blob: 41e2393f68e3459933f99d97f59b5ea96cfb1af3 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="beans_XMultiPropertySet" script:language="StarBasic">
' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
' distributed with this work for additional information
' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
' software distributed under the License is distributed on an
' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
' specific language governing permissions and limitations
' under the License.
' Be sure that all variables are dimensioned:
option explicit
Dim nCB1Val As Integer, nCB2Val As Integer
Sub RunTest()
On Error Goto ErrHndl
Dim bOK As Boolean
Dim oPropertySetInfo As Object
Dim oProperties As Variant
Dim aProp(0 to 1) As new
Dim cType As String
Dim oListener1 As Object, oListener2 As Object
Dim n As Integer, nMem As Integer, nIndex As Integer
Dim m As Integer
Dim bFound As Boolean
Dim nCount As Integer
Dim bBoolean As Boolean
Dim nInteger As Integer
Dim nLong As Long
Dim nSingle As Single
Dim nDouble As Double
Dim vMemVal As Variant
Dim nCB1ValMem As Integer
Dim nCB2ValMem As Integer
bOK = true
bFound = false
nCB1Val = 0
nCB2Val = 0
m = 0
oPropertySetInfo = oObj.GetPropertySetInfo
oProperties = oPropertySetInfo.Properties
nCount = uBound(oProperties)
Out.Log("The Object has " + nCount + " properties"
Out.Log("Create linsteners...")
oListener1 = createUNOListener("CB1_","")
oListener2 = createUNOListener("CB2_","")
Out.Log("oListener1 and oListener2 created"
'create sequences of Propertie-Names and Values
'fist get the amount of valid properties
for n = 0 to (nCount)
'look for readonly-properties
If (oProperties(n).Attributes AND = 0 Then
'look for MAYBEVOID-Properties
If (oProperties(n).Attributes AND = 0 Then
'is the Property testable
m = m + 1
End If
End If
next n
Out.Log("Amount of testable properites (without readonly and MAYBEVOID) is " + m)
'now store the names in sProperites
Dim searchProperties(0 to m-1) As String
m = 0
for n = 0 to (nCount)
'kick off readonly-properties
If (oProperties(n).Attributes AND = 0 Then
'kick off MYBEVOID-Properties
If (oProperties(n).Attributes AND = 0 Then
searchProperties(m) = oProperties(n).Name
Out.Log("" + m + " " + searchProperties(m) + " " + oObj.getPropertySetInfo.getPropertyByName(searchProperties(m)).Type.Name + " " + n)
Dim pVal As Variant
pVal = oObj.getPropertyValue(searchProperties(m))
oObj.setPropertyValues(Array(searchProperties(m)), Array(pVal))
m = m + 1
End If
End If
next n
nCount = m - 1
Dim sProperties(0 to nCount) As String
Dim vValues(0 to nCount) As Variant
For n = 0 to nCount
sProperties(n) = searchProperties(n)
next n
vValues() = oObj.getPropertyValues(sProperties())
'add ChangeListener
Out.Log("oListener1 and oListener2 added to object")
nIndex = 0
nMem = nIndex
'find at first a Boolean Value, if not available a String Property
While (NOT bFound) AND ((nCount &gt;= nIndex))
'get the property-type
cType = oObj.getPropertySetInfo.getPropertyByName(sProperties(nIndex)).Type.Name
If cType = "boolean" Then ' it is a Boolean Proerty
bFound = true
nMem = nIndex
If cType = "string" Then ' it is a String Property
nMem = nIndex
end if
end if
nIndex = nIndex + 1
nIndex = nIndex - 1
Out.Log("Property to change is: """ + sProperties(nIndex) + """ Type: """ + oObj.getPropertySetInfo.getPropertyByName(sProperties(nIndex)).Type.Name + """")
nIndex = nMem
'memory the old Value
vMemVal = vValues(nIndex)
'change a value of a property, hopefully a boolean or string property
select case VarType(vValues(nIndex)
case 11 'boolean
bBoolean = NOT vValues(nIndex)
vValues(nIndex) = bBoolean
case 2 'integer
nInteger = vValues(nIndex) + 1
vValues(nIndex) = nInteger
case 3 'long
nLong = vValues(nIndex) + 1
vValues(nIndex) = nLong
case 4 'single
nSingle = vValues(nIndex) + 1
vValues(nIndex) = nSingle
case 5 'double
nDouble = vValues(nIndex) + 1
vValues(nIndex) = nDouble
case 8 'string
vValues(nIndex) = vValues(nIndex) + cIfcShortName
end select
bOK = bOK AND (uBound(oProperties) &gt; 0)
Test.MethodTested("getPropertySetInfo()", bOK)
bOK = bOK AND (uBound(vValues()) &gt; 0)
Test.MethodTested("getPropertyValues()", bOK)
oObj.setPropertyValues(sProperties(), vValues())
vValues() = oObj.getPropertyValues(sProperties())
bOK = bOK AND (vValues(nIndex) &lt;&gt; vMemVal)
Test.MethodTested("setPropertyValues()", bOK)
bOK = (nCB1Val &gt;= 1) AND (nCB2Val &gt;= 1)
nCB1ValMem = nCB1Val
nCB2ValMem = nCb2Val
Test.MethodTested("addPropertiesChangeListener()", bOK)
'fire !!!
Out.Log("Try to fire property change event...")
bOK = (nCB1Val &gt;= nCB1ValMem) AND (nCB2Val &gt;= nCB2ValMem)
Test.MethodTested("firePropertiesChangeEvent()", bOK)
nCB1ValMem = nCB1Val
nCB2ValMem = nCb2Val
'remove one Listener and fire
Out.Log("oListener1 removed")
select case VarType(vValues(nIndex)
case 11 'boolean
bBoolean = NOT vValues(nIndex)
vValues(nIndex) = bBoolean
case 2 'integer
nInteger = vValues(nIndex) + 1
vValues(nIndex) = nInteger
case 3 'long
nLong = vValues(nIndex) + 1
vValues(nIndex) = nLong
case 4 'single
nSingle = vValues(nIndex) + 1
vValues(nIndex) = nSingle
case 5 'double
nDouble = vValues(nIndex) + 1
vValues(nIndex) = nDouble
case 8 'string
vValues(nIndex) = vValues(nIndex) + cIfcShortName
end select
Out.Log("The property '" + sProperties(nIndex) + "' was changed")
oObj.setPropertyValues(sProperties(), vValues())
bOK = (nCB1Val = nCB1ValMem) AND (nCB2Val &gt;= nCB2ValMem)
Test.MethodTested("removePropertiesChangeListener()", bOK)
'remove the last Listener
Out.Log("oListener2 removed")
Exit Sub
bOK = false
resume next
End Sub
'callback routine called firePropertiesChangeEvent
Sub CB1_propertiesChange
Out.Log("CallBack for Listener 1 was called.")
nCB1Val = nCB1Val + 1
end Sub
Sub CB2_propertiesChange
Out.Log("CallBack for Listener 2 was called.")
nCB2Val = nCB2Val + 1
end Sub