blob: 30cf8babb18bc350b669b3c8e2c973ee21a94bd7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "oox/helper/attributelist.hxx"
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include "oox/token/tokenmap.hxx"
namespace oox {
// ============================================================================
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::xml::sax;
using ::rtl::OUString;
using ::rtl::OUStringBuffer;
// ============================================================================
namespace {
const sal_Int32 XSTRING_ENCCHAR_LEN = 7;
bool lclAddHexDigit( sal_Unicode& orcChar, sal_Unicode cDigit, int nBitShift )
if( ('0' <= cDigit) && (cDigit <= '9') ) { orcChar |= ((cDigit - '0') << nBitShift); return true; }
if( ('a' <= cDigit) && (cDigit <= 'f') ) { orcChar |= ((cDigit - 'a' + 10) << nBitShift); return true; }
if( ('A' <= cDigit) && (cDigit <= 'F') ) { orcChar |= ((cDigit - 'A' + 10) << nBitShift); return true; }
return false;
sal_Unicode lclGetXChar( const sal_Unicode*& rpcStr, const sal_Unicode* pcEnd )
sal_Unicode cChar = 0;
if( (pcEnd - rpcStr >= XSTRING_ENCCHAR_LEN) &&
(rpcStr[ 0 ] == '_') &&
(rpcStr[ 1 ] == 'x') &&
(rpcStr[ 6 ] == '_') &&
lclAddHexDigit( cChar, rpcStr[ 2 ], 12 ) &&
lclAddHexDigit( cChar, rpcStr[ 3 ], 8 ) &&
lclAddHexDigit( cChar, rpcStr[ 4 ], 4 ) &&
lclAddHexDigit( cChar, rpcStr[ 5 ], 0 ) )
return cChar;
return *rpcStr++;
} // namespace
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 AttributeConversion::decodeToken( const OUString& rValue )
return StaticTokenMap::get().getTokenFromUnicode( rValue );
OUString AttributeConversion::decodeXString( const OUString& rValue )
// string shorter than one encoded character - no need to decode
if( rValue.getLength() < XSTRING_ENCCHAR_LEN )
return rValue;
OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
const sal_Unicode* pcStr = rValue.getStr();
const sal_Unicode* pcEnd = pcStr + rValue.getLength();
while( pcStr < pcEnd )
aBuffer.append( lclGetXChar( pcStr, pcEnd ) );
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
double AttributeConversion::decodeDouble( const OUString& rValue )
return rValue.toDouble();
sal_Int32 AttributeConversion::decodeInteger( const OUString& rValue )
return rValue.toInt32();
sal_uInt32 AttributeConversion::decodeUnsigned( const OUString& rValue )
return getLimitedValue< sal_uInt32, sal_Int64 >( rValue.toInt64(), 0, SAL_MAX_UINT32 );
sal_Int64 AttributeConversion::decodeHyper( const OUString& rValue )
return rValue.toInt64();
sal_Int32 AttributeConversion::decodeIntegerHex( const OUString& rValue )
return rValue.toInt32( 16 );
sal_uInt32 AttributeConversion::decodeUnsignedHex( const OUString& rValue )
return getLimitedValue< sal_uInt32, sal_Int64 >( rValue.toInt64( 16 ), 0, SAL_MAX_UINT32 );
sal_Int64 AttributeConversion::decodeHyperHex( const OUString& rValue )
return rValue.toInt64( 16 );
// ============================================================================
AttributeList::AttributeList( const Reference< XFastAttributeList >& rxAttribs ) :
mxAttribs( rxAttribs )
OSL_ENSURE(, "AttributeList::AttributeList - missing attribute list interface" );
bool AttributeList::hasAttribute( sal_Int32 nAttrToken ) const
return mxAttribs->hasAttribute( nAttrToken );
// optional return values -----------------------------------------------------
OptValue< sal_Int32 > AttributeList::getToken( sal_Int32 nAttrToken ) const
sal_Int32 nToken = mxAttribs->getOptionalValueToken( nAttrToken, XML_TOKEN_INVALID );
return OptValue< sal_Int32 >( nToken != XML_TOKEN_INVALID, nToken );
OptValue< OUString > AttributeList::getString( sal_Int32 nAttrToken ) const
// check if the attribute exists (empty string may be different to missing attribute)
if( mxAttribs->hasAttribute( nAttrToken ) )
return OptValue< OUString >( mxAttribs->getOptionalValue( nAttrToken ) );
return OptValue< OUString >();
OptValue< OUString > AttributeList::getXString( sal_Int32 nAttrToken ) const
// check if the attribute exists (empty string may be different to missing attribute)
if( mxAttribs->hasAttribute( nAttrToken ) )
return OptValue< OUString >( AttributeConversion::decodeXString( mxAttribs->getOptionalValue( nAttrToken ) ) );
return OptValue< OUString >();
OptValue< double > AttributeList::getDouble( sal_Int32 nAttrToken ) const
OUString aValue = mxAttribs->getOptionalValue( nAttrToken );
bool bValid = aValue.getLength() > 0;
return OptValue< double >( bValid, bValid ? AttributeConversion::decodeDouble( aValue ) : 0.0 );
OptValue< sal_Int32 > AttributeList::getInteger( sal_Int32 nAttrToken ) const
OUString aValue = mxAttribs->getOptionalValue( nAttrToken );
bool bValid = aValue.getLength() > 0;
return OptValue< sal_Int32 >( bValid, bValid ? AttributeConversion::decodeInteger( aValue ) : 0 );
OptValue< sal_uInt32 > AttributeList::getUnsigned( sal_Int32 nAttrToken ) const
OUString aValue = mxAttribs->getOptionalValue( nAttrToken );
bool bValid = aValue.getLength() > 0;
return OptValue< sal_uInt32 >( bValid, AttributeConversion::decodeUnsigned( aValue ) );
OptValue< sal_Int64 > AttributeList::getHyper( sal_Int32 nAttrToken ) const
OUString aValue = mxAttribs->getOptionalValue( nAttrToken );
bool bValid = aValue.getLength() > 0;
return OptValue< sal_Int64 >( bValid, bValid ? AttributeConversion::decodeHyper( aValue ) : 0 );
OptValue< sal_Int32 > AttributeList::getIntegerHex( sal_Int32 nAttrToken ) const
OUString aValue = mxAttribs->getOptionalValue( nAttrToken );
bool bValid = aValue.getLength() > 0;
return OptValue< sal_Int32 >( bValid, bValid ? AttributeConversion::decodeIntegerHex( aValue ) : 0 );
OptValue< sal_uInt32 > AttributeList::getUnsignedHex( sal_Int32 nAttrToken ) const
OUString aValue = mxAttribs->getOptionalValue( nAttrToken );
bool bValid = aValue.getLength() > 0;
return OptValue< sal_uInt32 >( bValid, bValid ? AttributeConversion::decodeUnsignedHex( aValue ) : 0 );
OptValue< sal_Int64 > AttributeList::getHyperHex( sal_Int32 nAttrToken ) const
OUString aValue = mxAttribs->getOptionalValue( nAttrToken );
bool bValid = aValue.getLength() > 0;
return OptValue< sal_Int64 >( bValid, bValid ? AttributeConversion::decodeHyperHex( aValue ) : 0 );
OptValue< bool > AttributeList::getBool( sal_Int32 nAttrToken ) const
// boolean attributes may be "t", "f", "true", "false", "on", "off", "1", or "0"
switch( getToken( nAttrToken, XML_TOKEN_INVALID ) )
case XML_t: return OptValue< bool >( true ); // used in VML
case XML_true: return OptValue< bool >( true );
case XML_on: return OptValue< bool >( true );
case XML_f: return OptValue< bool >( false ); // used in VML
case XML_false: return OptValue< bool >( false );
case XML_off: return OptValue< bool >( false );
OptValue< sal_Int32 > onValue = getInteger( nAttrToken );
return OptValue< bool >( onValue.has(), onValue.get() != 0 );
OptValue< DateTime > AttributeList::getDateTime( sal_Int32 nAttrToken ) const
OUString aValue = mxAttribs->getOptionalValue( nAttrToken );
DateTime aDateTime;
bool bValid = (aValue.getLength() == 19) && (aValue[ 4 ] == '-') && (aValue[ 7 ] == '-') &&
(aValue[ 10 ] == 'T') && (aValue[ 13 ] == ':') && (aValue[ 16 ] == ':');
if( bValid )
aDateTime.Year = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( aValue.copy( 0, 4 ).toInt32() );
aDateTime.Month = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( aValue.copy( 5, 2 ).toInt32() );
aDateTime.Day = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( aValue.copy( 8, 2 ).toInt32() );
aDateTime.Hours = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( aValue.copy( 11, 2 ).toInt32() );
aDateTime.Minutes = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( aValue.copy( 14, 2 ).toInt32() );
aDateTime.Seconds = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( aValue.copy( 17, 2 ).toInt32() );
return OptValue< DateTime >( bValid, aDateTime );
// defaulted return values ----------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 AttributeList::getToken( sal_Int32 nAttrToken, sal_Int32 nDefault ) const
return mxAttribs->getOptionalValueToken( nAttrToken, nDefault );
OUString AttributeList::getString( sal_Int32 nAttrToken, const OUString& rDefault ) const
return mxAttribs->getValue( nAttrToken );
catch( Exception& )
return rDefault;
OUString AttributeList::getXString( sal_Int32 nAttrToken, const OUString& rDefault ) const
return getXString( nAttrToken ).get( rDefault );
double AttributeList::getDouble( sal_Int32 nAttrToken, double fDefault ) const
return getDouble( nAttrToken ).get( fDefault );
sal_Int32 AttributeList::getInteger( sal_Int32 nAttrToken, sal_Int32 nDefault ) const
return getInteger( nAttrToken ).get( nDefault );
sal_uInt32 AttributeList::getUnsigned( sal_Int32 nAttrToken, sal_uInt32 nDefault ) const
return getUnsigned( nAttrToken ).get( nDefault );
sal_Int64 AttributeList::getHyper( sal_Int32 nAttrToken, sal_Int64 nDefault ) const
return getHyper( nAttrToken ).get( nDefault );
sal_Int32 AttributeList::getIntegerHex( sal_Int32 nAttrToken, sal_Int32 nDefault ) const
return getIntegerHex( nAttrToken ).get( nDefault );
sal_uInt32 AttributeList::getUnsignedHex( sal_Int32 nAttrToken, sal_uInt32 nDefault ) const
return getUnsignedHex( nAttrToken ).get( nDefault );
sal_Int64 AttributeList::getHyperHex( sal_Int32 nAttrToken, sal_Int64 nDefault ) const
return getHyperHex( nAttrToken ).get( nDefault );
bool AttributeList::getBool( sal_Int32 nAttrToken, bool bDefault ) const
return getBool( nAttrToken ).get( bDefault );
DateTime AttributeList::getDateTime( sal_Int32 nAttrToken, const DateTime& rDefault ) const
return getDateTime( nAttrToken ).get( rDefault );
// ============================================================================
} // namespace oox