blob: e7543061b0c546750e5a11d385931175b1b4ebce [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="i18n_XBreakIterator" script:language="StarBasic">
' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
' distributed with this work for additional information
' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
' software distributed under the License is distributed on an
' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
' specific language governing permissions and limitations
' under the License.
' Be sure that all variables are dimensioned:
option explicit
' This Interface/Service test depends on the following GLOBAL variables,
' which must be specified in the object creation:
' - Global oLocale As Object
' - Global UnicodeString As String
' - Global ScriptType(2, 1) As Integer
const arrSize = 300
Sub RunTest()
On Error Goto ErrHndl
Dim bOK As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim nCharacterIteratorMode As Integer
Dim lDone As Long
Dim lRes As Long
Dim wordType As Integer
Dim Boundary As Variant
Dim BoundsToTest(arrSize) As new
Dim Types(arrSize) As Integer
Dim nBoundsToTest As Integer
Dim iPos As Integer
Dim iType As Integer
Dim bFound As Boolean
Dim j As Integer
Dim NextCharacters(2, 3) As Integer
Dim PreviousCharacters(2, 3) As Integer
bOK = true
nCharacterIteratorMode =
'Start from position : Travel ... chars : Actual position after : How many chars traveled
NextCharacters(0, 0) = 1 : NextCharacters(0, 1) = 5000 : NextCharacters(0, 2) = len(UnicodeString) : NextCharacters(0, 3) = len(UnicodeString) - 1
NextCharacters(1, 0) = 5 : NextCharacters(1, 1) = -5000 : NextCharacters(1, 2) = 0 : NextCharacters(1, 3) = -5
NextCharacters(2, 0) = 10 : NextCharacters(2, 1) = 6 : NextCharacters(2, 2) = 16 : NextCharacters(2, 3) = 6
for i = 0 to 2
lRes = oObj.nextCharacters(UnicodeString, NextCharacters(i, 0), _
oLocale, nCharacterIteratorMode, NextCharacters(i, 1), lDone)
Out.Log("Expected result is: lRes = " + NextCharacters(i, 2) + _
"; lDone = " + NextCharacters(i, 3))
Out.Log("Actual result is: lRes = " + lRes + "; lDone = " + lDone)
bOK = bOK AND lRes = NextCharacters(i, 2)
bOK = bOK AND lDone = NextCharacters(i, 3)
next i
Test.MethodTested("nextCharacters()", bOK)
bOK = true
nCharacterIteratorMode =
'Start from position : Travel ... chars : Actual position after : How many chars traveled
PreviousCharacters(0, 0) = 10 : PreviousCharacters(0, 1) = -5000 : PreviousCharacters(0, 2) = len(UnicodeString) : PreviousCharacters(0, 3) = len(UnicodeString) - 10
PreviousCharacters(1, 0) = 5 : PreviousCharacters(1, 1) = 5000 : PreviousCharacters(1, 2) = 0 : PreviousCharacters(1, 3) = 5
PreviousCharacters(2, 0) = 10 : PreviousCharacters(2, 1) = 6 : PreviousCharacters(2, 2) = 4 : PreviousCharacters(2, 3) = 6
for i = 0 to 2
lRes = oObj.previousCharacters(UnicodeString, PreviousCharacters(i, 0), _
oLocale, nCharacterIteratorMode, PreviousCharacters(i, 1), lDone)
Out.Log("Expected result is: lRes = " + PreviousCharacters(i, 2) + _
"; lDone = " + PreviousCharacters(i, 3))
Out.Log("Actual result is: lRes = " + lRes + "; lDone = " + lDone)
bOK = bOK AND lRes = PreviousCharacters(i, 2)
bOK = bOK AND lDone = PreviousCharacters(i, 3)
next i
Test.MethodTested("previousCharacters()", bOK)
bOK = true
wordType =
Dim wordCount1 As Integer
Dim wordCount2 As Integer
wordCount1 = 0
wordCount2 = 0
i = 0
nBoundsToTest = 0
while i &lt; len(UnicodeString) - 1
Boundary = oObj.nextWord(UnicodeString, i, oLocale, wordType)
i = Boundary.endPos - 1
wordCount1 = wordCount1 + 1
if ((nBoundsToTest &lt; arrSize) AND (Boundary.endPos - Boundary.startPos &gt; 3)) then
BoundsToTest(nBoundsToTest).startPos = Boundary.startPos
BoundsToTest(nBoundsToTest).endPos = Boundary.endPos ' Here we find out some words and
nBoundsToTest = nBoundsToTest + 1 ' get their bounds to test in future
end if
Out.Log("Word " + wordCount1 + "(" + Boundary.startPos + "," + Boundary.endPos + "): '" + _
mid(UnicodeString, Boundary.startPos + 1, Boundary.endPos - Boundary.startPos) + "'")
Out.Log("In text there are " + wordCount1 + " words, if count from left to right")
while i &gt; 0
Boundary = oObj.previousWord(UnicodeString, i, oLocale, wordType)
i = Boundary.startPos
wordCount2 = wordCount2 + 1
Out.Log("Word " + wordCount2 + "(" + Boundary.startPos + "," + Boundary.endPos + "): '" + _
mid(UnicodeString, Boundary.startPos + 1, Boundary.endPos - Boundary.startPos) + "'")
Out.Log("In text there are " + wordCount2 + " words, if count from right to left")
bOK = bOK AND wordCount1 = wordCount2
Test.MethodTested("previousWord()", bOK)
Test.MethodTested("nextWord()", bOK)
bOK = true
if (nBoundsToTest = 0) then
Out.Log("Couldn't find words longer than 3 letters.")
bOK = false
end if
for i = 0 to nBoundsToTest - 1
iPos = (BoundsToTest(i).endPos - BoundsToTest(i).startPos) / 2 + BoundsToTest(i).startPos ' calculate middle of the word
Boundary = oObj.getWordBoundary(UnicodeString, iPos, oLocale, wordType, true)
Out.Log("Expected result is: startPos = " + BoundsToTest(i).startPos + _
"; endPos = " + BoundsToTest(i).endPos)
Out.Log("Actual result is: startPos = " + Boundary.startPos + "; endPos = " + Boundary.endPos + _
" Word is: '" + mid(UnicodeString, Boundary.startPos + 1, Boundary.endPos - Boundary.startPos) + "'")
bOK = bOK AND BoundsToTest(i).startPos = Boundary.startPos
bOK = bOK AND BoundsToTest(i).endPos = Boundary.endPos
next i
Test.MethodTested("getWordBoundary()", bOK)
bOK = true
for i = 0 to nBoundsToTest - 1
iPos = (BoundsToTest(i).endPos - BoundsToTest(i).startPos) / 2 + BoundsToTest(i).startPos ' calculate middle of the word
wordType = oObj.getWordType(UnicodeString, iPos, oLocale)
bOK = bOK AND wordType &gt;= 0 AND wordType &lt;= 2
next i
Test.MethodTested("getWordType()", bOK)
bOK = true
if (nBoundsToTest = 0) then
Out.Log("Couldn't find words longer than 3 letters.")
bOK = false
end if
for i = 0 to nBoundsToTest - 1
bOK = bOK AND oObj.isBeginWord(UnicodeString, BoundsToTest(i).startPos, oLocale,
bOK = bOK AND NOT oObj.isBeginWord(UnicodeString, BoundsToTest(i).startPos + 1, oLocale,
next i
Test.MethodTested("isBeginWord()", bOK)
bOK = true
if (nBoundsToTest = 0) then
Out.Log("Couldn't find words longer than 3 letters.")
bOK = false
end if
for i = 0 to nBoundsToTest - 1
bOK = bOK AND oObj.isEndWord(UnicodeString, BoundsToTest(i).endPos, oLocale,
bOK = bOK AND NOT oObj.isEndWord(UnicodeString, BoundsToTest(i).endPos - 1, oLocale,
next i
Test.MethodTested("isEndWord()", bOK)
Dim sStart As Integer
Dim sEnd As Integer
bOK = true
iPos = 0
while (iPos &lt;= len(UnicodeString))' AND bOK)
sStart = oObj.beginOfSentence(UnicodeString, iPos, oLocale)
sEnd = oObj.endOfSentence(UnicodeString, iPos, oLocale)
if (iPos &lt; sStart OR iPos &gt; sEnd) then
bOK = false
Out.Log("From position " + iPos + " sentence range is [" + sStart + ", " + sEnd + "]")
Out.Log("'" + mid(UnicodeString, sStart + 1, sEnd - sStart) + "'")
end if
iPos = iPos + 1
if (bOK) then
bOK = oObj.beginOfSentence(UnicodeString, -10, oLocale) = -1
bOK = oObj.endOfSentence(UnicodeString, -10, oLocale) = -1
bOK = oObj.beginOfSentence(UnicodeString, len(UnicodeString) + 1, oLocale) = -1
bOK = oObj.endOfSentence(UnicodeString, len(UnicodeString) + 1, oLocale) = -1
if (NOT bOK) then Out.Log("When invalid position, returned range is NOT [-1, -1]")
end if
Test.MethodTested("beginOfSentence()", bOK)
Test.MethodTested("endOfSentence()", bOK)
bOK = true
Dim LineBreakResults As Variant
Dim _LineBreakHyphenationOptions As new
Dim _LineBreakUserOptions As new
Dim breakPos As Long, pos As Long
_LineBreakUserOptions.applyForbiddenRules = false
_LineBreakUserOptions.allowHyphenateEnglish = false
breakPos = 0 : pos = 0
while breakPos = 0 AND pos &lt; len(UnicodeString)
LineBreakResults = oObj.getLineBreak(UnicodeString, pos, oLocale, 0, _LineBreakHyphenationOptions, _LineBreakUserOptions)
breakPos = LineBreakResults.BreakIndex
pos = pos + 1
' finally the position of break must be found in the middle and
' it must be before the break position specified
bOK = (breakPos &lt;= pos AND breakPos > 0)
if (NOT bOK) then
Out.Log("The last position was: " + pos + ", and the break position was: " + breakPos)
end if
Test.MethodTested("getLineBreak()", bOK)
bOK = true
Out.Log("Searching for scripts...")
iPos = 0
nBoundsToTest = 0
while iPos &lt; len(UnicodeString) AND iPos &gt; -1 AND nBoundsToTest &lt; arrSize
iType = oObj.getScriptType(UnicodeString, iPos)
BoundsToTest(nBoundsToTest).startPos = oObj.beginOfScript(UnicodeString, iPos, iType)
BoundsToTest(nBoundsToTest).endPos = oObj.endOfScript(UnicodeString, iPos, iType)
Types(nBoundsToTest) = iType
iPos = BoundsToTest(nBoundsToTest).endPos
Out.Log("Type: " + iType + "; Bounds: [" + BoundsToTest(nBoundsToTest).startPos + "," + BoundsToTest(nBoundsToTest).endPos + "]")
nBoundsToTest = nBoundsToTest + 1
bOK = bOK AND nBoundsToTest &gt; 0
Test.MethodTested("beginOfScript()", bOK)
Test.MethodTested("endOfScript()", bOK)
bOK = true
i = 1
iPos = -1
while i &lt; nBoundsToTest AND bOK
iPos = oObj.nextScript(UnicodeString, iPos, Types(i))
Out.Log("Expected index for Type " + Types(i) + " for nextScript is " + BoundsToTest(i).startPos)
bOK = bOK AND iPos = BoundsToTest(i).startPos
Out.Log("NextScript returned " + iPos + ";")
i = i + 1
Test.MethodTested("nextScript()", bOK)
bOK = true
i = nBoundsToTest - 2
iPos = len(UnicodeString) + 1
while i &gt;= 0 AND bOK
iPos = oObj.previousScript(UnicodeString, iPos, Types(i))
Out.Log("Expected index for Type " + Types(i) + " for previousScript is " + BoundsToTest(i).startPos)
bOK = bOK AND iPos = BoundsToTest(i).startPos
Out.Log("PreviousScript returned " + iPos + ";")
i = i - 1
Test.MethodTested("previousScript()", bOK)
bOK = true
for i = 0 to 2
iPos = oObj.getScriptType(UnicodeString, ScriptType(i, 0))
Out.Log("Expected result is: ScriptType = " + ScriptType(i, 1))
Out.Log("Actual result is: ScriptType = " + iPos)
bOK = bOK AND iPos = ScriptType(i, 1)
next i
Test.MethodTested("getScriptType()", bOK)
bOK = true
Out.Log("getting CharBlocks bounds...")
iPos = 0
nBoundsToTest = 0
while iPos &lt; len(UnicodeString) AND iPos &gt; -1 AND nBoundsToTest &lt; arrSize
iType = getCharBlockType(iPos)
BoundsToTest(nBoundsToTest).startPos = oObj.beginOfCharBlock(UnicodeString, iPos, oLocale, iType)
BoundsToTest(nBoundsToTest).endPos = oObj.endOfCharBlock(UnicodeString, iPos, oLocale, iType)
iPos = BoundsToTest(nBoundsToTest).endPos
Out.Log("" + nBoundsToTest + "). Bounds: [" + BoundsToTest(nBoundsToTest).startPos + "," + BoundsToTest(nBoundsToTest).endPos + "]; Type = " + iType)
Types(nBoundsToTest) = iType
nBoundsToTest = nBoundsToTest + 1
for i = 0 to nBoundsToTest - 2
bOK = bOK AND BoundsToTest(i).endPos = BoundsToTest(i + 1).startPos
Out.Log("Testing for no intersections : " + bOK)
bOK = bOK AND BoundsToTest(0).startPos = 0
bOK = bOK AND BoundsToTest(nBoundsToTest - 1).endPos = len(UnicodeString)
Out.Log("Regions should starts with 0 and ends with " + len(UnicodeString))
Test.MethodTested("beginOfCharBlock()", bOK)
Test.MethodTested("endOfCharBlock()", bOK)
bOK = true
for i = 0 to nBoundsToTest - 1
iPos = oObj.nextCharBlock(UnicodeString, BoundsToTest(i).startPos - 1, oLocale, Types(i))
if (iPos &lt;&gt; BoundsToTest(i).startPos) then
bOK = false
Out.Log("nextCharBlock(UnicodeString, " + BoundsToTest(i).startPos - 1 + ", oLocale, " + Types(i) + ") should return " + BoundsToTest(i).startPos)
Out.Log("... and actual value is " + iPos)
end if
next i
Test.MethodTested("nextCharBlock()", bOK)
bOK = true
for i = 0 to nBoundsToTest - 1
iPos = oObj.previousCharBlock(UnicodeString, BoundsToTest(i).endPos + 1, oLocale, Types(i))
if (iPos &lt;&gt; BoundsToTest(i).startPos) then
bOK = false
Out.Log("previousCharBlock(UnicodeString, " + BoundsToTest(i).startPos - 1 +", oLocale, " + Types(i) + ") should return " + BoundsToTest(i).startPos)
Out.Log("... and actual value is " + iPos)
end if
next i
Test.MethodTested("previousCharBlock()", bOK)
Exit Sub
bOK = false
resume next
End Sub
Function getCharBlockType(pos As Integer) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim cType As Integer
cType = 0
i = 1
while (i &lt; 31)
if (oObj.beginOfCharBlock(UnicodeString, pos, oLocale, i) &lt;&gt; -1) then
cType = i
i = 100
end if
i = i + 1
getCharBlockType = cType
End Function