blob: eb0db075d5c6ac868011a9bdb93238b0a68dd167 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef _KEYIMPL_HXX_
#define _KEYIMPL_HXX_
#include <registry/registry.h>
#include "regimpl.hxx"
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
class ORegKey
ORegKey(const rtl::OUString& keyName, ORegistry* pReg);
sal_uInt32 acquire()
{ return ++m_refCount; }
sal_uInt32 release()
{ return --m_refCount; }
RegError acquireKey(RegKeyHandle hKey);
RegError releaseKey(RegKeyHandle hKey);
RegError createKey(const rtl::OUString& keyName, RegKeyHandle* phNewKey);
RegError openKey(const rtl::OUString& keyName, RegKeyHandle* phOpenKey);
RegError openSubKeys(const rtl::OUString& keyName,
RegKeyHandle** phOpenSubKeys,
sal_uInt32* pnSubKeys);
RegError getKeyNames(const rtl::OUString& keyName,
rtl_uString*** pSubKeyNames,
sal_uInt32* pnSubKeys);
RegError closeKey(RegKeyHandle hKey);
RegError deleteKey(const rtl::OUString& keyName);
RegError getValueInfo(const rtl::OUString& valueName,
RegValueType* pValueTye,
sal_uInt32* pValueSize) const;
RegError setValue(const rtl::OUString& valueName,
RegValueType vType,
RegValue value,
sal_uInt32 vSize);
RegError setLongListValue(const rtl::OUString& valueName,
sal_Int32* pValueList,
sal_uInt32 len);
RegError setStringListValue(const rtl::OUString& valueName,
sal_Char** pValueList,
sal_uInt32 len);
RegError setUnicodeListValue(const rtl::OUString& valueName,
sal_Unicode** pValueList,
sal_uInt32 len);
RegError getValue(const rtl::OUString& valueName, RegValue value) const;
RegError getLongListValue(const rtl::OUString& valueName,
sal_Int32** pValueList,
sal_uInt32* pLen) const;
RegError getStringListValue(const rtl::OUString& valueName,
sal_Char*** pValueList,
sal_uInt32* pLen) const;
RegError getUnicodeListValue(const rtl::OUString& valueName,
sal_Unicode*** pValueList,
sal_uInt32* pLen) const;
RegError getKeyType(const rtl::OUString& name,
RegKeyType* pKeyType) const;
RegError getResolvedKeyName(const rtl::OUString& keyName,
rtl::OUString& resolvedName);
bool isDeleted() const
{ return m_bDeleted != 0; }
void setDeleted (sal_Bool bKeyDeleted)
{ m_bDeleted = bKeyDeleted ? 1 : 0; }
bool isModified() const
{ return m_bModified != 0; }
void setModified (bool bModified = true)
{ m_bModified = bModified ? 1 : 0; }
sal_Bool isReadOnly() const
{ return m_pRegistry->isReadOnly(); }
sal_uInt32 countSubKeys();
ORegistry* getRegistry() const
{ return m_pRegistry; }
const store::OStoreFile& getStoreFile() const
{ return m_pRegistry->getStoreFile(); }
store::OStoreDirectory getStoreDir();
const rtl::OUString& getName() const
{ return m_name; }
sal_uInt32 getRefCount() const
{ return m_refCount; }
rtl::OUString getFullPath(rtl::OUString const & path) const;
sal_uInt32 m_refCount;
rtl::OUString m_name;
int m_bDeleted:1;
int m_bModified:1;
ORegistry* m_pRegistry;