blob: 748592d02f0f861403215289e5518aa2ee43d2d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "oox/drawingml/chart/typegroupcontext.hxx"
#include "oox/drawingml/chart/seriescontext.hxx"
#include "oox/drawingml/chart/typegroupmodel.hxx"
namespace oox {
namespace drawingml {
namespace chart {
// ============================================================================
using ::oox::core::ContextHandler2Helper;
using ::oox::core::ContextHandlerRef;
// ============================================================================
UpDownBarsContext::UpDownBarsContext( ContextHandler2Helper& rParent, UpDownBarsModel& rModel ) :
ContextBase< UpDownBarsModel >( rParent, rModel )
ContextHandlerRef UpDownBarsContext::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
switch( getCurrentElement() )
case C_TOKEN( upDownBars ):
switch( nElement )
case C_TOKEN( downBars ):
return new ShapePrWrapperContext( *this, mrModel.mxDownBars.create() );
case C_TOKEN( gapWidth ):
mrModel.mnGapWidth = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, 150 );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( upBars ):
return new ShapePrWrapperContext( *this, mrModel.mxUpBars.create() );
return 0;
// ============================================================================
AreaTypeGroupContext::AreaTypeGroupContext( ContextHandler2Helper& rParent, TypeGroupModel& rModel ) :
TypeGroupContextBase( rParent, rModel )
ContextHandlerRef AreaTypeGroupContext::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
if( isRootElement() ) switch( nElement )
case C_TOKEN( axId ):
mrModel.maAxisIds.push_back( rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, -1 ) );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( dLbls ):
return new DataLabelsContext( *this, mrModel.mxLabels.create() );
case C_TOKEN( dropLines ):
return new ShapePrWrapperContext( *this, mrModel.mxDropLines.create() );
case C_TOKEN( gapDepth ):
mrModel.mnGapDepth = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, 150 );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( grouping ):
mrModel.mnGrouping = rAttribs.getToken( XML_val, XML_standard );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( ser ):
return new AreaSeriesContext( *this, mrModel.maSeries.create() );
case C_TOKEN( varyColors ):
// default is 'false', not 'true' as specified
mrModel.mbVaryColors = rAttribs.getBool( XML_val, false );
return 0;
return 0;
// ============================================================================
BarTypeGroupContext::BarTypeGroupContext( ContextHandler2Helper& rParent, TypeGroupModel& rModel ) :
TypeGroupContextBase( rParent, rModel )
ContextHandlerRef BarTypeGroupContext::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
if( isRootElement() ) switch( nElement )
case C_TOKEN( axId ):
mrModel.maAxisIds.push_back( rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, -1 ) );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( barDir ):
mrModel.mnBarDir = rAttribs.getToken( XML_val, XML_col );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( dLbls ):
return new DataLabelsContext( *this, mrModel.mxLabels.create() );
case C_TOKEN( gapDepth ):
mrModel.mnGapDepth = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, 150 );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( gapWidth ):
mrModel.mnGapWidth = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, 150 );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( grouping ):
// default is 'standard', not 'clustered' as specified
mrModel.mnGrouping = rAttribs.getToken( XML_val, XML_standard );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( overlap ):
mrModel.mnOverlap = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, 0 );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( ser ):
return new BarSeriesContext( *this, mrModel.maSeries.create() );
case C_TOKEN( serLines ):
return new ShapePrWrapperContext( *this, mrModel.mxSerLines.create() );
case C_TOKEN( shape ):
mrModel.mnShape = rAttribs.getToken( XML_val, XML_box );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( varyColors ):
// default is 'false', not 'true' as specified
mrModel.mbVaryColors = rAttribs.getBool( XML_val, false );
return 0;
return 0;
// ============================================================================
BubbleTypeGroupContext::BubbleTypeGroupContext( ContextHandler2Helper& rParent, TypeGroupModel& rModel ) :
TypeGroupContextBase( rParent, rModel )
ContextHandlerRef BubbleTypeGroupContext::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
if( isRootElement() ) switch( nElement )
case C_TOKEN( axId ):
mrModel.maAxisIds.push_back( rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, -1 ) );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( bubble3D ):
// default is 'false', not 'true' as specified
mrModel.mbBubble3d = rAttribs.getBool( XML_val, false );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( bubbleScale ):
mrModel.mnBubbleScale = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, 100 );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( dLbls ):
return new DataLabelsContext( *this, mrModel.mxLabels.create() );
case C_TOKEN( ser ):
return new BubbleSeriesContext( *this, mrModel.maSeries.create() );
case C_TOKEN( showNegBubbles ):
// default is 'false', not 'true' as specified
mrModel.mbShowNegBubbles = rAttribs.getBool( XML_val, false );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( sizeRepresents ):
mrModel.mnSizeRepresents = rAttribs.getToken( XML_val, XML_area );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( varyColors ):
// default is 'false', not 'true' as specified
mrModel.mbVaryColors = rAttribs.getBool( XML_val, false );
return 0;
return 0;
// ============================================================================
LineTypeGroupContext::LineTypeGroupContext( ContextHandler2Helper& rParent, TypeGroupModel& rModel ) :
TypeGroupContextBase( rParent, rModel )
ContextHandlerRef LineTypeGroupContext::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
if( isRootElement() ) switch( nElement )
case C_TOKEN( axId ):
mrModel.maAxisIds.push_back( rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, -1 ) );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( dLbls ):
return new DataLabelsContext( *this, mrModel.mxLabels.create() );
case C_TOKEN( dropLines ):
return new ShapePrWrapperContext( *this, mrModel.mxDropLines.create() );
case C_TOKEN( gapDepth ):
mrModel.mnGapDepth = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, 150 );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( grouping ):
mrModel.mnGrouping = rAttribs.getToken( XML_val, XML_standard );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( hiLowLines ):
return new ShapePrWrapperContext( *this, mrModel.mxHiLowLines.create() );
case C_TOKEN( marker ):
// default is 'false', not 'true' as specified
mrModel.mbShowMarker = rAttribs.getBool( XML_val, false );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( ser ):
return new LineSeriesContext( *this, mrModel.maSeries.create() );
case C_TOKEN( smooth ):
// default is 'false', not 'true' as specified
mrModel.mbSmooth = rAttribs.getBool( XML_val, false );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( upDownBars ):
return new UpDownBarsContext( *this, mrModel.mxUpDownBars.create() );
case C_TOKEN( varyColors ):
// default is 'false', not 'true' as specified
mrModel.mbVaryColors = rAttribs.getBool( XML_val, false );
return 0;
return 0;
// ============================================================================
PieTypeGroupContext::PieTypeGroupContext( ContextHandler2Helper& rParent, TypeGroupModel& rModel ) :
TypeGroupContextBase( rParent, rModel )
ContextHandlerRef PieTypeGroupContext::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
if( isRootElement() ) switch( nElement )
case C_TOKEN( dLbls ):
return new DataLabelsContext( *this, mrModel.mxLabels.create() );
case C_TOKEN( firstSliceAng ):
mrModel.mnFirstAngle = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, 0 );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( gapWidth ):
mrModel.mnGapWidth = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, 150 );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( holeSize ):
mrModel.mnHoleSize = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, 10 );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( ofPieType ):
mrModel.mnOfPieType = rAttribs.getToken( XML_val, XML_pie );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( secondPieSize ):
mrModel.mnSecondPieSize = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, 75 );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( ser ):
return new PieSeriesContext( *this, mrModel.maSeries.create() );
case C_TOKEN( serLines ):
return new ShapePrWrapperContext( *this, mrModel.mxSerLines.create() );
case C_TOKEN( splitPos ):
mrModel.mfSplitPos = rAttribs.getDouble( XML_val, 0.0 );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( splitType ):
mrModel.mnSplitType = rAttribs.getToken( XML_val, XML_auto );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( varyColors ):
// default is 'false', not 'true' as specified
mrModel.mbVaryColors = rAttribs.getBool( XML_val, false );
return 0;
return 0;
// ============================================================================
RadarTypeGroupContext::RadarTypeGroupContext( ContextHandler2Helper& rParent, TypeGroupModel& rModel ) :
TypeGroupContextBase( rParent, rModel )
ContextHandlerRef RadarTypeGroupContext::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
if( isRootElement() ) switch( nElement )
case C_TOKEN( axId ):
mrModel.maAxisIds.push_back( rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, -1 ) );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( dLbls ):
return new DataLabelsContext( *this, mrModel.mxLabels.create() );
case C_TOKEN( radarStyle ):
mrModel.mnRadarStyle = rAttribs.getToken( XML_val, XML_standard );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( ser ):
return new RadarSeriesContext( *this, mrModel.maSeries.create() );
case C_TOKEN( varyColors ):
// default is 'false', not 'true' as specified
mrModel.mbVaryColors = rAttribs.getBool( XML_val, false );
return 0;
return 0;
// ============================================================================
ScatterTypeGroupContext::ScatterTypeGroupContext( ContextHandler2Helper& rParent, TypeGroupModel& rModel ) :
TypeGroupContextBase( rParent, rModel )
ContextHandlerRef ScatterTypeGroupContext::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
if( isRootElement() ) switch( nElement )
case C_TOKEN( axId ):
mrModel.maAxisIds.push_back( rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, -1 ) );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( dLbls ):
return new DataLabelsContext( *this, mrModel.mxLabels.create() );
case C_TOKEN( scatterStyle ):
mrModel.mnScatterStyle = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, XML_marker );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( ser ):
return new ScatterSeriesContext( *this, mrModel.maSeries.create() );
case C_TOKEN( varyColors ):
// default is 'false', not 'true' as specified
mrModel.mbVaryColors = rAttribs.getBool( XML_val, false );
return 0;
return 0;
// ============================================================================
SurfaceTypeGroupContext::SurfaceTypeGroupContext( ContextHandler2Helper& rParent, TypeGroupModel& rModel ) :
TypeGroupContextBase( rParent, rModel )
ContextHandlerRef SurfaceTypeGroupContext::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
if( isRootElement() ) switch( nElement )
case C_TOKEN( axId ):
mrModel.maAxisIds.push_back( rAttribs.getInteger( XML_val, -1 ) );
return 0;
case C_TOKEN( ser ):
return new SurfaceSeriesContext( *this, mrModel.maSeries.create() );
case C_TOKEN( wireframe ):
// default is 'false', not 'true' as specified
mrModel.mbWireframe = rAttribs.getBool( XML_val, false );
return 0;
return 0;
// ============================================================================
} // namespace chart
} // namespace drawingml
} // namespace oox