blob: 2a99b92c2e143df01f9372252d0752d26f15cda9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "oox/helper/graphichelper.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/awt/Point.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/Size.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/XDevice.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/XUnitConversion.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XFramesSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/graphic/GraphicObject.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/graphic/XGraphicProvider.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/MeasureUnit.hpp>
#include <comphelper/seqstream.hxx>
#include "oox/helper/containerhelper.hxx"
#include "oox/helper/propertyset.hxx"
#include "oox/token/tokens.hxx"
namespace oox {
// ============================================================================
using namespace ::com::sun::star::awt;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::graphic;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::io;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using ::rtl::OUString;
// ============================================================================
namespace {
inline sal_Int32 lclConvertScreenPixelToHmm( double fPixel, double fPixelPerHmm )
return static_cast< sal_Int32 >( (fPixelPerHmm > 0.0) ? (fPixel / fPixelPerHmm + 0.5) : 0.0 );
} // namespace
// ============================================================================
GraphicHelper::GraphicHelper( const Reference< XComponentContext >& rxContext, const Reference< XFrame >& rxTargetFrame, const StorageRef& rxStorage ) :
mxContext( rxContext ),
mxStorage( rxStorage ),
maGraphicObjScheme( CREATE_OUSTRING( "" ) )
OSL_ENSURE(, "GraphicHelper::GraphicHelper - missing component context" );
Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xFactory( mxContext->getServiceManager(), UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE(, "GraphicHelper::GraphicHelper - missing service factory" );
if( )
mxGraphicProvider.set( xFactory->createInstance( CREATE_OUSTRING( "" ) ), UNO_QUERY );
//! TODO: get colors from system
maSystemPalette[ XML_3dDkShadow ] = 0x716F64;
maSystemPalette[ XML_3dLight ] = 0xF1EFE2;
maSystemPalette[ XML_activeBorder ] = 0xD4D0C8;
maSystemPalette[ XML_activeCaption ] = 0x0054E3;
maSystemPalette[ XML_appWorkspace ] = 0x808080;
maSystemPalette[ XML_background ] = 0x004E98;
maSystemPalette[ XML_btnFace ] = 0xECE9D8;
maSystemPalette[ XML_btnHighlight ] = 0xFFFFFF;
maSystemPalette[ XML_btnShadow ] = 0xACA899;
maSystemPalette[ XML_btnText ] = 0x000000;
maSystemPalette[ XML_captionText ] = 0xFFFFFF;
maSystemPalette[ XML_gradientActiveCaption ] = 0x3D95FF;
maSystemPalette[ XML_gradientInactiveCaption ] = 0xD8E4F8;
maSystemPalette[ XML_grayText ] = 0xACA899;
maSystemPalette[ XML_highlight ] = 0x316AC5;
maSystemPalette[ XML_highlightText ] = 0xFFFFFF;
maSystemPalette[ XML_hotLight ] = 0x000080;
maSystemPalette[ XML_inactiveBorder ] = 0xD4D0C8;
maSystemPalette[ XML_inactiveCaption ] = 0x7A96DF;
maSystemPalette[ XML_inactiveCaptionText ] = 0xD8E4F8;
maSystemPalette[ XML_infoBk ] = 0xFFFFE1;
maSystemPalette[ XML_infoText ] = 0x000000;
maSystemPalette[ XML_menu ] = 0xFFFFFF;
maSystemPalette[ XML_menuBar ] = 0xECE9D8;
maSystemPalette[ XML_menuHighlight ] = 0x316AC5;
maSystemPalette[ XML_menuText ] = 0x000000;
maSystemPalette[ XML_scrollBar ] = 0xD4D0C8;
maSystemPalette[ XML_window ] = 0xFFFFFF;
maSystemPalette[ XML_windowFrame ] = 0x000000;
maSystemPalette[ XML_windowText ] = 0x000000;
// if no target frame has been passed (e.g. OLE objects), try to fallback to the active frame
// TODO: we need some mechanism to keep and pass the parent frame
Reference< XFrame > xFrame = rxTargetFrame;
if( ! && ) try
Reference< XFramesSupplier > xFramesSupp( xFactory->createInstance( CREATE_OUSTRING( "" ) ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
xFrame = xFramesSupp->getActiveFrame();
catch( Exception& )
// get the metric of the output device
OSL_ENSURE(, "GraphicHelper::GraphicHelper - cannot get target frame" );
maDeviceInfo.PixelPerMeterX = maDeviceInfo.PixelPerMeterY = 3500.0; // some default just in case
if( ) try
Reference< XDevice > xDevice( xFrame->getContainerWindow(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
mxUnitConversion.set( xDevice, UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE(, "GraphicHelper::GraphicHelper - cannot get unit converter" );
maDeviceInfo = xDevice->getInfo();
catch( Exception& )
OSL_ENSURE( false, "GraphicHelper::GraphicHelper - cannot get output device info" );
mfPixelPerHmmX = maDeviceInfo.PixelPerMeterX / 100000.0;
mfPixelPerHmmY = maDeviceInfo.PixelPerMeterY / 100000.0;
// System colors and predefined colors ----------------------------------------
sal_Int32 GraphicHelper::getSystemColor( sal_Int32 nToken, sal_Int32 nDefaultRgb ) const
return ContainerHelper::getMapElement( maSystemPalette, nToken, nDefaultRgb );
sal_Int32 GraphicHelper::getSchemeColor( sal_Int32 /*nToken*/ ) const
OSL_ENSURE( false, "GraphicHelper::getSchemeColor - scheme colors not implemented" );
sal_Int32 GraphicHelper::getPaletteColor( sal_Int32 /*nPaletteIdx*/ ) const
OSL_ENSURE( false, "GraphicHelper::getPaletteColor - palette colors not implemented" );
// Device info and device dependent unit conversion ---------------------------
const DeviceInfo& GraphicHelper::getDeviceInfo() const
return maDeviceInfo;
sal_Int32 GraphicHelper::convertScreenPixelXToHmm( double fPixelX ) const
return lclConvertScreenPixelToHmm( fPixelX, mfPixelPerHmmX );
sal_Int32 GraphicHelper::convertScreenPixelYToHmm( double fPixelY ) const
return lclConvertScreenPixelToHmm( fPixelY, mfPixelPerHmmY );
Point GraphicHelper::convertScreenPixelToHmm( const Point& rPixel ) const
return Point( convertScreenPixelXToHmm( rPixel.X ), convertScreenPixelYToHmm( rPixel.Y ) );
Size GraphicHelper::convertScreenPixelToHmm( const Size& rPixel ) const
return Size( convertScreenPixelXToHmm( rPixel.Width ), convertScreenPixelYToHmm( rPixel.Height ) );
double GraphicHelper::convertHmmToScreenPixelX( sal_Int32 nHmmX ) const
return nHmmX * mfPixelPerHmmX;
double GraphicHelper::convertHmmToScreenPixelY( sal_Int32 nHmmY ) const
return nHmmY * mfPixelPerHmmY;
Point GraphicHelper::convertHmmToScreenPixel( const Point& rHmm ) const
return Point(
static_cast< sal_Int32 >( convertHmmToScreenPixelX( rHmm.X ) + 0.5 ),
static_cast< sal_Int32 >( convertHmmToScreenPixelY( rHmm.Y ) + 0.5 ) );
Size GraphicHelper::convertHmmToScreenPixel( const Size& rHmm ) const
return Size(
static_cast< sal_Int32 >( convertHmmToScreenPixelX( rHmm.Width ) + 0.5 ),
static_cast< sal_Int32 >( convertHmmToScreenPixelY( rHmm.Height ) + 0.5 ) );
Point GraphicHelper::convertAppFontToHmm( const Point& rAppFont ) const
if( ) try
Point aPixel = mxUnitConversion->convertPointToPixel( rAppFont, ::com::sun::star::util::MeasureUnit::APPFONT );
return convertScreenPixelToHmm( aPixel );
catch( Exception& )
return Point( 0, 0 );
Size GraphicHelper::convertAppFontToHmm( const Size& rAppFont ) const
if( ) try
Size aPixel = mxUnitConversion->convertSizeToPixel( rAppFont, ::com::sun::star::util::MeasureUnit::APPFONT );
return convertScreenPixelToHmm( aPixel );
catch( Exception& )
return Size( 0, 0 );
Point GraphicHelper::convertHmmToAppFont( const Point& rHmm ) const
if( ) try
Point aPixel = convertHmmToScreenPixel( rHmm );
return mxUnitConversion->convertPointToLogic( aPixel, ::com::sun::star::util::MeasureUnit::APPFONT );
catch( Exception& )
return Point( 0, 0 );
Size GraphicHelper::convertHmmToAppFont( const Size& rHmm ) const
if( ) try
Size aPixel = convertHmmToScreenPixel( rHmm );
return mxUnitConversion->convertSizeToLogic( aPixel, ::com::sun::star::util::MeasureUnit::APPFONT );
catch( Exception& )
return Size( 0, 0 );
// Graphics and graphic objects ----------------------------------------------
Reference< XGraphic > GraphicHelper::importGraphic( const Reference< XInputStream >& rxInStrm ) const
Reference< XGraphic > xGraphic;
if( && ) try
Sequence< PropertyValue > aArgs( 1 );
aArgs[ 0 ].Name = CREATE_OUSTRING( "InputStream" );
aArgs[ 0 ].Value <<= rxInStrm;
xGraphic = mxGraphicProvider->queryGraphic( aArgs );
catch( Exception& )
return xGraphic;
Reference< XGraphic > GraphicHelper::importGraphic( const StreamDataSequence& rGraphicData ) const
Reference< XGraphic > xGraphic;
if( rGraphicData.hasElements() )
Reference< XInputStream > xInStrm( new ::comphelper::SequenceInputStream( rGraphicData ) );
xGraphic = importGraphic( xInStrm );
return xGraphic;
Reference< XGraphic > GraphicHelper::importEmbeddedGraphic( const OUString& rStreamName ) const
Reference< XGraphic > xGraphic;
OSL_ENSURE( rStreamName.getLength() > 0, "GraphicHelper::importEmbeddedGraphic - empty stream name" );
if( rStreamName.getLength() > 0 )
EmbeddedGraphicMap::const_iterator aIt = maEmbeddedGraphics.find( rStreamName );
if( aIt == maEmbeddedGraphics.end() )
xGraphic = importGraphic( mxStorage->openInputStream( rStreamName ) );
if( )
maEmbeddedGraphics[ rStreamName ] = xGraphic;
xGraphic = aIt->second;
return xGraphic;
OUString GraphicHelper::createGraphicObject( const Reference< XGraphic >& rxGraphic ) const
OUString aGraphicObjUrl;
if( && ) try
Reference< XGraphicObject > xGraphicObj( GraphicObject::create( mxContext ), UNO_SET_THROW );
xGraphicObj->setGraphic( rxGraphic );
maGraphicObjects.push_back( xGraphicObj );
aGraphicObjUrl = maGraphicObjScheme + xGraphicObj->getUniqueID();
catch( Exception& )
return aGraphicObjUrl;
OUString GraphicHelper::importGraphicObject( const Reference< XInputStream >& rxInStrm ) const
return createGraphicObject( importGraphic( rxInStrm ) );
OUString GraphicHelper::importGraphicObject( const StreamDataSequence& rGraphicData ) const
return createGraphicObject( importGraphic( rGraphicData ) );
OUString GraphicHelper::importEmbeddedGraphicObject( const OUString& rStreamName ) const
Reference< XGraphic > xGraphic = importEmbeddedGraphic( rStreamName );
return ? createGraphicObject( xGraphic ) : OUString();
Size GraphicHelper::getOriginalSize( const Reference< XGraphic >& xGraphic ) const
Size aSizeHmm;
PropertySet aPropSet( xGraphic );
if( aPropSet.getProperty( aSizeHmm, PROP_Size100thMM ) && (aSizeHmm.Width == 0) && (aSizeHmm.Height == 0) ) // MAPMODE_PIXEL used?
Size aSizePixel( 0, 0 );
if( aPropSet.getProperty( aSizePixel, PROP_SizePixel ) )
aSizeHmm = convertScreenPixelToHmm( aSizePixel );
return aSizeHmm;
// ============================================================================
} // namespace oox