
// helper functions and classes
/** print Boolean value.
inline void printBool( sal_Bool bOk )
t_print("#printBool# " );
( sal_True == bOk ) ? t_print("TRUE!\n" ): t_print("FALSE!\n" );
/** print a UNI_CODE String.
inline void printUString( const ::rtl::OUString & str )
rtl::OString aString;
t_print("#printUString_u# " );
aString = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( str, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
t_print("%s\n", aString.getStr( ) );
/** get dll file URL.
inline ::rtl::OUString getDllURL( void )
#if ( defined WNT ) // lib in Unix and lib in Windows are not same in file name.
::rtl::OUString libPath( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "Module_DLL.dll" ) );
::rtl::OUString libPath( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "" ) );
::rtl::OUString dirPath, dllPath;
osl::Module::getUrlFromAddress( ( void* ) &getDllURL, dirPath );
dirPath = dirPath.copy( 0, dirPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
osl::FileBase::getAbsoluteFileURL( dirPath, libPath, dllPath );
return dllPath;
/** print a UNI_CODE file name.
inline void printFileName( const ::rtl::OUString & str )
rtl::OString aString;
t_print("#printFileName_u# " );
aString = ::rtl::OUStringToOString( str, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
t_print("%s\n", aString.getStr( ) );
inline sal_Bool isURL( const ::rtl::OUString pathname )
::rtl::OUString aPreURL( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "file:///" ) );
return ( ( pathname.indexOf( aPreURL ) == 0 ) ? sal_True : sal_False );
/** create a temp test directory using OUString name of full qualified URL or system path.
inline void createTestDirectory( const ::rtl::OUString dirname )
::rtl::OUString aPathURL = dirname.copy( 0 );
::osl::FileBase::RC nError;
if ( !isURL( dirname ) )
::osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( dirname, aPathURL ); //convert if not full qualified URL
nError = ::osl::Directory::create( aPathURL );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "In createTestDirectory Function: creation: ", ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError ) || ( nError == ::osl::FileBase::E_EXIST ) );
/** delete a temp test directory using OUString name of full qualified URL or system path.
inline void deleteTestDirectory( const ::rtl::OUString dirname )
::rtl::OUString aPathURL = dirname.copy( 0 );
::osl::FileBase::RC nError;
if ( !isURL( dirname ) )
::osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( dirname, aPathURL ); //convert if not full qualified URL
::osl::Directory testDir( aPathURL );
if ( testDir.isOpen( ) == sal_True )
testDir.close( ); //close if still open.
nError = ::osl::Directory::remove( aPathURL );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "In deleteTestDirectory function: remove ", ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError ) || ( nError == ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT ) );
//check if the file exist
inline sal_Bool ifFileExist( const ::rtl::OUString & str )
::rtl::OUString aUStr;
if ( isURL( str ) )
::osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL( str, aUStr );
return sal_False;
::osl::File strFile( aUStr );
::osl::FileBase::RC nError = OpenFlag_Read );
if ( ::File::E_NOENT == nError )
return sal_False;
strFile.close( );
return sal_True;
/** detete a temp test file using OUString name.
inline void deleteTestFile( const ::rtl::OUString filename )
::rtl::OUString aPathURL = filename.copy( 0 );
::osl::FileBase::RC nError;
if ( !isURL( filename ) )
::osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( filename, aPathURL ); //convert if not full qualified URL
nError = ::osl::File::setAttributes( aPathURL, Attribute_GrpWrite| Attribute_OwnWrite| Attribute_OthWrite ); // if readonly, make writtenable.
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "In deleteTestFile Function: set writtenable ", ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError ) || ( ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT == nError ) );
nError = ::osl::File::remove( aPathURL );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "In deleteTestFile Function: remove ", ( ::osl::FileBase::E_None == nError ) || ( nError == ::osl::FileBase::E_NOENT ) );
// test code start here
namespace osl_Module
/** class and member function that is available for module test :
class testClass
static void myFunc()
t_print("#Sun Microsystem\n");
/** testing the methods:
Module( const ::rtl::OUString& strModuleName, sal_Int32 nRtldMode = SAL_LOADMODULE_DEFAULT);
class ctors : public CppUnit::TestFixture
sal_Bool bRes, bRes1;
void ctors_none( )
::osl::Module aMod;
bRes =;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: test constructor without parameter.",
sal_False == bRes );
void ctors_name_mode( )
OUString aFileURL;
bRes = osl::Module::getUrlFromAddress( ( void* ) &::osl_Module::testClass::myFunc, aFileURL );
if ( !( bRes ) )
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Cannot locate current module.", sal_False );
::osl::Module aMod( aFileURL );
bRes = );
aMod.unload( );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: test constructor with load action.",
sal_True == bRes );
CPPUNIT_TEST( ctors_none );
CPPUNIT_TEST( ctors_name_mode );
}; // class ctors
/** testing the methods:
static sal_Bool getUrlFromAddress(void * addr, ::rtl::OUString & libraryUrl)
class getUrlFromAddress : public CppUnit::TestFixture
sal_Bool bRes, bRes1;
void getUrlFromAddress_001( )
OUString aFileURL;
bRes = osl::Module::getUrlFromAddress( ( void* ) &::osl_Module::testClass::myFunc, aFileURL ) ;
if ( !( bRes ) )
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Cannot locate current module.", sal_False );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: test get Module URL from address.",
sal_True == bRes && 0 < aFileURL.lastIndexOf('/') );
void getUrlFromAddress_002( )
::osl::Module aMod( getDllURL( ) );
FuncPtr pFunc = ( FuncPtr ) aMod.getSymbol( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "firstfunc" ) );
OUString aFileURL;
bRes = osl::Module::getUrlFromAddress( ( void* )pFunc, aFileURL );
if ( !( bRes ) )
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Cannot locate current module.", sal_False );
aMod.unload( );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: load an external library, get its function address and get its URL.",
sal_True == bRes && 0 < aFileURL.lastIndexOf('/') && aFileURL.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( getDllURL( ) ) );
/* tester comments: another case is getFunctionSymbol_001*/
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getUrlFromAddress );
CPPUNIT_TEST( getUrlFromAddress_001 );
CPPUNIT_TEST( getUrlFromAddress_002 );
}; // class getUrlFromAddress
/** testing the method:
sal_Bool SAL_CALL load( const ::rtl::OUString& strModuleName,
class load : public CppUnit::TestFixture
sal_Bool bRes, bRes1;
void load_001( )
::osl::Module aMod( getDllURL( ) );
::osl::Module aMod1;
aMod1.load( getDllURL( ) );
bRes = oslModule(aMod) == oslModule(aMod1);
aMod.unload( );
aMod1.unload( );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: load function should do the same thing as constructor with library name.",
sal_True == bRes );
// load lib which is under a CJK directory
void load_002( )
#ifdef UNX
//Can not get a CJK directory already exist, so here create one. Perhaps reason is encoding problem.
::rtl::OUString aPidDirURL = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "file:///tmp/" ) + ::rtl::OUString::valueOf( ( long )getpid( ) );
::rtl::OUString aMyDirURL = aPidDirURL + aKname;
createTestDirectory( aPidDirURL );
createTestDirectory( aMyDirURL );
::rtl::OUString aDLLURL = aMyDirURL + rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "/" );
//check if the lib exist.
//FIXME: if assert condition is false, the case will return, so the directory will not be clean-up
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#Source file is not exist. please manually clean-up directory and file under /tmp", ifFileExist( getDllURL( ) ) == sal_True );
::osl::FileBase::RC nError = ::osl::File::copy( getDllURL( ), aDLLURL );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#copy failed. please manually clean-up directory and file under /tmp", nError == ::osl::FileBase::E_None );
//ifFileExist returned false but the file exist
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#This file is not exist, copy failed. please manually clean-up directory and file under /tmp", ifFileExist( aDLLURL ) == sal_True );
//test if can create a normal file
::rtl::OUString aFileURL = aMyDirURL + rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "/test_file" );
::osl::File testFile( aFileURL );
nError = OpenFlag_Create );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#create failed. please manually clean-up directory and file under /tmp", nError == ::osl::FileBase::E_None );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#This file is not exist, create failed. please manually clean-up directory and file under /tmp", ifFileExist( aFileURL ) == sal_True );
//load the copied dll
::osl::Module aMod( aDLLURL );
::osl::Module aMod1;
sal_Bool bOK = aMod1.load( aDLLURL );
bRes = oslModule(aMod) == oslModule(aMod1);
aMod.unload( );
aMod1.unload( );
deleteTestFile( aFileURL );
deleteTestFile( aDLLURL );
deleteTestDirectory( aMyDirURL );
deleteTestDirectory( aPidDirURL );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: load lib which is under a CJK directory.",
sal_True == bRes && bOK == sal_True );
CPPUNIT_TEST( load_001 );
CPPUNIT_TEST( load_002 );
}; // class load
/** testing the method:
void SAL_CALL unload()
class unload : public CppUnit::TestFixture
sal_Bool bRes, bRes1;
void unload_001( )
::osl::Module aMod( getDllURL( ) );
aMod.unload( );
bRes = oslModule(aMod) ==NULL;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: unload function should do the same thing as destructor.",
sal_True == bRes );
CPPUNIT_TEST( unload_001 );
}; // class unload
/** testing the methods:
sal_Bool SAL_CALL is() const
class is : public CppUnit::TestFixture
sal_Bool bRes, bRes1;
void is_001( )
OUString aFileURL;
bRes = osl::Module::getUrlFromAddress( ( void* ) &::osl_Module::testClass::myFunc, aFileURL );
if ( !( bRes ) )
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Cannot locate current module - using executable instead", sal_False );
::osl::Module aMod;
bRes = );
aMod.load( aFileURL );
bRes1 = );
aMod.unload( );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: test if a module is a loaded module.",
sal_False == bRes && sal_True == bRes1);
CPPUNIT_TEST( is_001 );
}; // class is
/** testing the methods:
void* SAL_CALL getSymbol( const ::rtl::OUString& strSymbolName)
class getSymbol : public CppUnit::TestFixture
sal_Bool bRes;
void getSymbol_001( )
::osl::Module aMod( getDllURL( ) );
FuncPtr pFunc = ( FuncPtr ) aMod.getSymbol( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "firstfunc" ) );
bRes = sal_False;
if ( pFunc )
bRes = pFunc( bRes );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: load a dll and call one function in it.",
sal_True == bRes );
CPPUNIT_TEST( getSymbol_001 );
}; // class getSymbol
/** testing the methods:
operator oslModule() const
class optr_oslModule : public CppUnit::TestFixture
sal_Bool bRes, bRes1;
void optr_oslModule_001( )
::osl::Module aMod;
bRes = ( (oslModule)aMod == NULL );
aMod.load( getDllURL( ) );
bRes1 = (oslModule)aMod != NULL;
aMod.unload( );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: the m_Module of a Module instance will be NULL when is not loaded, it will not be NULL after loaded.",
sal_True == bRes && sal_True == bRes1);
void optr_oslModule_002( )
::osl::Module aMod( getDllURL( ) );
::rtl::OUString funcName(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "firstfunc" ) );
FuncPtr pFunc = ( FuncPtr ) osl_getSymbol( (oslModule)aMod, funcName.pData );
bRes = sal_False;
if ( pFunc )
bRes = pFunc( bRes );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: use m_Module to call osl_getSymbol() function.",
sal_True == bRes );
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( optr_oslModule );
CPPUNIT_TEST( optr_oslModule_001 );
CPPUNIT_TEST( optr_oslModule_002 );
}; // class optr_oslModule
/** testing the methods:
oslGenericFunction SAL_CALL getFunctionSymbol( const ::rtl::OUString& ustrFunctionSymbolName )
class getFunctionSymbol : public CppUnit::TestFixture
sal_Bool bRes, bRes1;
void getFunctionSymbol_001( )
::osl::Module aMod( getDllURL( ) );
oslGenericFunction oslFunc = aMod.getFunctionSymbol( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "firstfunc" ) );
::rtl::OUString aLibraryURL;
bRes = ::osl::Module::getUrlFromAddress( oslFunc, aLibraryURL);
printFileName( aLibraryURL );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "#test comment#: load a dll and get its function addr and get its URL.",
sal_True == bRes && aLibraryURL.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( getDllURL() ) );
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( getFunctionSymbol );
CPPUNIT_TEST( getFunctionSymbol_001 );
//CPPUNIT_TEST( getFunctionSymbol_002 );
}; // class getFunctionSymbol
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION(osl_Module::ctors, "osl_Module");
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION(osl_Module::getUrlFromAddress, "osl_Module");
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION(osl_Module::load, "osl_Module");
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION(osl_Module::unload, "osl_Module");
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION(osl_Module::getSymbol, "osl_Module");
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION(osl_Module::optr_oslModule, "osl_Module");
CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_NAMED_REGISTRATION(osl_Module::getFunctionSymbol, "osl_Module");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // namespace osl_Module
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// this macro creates an empty function, which will called by the RegisterAllFunctions()
// to let the user the possibility to also register some functions by hand.