blob: 4bf6b5c0eba02f13c5420fc163273d0eabeaecc9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "oox/drawingml/chart/typegroupconverter.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/chart/DataLabelPlacement.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/CurveStyle.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/DataPointGeometry3D.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/StackingDirection.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/Symbol.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/XChartTypeContainer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/XCoordinateSystem.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/XDataSeriesContainer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/data/XDataSink.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/LineStyle.hpp>
#include "oox/drawingml/lineproperties.hxx"
#include "oox/drawingml/chart/seriesconverter.hxx"
#include "oox/drawingml/chart/typegroupmodel.hxx"
#include "oox/helper/containerhelper.hxx"
namespace oox {
namespace drawingml {
namespace chart {
// ============================================================================
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::chart2;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::chart2::data;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using ::rtl::OUString;
// ============================================================================
namespace {
// chart type service names
const sal_Char SERVICE_CHART2_AREA[] = "";
const sal_Char SERVICE_CHART2_CANDLE[] = "";
const sal_Char SERVICE_CHART2_COLUMN[] = "";
const sal_Char SERVICE_CHART2_LINE[] = "";
const sal_Char SERVICE_CHART2_NET[] = "";
const sal_Char SERVICE_CHART2_FILLEDNET[] = "";
const sal_Char SERVICE_CHART2_PIE[] = "";
const sal_Char SERVICE_CHART2_SCATTER[] = "";
const sal_Char SERVICE_CHART2_BUBBLE[] = "";
const sal_Char SERVICE_CHART2_SURFACE[] = ""; // Todo
namespace csscd = ::com::sun::star::chart::DataLabelPlacement;
static const TypeGroupInfo spTypeInfos[] =
// type-id type-category service varied-point-color default label pos comb2d supp3d polar area2d 1stvis xcateg swap stack revers betw picopt
{ TYPEID_BAR, TYPECATEGORY_BAR, SERVICE_CHART2_COLUMN, VARPOINTMODE_SINGLE, csscd::OUTSIDE, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, true, false, true, true },
{ TYPEID_HORBAR, TYPECATEGORY_BAR, SERVICE_CHART2_COLUMN, VARPOINTMODE_SINGLE, csscd::OUTSIDE, false, true, false, true, false, true, true, true, false, true, true },
{ TYPEID_LINE, TYPECATEGORY_LINE, SERVICE_CHART2_LINE, VARPOINTMODE_SINGLE, csscd::RIGHT, true, true, false, false, false, true, false, true, false, true, false },
{ TYPEID_AREA, TYPECATEGORY_LINE, SERVICE_CHART2_AREA, VARPOINTMODE_NONE, csscd::CENTER, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, true, true, false, false },
{ TYPEID_STOCK, TYPECATEGORY_LINE, SERVICE_CHART2_CANDLE, VARPOINTMODE_NONE, csscd::RIGHT, true, false, false, false, false, true, false, true, false, true, false },
{ TYPEID_RADARLINE, TYPECATEGORY_RADAR, SERVICE_CHART2_NET, VARPOINTMODE_SINGLE, csscd::TOP, false, false, true, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false },
{ TYPEID_RADARAREA, TYPECATEGORY_RADAR, SERVICE_CHART2_FILLEDNET, VARPOINTMODE_NONE, csscd::TOP, false, false, true, true, false, true, false, false, true, false, false },
{ TYPEID_PIE, TYPECATEGORY_PIE, SERVICE_CHART2_PIE, VARPOINTMODE_MULTI, csscd::AVOID_OVERLAP, false, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false },
{ TYPEID_DOUGHNUT, TYPECATEGORY_PIE, SERVICE_CHART2_PIE, VARPOINTMODE_MULTI, csscd::AVOID_OVERLAP, false, true, true, true, false, true, false, false, false, false, false },
{ TYPEID_OFPIE, TYPECATEGORY_PIE, SERVICE_CHART2_PIE, VARPOINTMODE_MULTI, csscd::AVOID_OVERLAP, false, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false },
{ TYPEID_SCATTER, TYPECATEGORY_SCATTER, SERVICE_CHART2_SCATTER, VARPOINTMODE_SINGLE, csscd::RIGHT, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false },
{ TYPEID_BUBBLE, TYPECATEGORY_SCATTER, SERVICE_CHART2_BUBBLE, VARPOINTMODE_SINGLE, csscd::RIGHT, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false },
{ TYPEID_SURFACE, TYPECATEGORY_SURFACE, SERVICE_CHART2_SURFACE, VARPOINTMODE_NONE, csscd::RIGHT, false, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false, false, false }
static const TypeGroupInfo saUnknownTypeInfo =
{ TYPEID_UNKNOWN, TYPECATEGORY_BAR, SERVICE_CHART2_COLUMN, VARPOINTMODE_SINGLE, csscd::OUTSIDE, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, true, false, true, true };
const TypeGroupInfo& lclGetTypeInfoFromTypeId( TypeId eTypeId )
const TypeGroupInfo* pEnd = STATIC_ARRAY_END( spTypeInfos );
for( const TypeGroupInfo* pIt = spTypeInfos; pIt != pEnd; ++pIt )
if( pIt->meTypeId == eTypeId )
return *pIt;
OSL_ENSURE( eTypeId == TYPEID_UNKNOWN, "lclGetTypeInfoFromTypeId - unexpected chart type identifier" );
return saUnknownTypeInfo;
} // namespace
// ============================================================================
UpDownBarsConverter::UpDownBarsConverter( const ConverterRoot& rParent, UpDownBarsModel& rModel ) :
ConverterBase< UpDownBarsModel >( rParent, rModel )
void UpDownBarsConverter::convertFromModel( const Reference< XChartType >& rxChartType )
PropertySet aTypeProp( rxChartType );
// upbar format
Reference< XPropertySet > xWhitePropSet;
if( aTypeProp.getProperty( xWhitePropSet, PROP_WhiteDay ) )
PropertySet aPropSet( xWhitePropSet );
getFormatter().convertFrameFormatting( aPropSet, mrModel.mxUpBars, OBJECTTYPE_UPBAR );
// downbar format
Reference< XPropertySet > xBlackPropSet;
if( aTypeProp.getProperty( xBlackPropSet, PROP_BlackDay ) )
PropertySet aPropSet( xBlackPropSet );
getFormatter().convertFrameFormatting( aPropSet, mrModel.mxDownBars, OBJECTTYPE_DOWNBAR );
// ============================================================================
TypeGroupConverter::TypeGroupConverter( const ConverterRoot& rParent, TypeGroupModel& rModel ) :
ConverterBase< TypeGroupModel >( rParent, rModel ),
mb3dChart( false )
switch( mrModel.mnTypeId )
#define ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( min, max ) OSL_ENSURE( (min <= (int)mrModel.maAxisIds.size()) && ((int)mrModel.maAxisIds.size() <= max), "TypeGroupConverter::TypeGroupConverter - invalid axes count" )
case C_TOKEN( area3DChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 2, 3 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_AREA; mb3dChart = true; break;
case C_TOKEN( areaChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 2, 2 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_AREA; mb3dChart = false; break;
case C_TOKEN( bar3DChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 2, 3 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_BAR; mb3dChart = true; break;
case C_TOKEN( barChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 2, 2 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_BAR; mb3dChart = false; break;
case C_TOKEN( bubbleChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 2, 2 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_BUBBLE; mb3dChart = false; break;
case C_TOKEN( doughnutChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 0, 0 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_DOUGHNUT; mb3dChart = false; break;
case C_TOKEN( line3DChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 3, 3 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_LINE; mb3dChart = true; break;
case C_TOKEN( lineChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 2, 2 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_LINE; mb3dChart = false; break;
case C_TOKEN( ofPieChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 0, 0 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_OFPIE; mb3dChart = false; break;
case C_TOKEN( pie3DChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 0, 0 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_PIE; mb3dChart = true; break;
case C_TOKEN( pieChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 0, 0 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_PIE; mb3dChart = false; break;
case C_TOKEN( radarChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 2, 2 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_RADARLINE; mb3dChart = false; break;
case C_TOKEN( scatterChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 2, 2 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_SCATTER; mb3dChart = false; break;
case C_TOKEN( stockChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 2, 2 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_STOCK; mb3dChart = false; break;
case C_TOKEN( surface3DChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 3, 3 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_SURFACE; mb3dChart = true; break;
case C_TOKEN( surfaceChart ): ENSURE_AXESCOUNT( 2, 3 ); eTypeId = TYPEID_SURFACE; mb3dChart = true; break; // 3D bar chart from all surface charts
default: OSL_ENSURE( false, "TypeGroupConverter::TypeGroupConverter - unknown chart type" );
// special handling for some chart types
switch( eTypeId )
if( mrModel.mnBarDir == XML_bar )
if( mrModel.mnRadarStyle == XML_filled )
// create a deep 3D bar chart from surface charts
mrModel.mnGrouping = XML_standard;
// set the chart type info struct for the current chart type
maTypeInfo = lclGetTypeInfoFromTypeId( eTypeId );
bool TypeGroupConverter::isStacked() const
return maTypeInfo.mbSupportsStacking && (mrModel.mnGrouping == XML_stacked);
bool TypeGroupConverter::isPercent() const
return maTypeInfo.mbSupportsStacking && (mrModel.mnGrouping == XML_percentStacked);
bool TypeGroupConverter::is3dChart() const
return mb3dChart;
bool TypeGroupConverter::isWall3dChart() const
return mb3dChart && (maTypeInfo.meTypeCategory != TYPECATEGORY_PIE);
bool TypeGroupConverter::isDeep3dChart() const
return isWall3dChart() && (mrModel.mnGrouping == XML_standard);
bool TypeGroupConverter::isSeriesFrameFormat() const
return mb3dChart || maTypeInfo.mbSeriesIsFrame2d;
ObjectType TypeGroupConverter::getSeriesObjectType() const
bool TypeGroupConverter::isReverseSeries() const
return maTypeInfo.mbReverseSeries && !mb3dChart && !isStacked() && !isPercent();
OUString TypeGroupConverter::getSingleSeriesTitle() const
OUString aSeriesTitle;
if( !mrModel.maSeries.empty() && (maTypeInfo.mbSingleSeriesVis || (mrModel.maSeries.size() == 1)) )
if( const TextModel* pText = mrModel.maSeries.front()->mxText.get() )
if( const DataSequenceModel* pDataSeq = pText->mxDataSeq.get() )
if( !pDataSeq->maData.empty() )
pDataSeq->maData.begin()->second >>= aSeriesTitle;
return aSeriesTitle;
Reference< XCoordinateSystem > TypeGroupConverter::createCoordinateSystem()
// find service name for coordinate system
OUString aServiceName;
if( maTypeInfo.mbPolarCoordSystem )
if( mb3dChart )
aServiceName = CREATE_OUSTRING( "" );
aServiceName = CREATE_OUSTRING( "" );
if( mb3dChart )
aServiceName = CREATE_OUSTRING( "" );
aServiceName = CREATE_OUSTRING( "" );
// create the coordinate system object
Reference< XCoordinateSystem > xCoordSystem( createInstance( aServiceName ), UNO_QUERY );
// swap X and Y axis
if( maTypeInfo.mbSwappedAxesSet )
PropertySet aPropSet( xCoordSystem );
aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_SwapXAndYAxis, true );
return xCoordSystem;
Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > TypeGroupConverter::createCategorySequence()
Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > xLabeledSeq;
/* Find first existing category sequence. The bahaviour of Excel 2007 is
different to Excel 2003, which always used the category sequence of the
first series, even if it was empty. */
for( TypeGroupModel::SeriesVector::iterator aIt = mrModel.maSeries.begin(), aEnd = mrModel.maSeries.end(); ! && (aIt != aEnd); ++aIt )
if( (*aIt)->maSources.has( SeriesModel::CATEGORIES ) )
SeriesConverter aSeriesConv( *this, **aIt );
xLabeledSeq = aSeriesConv.createCategorySequence( CREATE_OUSTRING( "categories" ) );
return xLabeledSeq;
void TypeGroupConverter::convertFromModel( const Reference< XDiagram >& rxDiagram,
const Reference< XCoordinateSystem >& rxCoordSystem,
sal_Int32 nAxesSetIdx, bool bSupportsVaryColorsByPoint )
// create the chart type object
OUString aService = OUString::createFromAscii( maTypeInfo.mpcServiceName );
Reference< XChartType > xChartType( createInstance( aService ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
// additional properties
PropertySet aDiaProp( rxDiagram );
PropertySet aTypeProp( xChartType );
switch( maTypeInfo.meTypeCategory )
Sequence< sal_Int32 > aInt32Seq( 2 );
aInt32Seq[ 0 ] = aInt32Seq[ 1 ] = mrModel.mnOverlap;
aTypeProp.setProperty( PROP_OverlapSequence, aInt32Seq );
aInt32Seq[ 0 ] = aInt32Seq[ 1 ] = mrModel.mnGapWidth;
aTypeProp.setProperty( PROP_GapwidthSequence, aInt32Seq );
aTypeProp.setProperty( PROP_UseRings, maTypeInfo.meTypeId == TYPEID_DOUGHNUT );
/* #i85166# starting angle of first pie slice. 3D pie charts
use Y rotation setting in view3D element. Of-pie charts do
not support pie rotation. */
if( !is3dChart() && (maTypeInfo.meTypeId != TYPEID_OFPIE) )
convertPieRotation( aDiaProp, mrModel.mnFirstAngle );
// create converter objects for all series models
typedef RefVector< SeriesConverter > SeriesConvVector;
SeriesConvVector aSeries;
for( TypeGroupModel::SeriesVector::iterator aIt = mrModel.maSeries.begin(), aEnd = mrModel.maSeries.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
aSeries.push_back( SeriesConvVector::value_type( new SeriesConverter( *this, **aIt ) ) );
// reverse series order for some unstacked 2D chart types
if( isReverseSeries() )
::std::reverse( aSeries.begin(), aSeries.end() );
// decide whether to use varying colors for each data point
bool bVaryColorsByPoint = bSupportsVaryColorsByPoint && mrModel.mbVaryColors;
switch( maTypeInfo.meVarPointMode )
case VARPOINTMODE_NONE: bVaryColorsByPoint = false; break;
case VARPOINTMODE_SINGLE: bVaryColorsByPoint &= (mrModel.maSeries.size() == 1); break;
/* Stock chart needs special processing. Create one 'big' series with
data sequences of different roles. */
if( maTypeInfo.meTypeId == TYPEID_STOCK )
// create the data series object
Reference< XDataSeries > xDataSeries( createInstance( CREATE_OUSTRING( "" ) ), UNO_QUERY );
Reference< XDataSink > xDataSink( xDataSeries, UNO_QUERY );
if( )
// create a list of data sequences from all series
::std::vector< Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > > aLabeledSeqVec;
OSL_ENSURE( aSeries.size() >= 3, "TypeGroupConverter::convertFromModel - too few stock chart series" );
int nRoleIdx = (aSeries.size() == 3) ? 1 : 0;
for( SeriesConvVector::iterator aIt = aSeries.begin(), aEnd = aSeries.end(); (nRoleIdx < 4) && (aIt != aEnd); ++nRoleIdx, ++aIt )
// create a data sequence with a specific role
OUString aRole;
switch( nRoleIdx )
case 0: aRole = CREATE_OUSTRING( "values-first" ); break;
case 1: aRole = CREATE_OUSTRING( "values-max" ); break;
case 2: aRole = CREATE_OUSTRING( "values-min" ); break;
case 3: aRole = CREATE_OUSTRING( "values-last" ); break;
Reference< XLabeledDataSequence > xDataSeq = (*aIt)->createValueSequence( aRole );
if( )
aLabeledSeqVec.push_back( xDataSeq );
// attach labeled data sequences to series and insert series into chart type
xDataSink->setData( ContainerHelper::vectorToSequence( aLabeledSeqVec ) );
// formatting of high/low lines
aTypeProp.setProperty( PROP_ShowHighLow, true );
PropertySet aSeriesProp( xDataSeries );
if( )
getFormatter().convertFrameFormatting( aSeriesProp, mrModel.mxHiLowLines, OBJECTTYPE_HILOLINE );
// hi/low-lines cannot be switched off via "ShowHighLow" property (?)
aSeriesProp.setProperty( PROP_LineStyle, ::com::sun::star::drawing::LineStyle_NONE );
// formatting of up/down bars
bool bUpDownBars =;
aTypeProp.setProperty( PROP_Japanese, bUpDownBars );
aTypeProp.setProperty( PROP_ShowFirst, bUpDownBars );
if( bUpDownBars )
UpDownBarsConverter aUpDownConv( *this, *mrModel.mxUpDownBars );
aUpDownConv.convertFromModel( xChartType );
// insert the series into the chart type object
insertDataSeries( xChartType, xDataSeries, nAxesSetIdx );
for( SeriesConvVector::iterator aIt = aSeries.begin(), aEnd = aSeries.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
SeriesConverter& rSeriesConv = **aIt;
Reference< XDataSeries > xDataSeries = rSeriesConv.createDataSeries( *this, bVaryColorsByPoint );
insertDataSeries( xChartType, xDataSeries, nAxesSetIdx );
/* Excel does not use the value of the c:smooth element of the
chart type to set a default line smoothing for the data
series. Line smoothing is always controlled by the c:smooth
element of the respective data series. If the element in the
data series is missing, line smoothing is off, regardless of
the c:smooth element of the chart type. */
if( rSeriesConv.getModel().mbSmooth )
convertLineSmooth( aTypeProp, true );
// add chart type object to coordinate system
Reference< XChartTypeContainer > xChartTypeCont( rxCoordSystem, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
xChartTypeCont->addChartType( xChartType );
// set existence of bar connector lines at diagram (only in stacked 2D bar charts)
if( && !mb3dChart && (maTypeInfo.meTypeCategory == TYPECATEGORY_BAR) && (isStacked() || isPercent()) )
aDiaProp.setProperty( PROP_ConnectBars, true );
catch( Exception& )
OSL_ENSURE( false, "TypeGroupConverter::convertFromModel - cannot add chart type" );
void TypeGroupConverter::convertMarker( PropertySet& rPropSet, sal_Int32 nOoxSymbol, sal_Int32 nOoxSize ) const
if( !isSeriesFrameFormat() )
namespace cssc = ::com::sun::star::chart2;
// symbol style
cssc::Symbol aSymbol;
aSymbol.Style = cssc::SymbolStyle_STANDARD;
switch( nOoxSymbol ) // compare with XclChPropSetHelper::WriteMarkerProperties in xlchart.cxx
case XML_auto: aSymbol.Style = cssc::SymbolStyle_AUTO; break;
case XML_none: aSymbol.Style = cssc::SymbolStyle_NONE; break;
case XML_square: aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 0; break; // square
case XML_diamond: aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 1; break; // diamond
case XML_triangle: aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 3; break; // arrow up
case XML_x: aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 10; break; // X, legacy bow tie
case XML_star: aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 12; break; // asterisk, legacy sand glass
case XML_dot: aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 4; break; // arrow right
case XML_dash: aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 13; break; // horizontal bar, legacy arrow down
case XML_circle: aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 8; break; // circle, legacy arrow right
case XML_plus: aSymbol.StandardSymbol = 11; break; // plus, legacy arrow left
// symbol size (points in OOXML, 1/100 mm in Chart2)
sal_Int32 nSize = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( nOoxSize * (2540.0 / 72.0) + 0.5 );
aSymbol.Size.Width = aSymbol.Size.Height = nSize;
// set the property
rPropSet.setProperty( PROP_Symbol, aSymbol );
void TypeGroupConverter::convertLineSmooth( PropertySet& rPropSet, bool bOoxSmooth ) const
if( !isSeriesFrameFormat() && (maTypeInfo.meTypeCategory != TYPECATEGORY_RADAR) )
namespace cssc = ::com::sun::star::chart2;
cssc::CurveStyle eCurveStyle = bOoxSmooth ? cssc::CurveStyle_CUBIC_SPLINES : cssc::CurveStyle_LINES;
rPropSet.setProperty( PROP_CurveStyle, eCurveStyle );
void TypeGroupConverter::convertBarGeometry( PropertySet& rPropSet, sal_Int32 nOoxShape ) const
if( mb3dChart && (maTypeInfo.meTypeCategory == TYPECATEGORY_BAR) )
namespace cssc = ::com::sun::star::chart2;
sal_Int32 nGeom3d = cssc::DataPointGeometry3D::CUBOID;
switch( nOoxShape )
case XML_box: nGeom3d = cssc::DataPointGeometry3D::CUBOID; break;
case XML_cone: nGeom3d = cssc::DataPointGeometry3D::CONE; break;
case XML_coneToMax: nGeom3d = cssc::DataPointGeometry3D::CONE; break;
case XML_cylinder: nGeom3d = cssc::DataPointGeometry3D::CYLINDER; break;
case XML_pyramid: nGeom3d = cssc::DataPointGeometry3D::PYRAMID; break;
case XML_pyramidToMax: nGeom3d = cssc::DataPointGeometry3D::PYRAMID; break;
default: OSL_ENSURE( false, "TypeGroupConverter::convertBarGeometry - unknown 3D bar shape type" );
rPropSet.setProperty( PROP_Geometry3D, nGeom3d );
void TypeGroupConverter::convertPieRotation( PropertySet& rPropSet, sal_Int32 nOoxAngle ) const
if( maTypeInfo.meTypeCategory == TYPECATEGORY_PIE )
// map OOXML [0,360] clockwise (0deg top) to Chart2 counterclockwise (0deg left)
sal_Int32 nAngle = (450 - nOoxAngle) % 360;
rPropSet.setProperty( PROP_StartingAngle, nAngle );
void TypeGroupConverter::convertPieExplosion( PropertySet& rPropSet, sal_Int32 nOoxExplosion ) const
if( maTypeInfo.meTypeCategory == TYPECATEGORY_PIE )
// pie explosion restricted to 100% in Chart2, set as double in range [0,1]
double fOffset = getLimitedValue< double >( nOoxExplosion / 100.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
rPropSet.setProperty( PROP_Offset, fOffset );
// private --------------------------------------------------------------------
void TypeGroupConverter::insertDataSeries( const Reference< XChartType >& rxChartType, const Reference< XDataSeries >& rxSeries, sal_Int32 nAxesSetIdx )
if( )
PropertySet aSeriesProp( rxSeries );
// series stacking mode
namespace cssc = ::com::sun::star::chart2;
cssc::StackingDirection eStacking = cssc::StackingDirection_NO_STACKING;
// stacked overrides deep-3d
if( isStacked() || isPercent() )
eStacking = cssc::StackingDirection_Y_STACKING;
else if( isDeep3dChart() )
eStacking = cssc::StackingDirection_Z_STACKING;
aSeriesProp.setProperty( PROP_StackingDirection, eStacking );
// additional series properties
aSeriesProp.setProperty( PROP_AttachedAxisIndex, nAxesSetIdx );
// insert series into container
Reference< XDataSeriesContainer > xSeriesCont( rxChartType, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
xSeriesCont->addDataSeries( rxSeries );
catch( Exception& )
OSL_ENSURE( false, "TypeGroupConverter::insertDataSeries - cannot add data series" );
// ============================================================================
} // namespace chart
} // namespace drawingml
} // namespace oox