blob: a2d628ffeb64f77993d4189e779405aa62bf1b97 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.h>
namespace rtl { class OUString; }
namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
namespace container { class XIndexAccess; }
namespace container { class XIndexContainer; }
namespace container { class XNameAccess; }
namespace container { class XNameContainer; }
namespace uno { class XComponentContext; }
} } }
namespace oox {
// ============================================================================
/** A range of signed 32-bit integer values. */
struct ValueRange
sal_Int32 mnFirst;
sal_Int32 mnLast;
inline explicit ValueRange( sal_Int32 nValue = 0 ) : mnFirst( nValue ), mnLast( nValue ) {}
inline explicit ValueRange( sal_Int32 nFirst, sal_Int32 nLast ) : mnFirst( nFirst ), mnLast( nLast ) {}
inline bool operator==( const ValueRange& rRange ) const { return (mnFirst == rRange.mnFirst) && (mnLast == rRange.mnLast); }
inline bool operator!=( const ValueRange& rRange ) const { return !(*this == rRange); }
inline bool contains( sal_Int32 nValue ) const { return (mnFirst <= nValue) && (nValue <= mnLast); }
inline bool contains( const ValueRange& rRange ) const { return (mnFirst <= rRange.mnFirst) && (rRange.mnLast <= mnLast); }
inline bool intersects( const ValueRange& rRange ) const { return (mnFirst <= rRange.mnLast) && (rRange.mnFirst <= mnLast); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef ::std::vector< ValueRange > ValueRangeVector;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** An ordered list of value ranges. The insertion operation will merge
consecutive value ranges.
class ValueRangeSet
inline explicit ValueRangeSet() {}
/** Inserts the passed value into the range list. */
inline void insert( sal_Int32 nValue ) { insert( ValueRange( nValue ) ); }
/** Inserts the passed value range into the range list. */
void insert( const ValueRange& rRange );
/** Returns the ordered list of all value ranges. */
inline const ValueRangeVector& getRanges() const { return maRanges; }
/** Returns an intersection of the range list and the passed range. */
ValueRangeVector getIntersection( const ValueRange& rRange ) const;
ValueRangeVector maRanges;
// ============================================================================
/** Template for a 2-dimensional array of objects.
This class template provides a similar interface to the ::std::vector
template< typename Type >
class Matrix
typedef ::std::vector< Type > container_type;
typedef typename container_type::value_type value_type;
typedef typename container_type::pointer pointer;
typedef typename container_type::reference reference;
typedef typename container_type::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename container_type::size_type size_type;
typedef typename container_type::iterator iterator;
typedef typename container_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
inline explicit Matrix() : mnWidth( 0 ) {}
inline explicit Matrix( size_type nWidth, size_type nHeight ) { this->resize( nWidth, nHeight ); }
inline explicit Matrix( size_type nWidth, size_type nHeight, const_reference rData ) { this->resize( nWidth, nHeight, rData ); }
inline size_type capacity() const { return maData.capacity(); }
inline bool empty() const { return maData.empty(); }
inline size_type size() const { return maData.size(); }
inline size_type width() const { return mnWidth; }
inline size_type height() const { return this->empty() ? 0 : (this->size() / this->width()); }
inline bool has( size_type nX, size_type nY ) const { return (nX < this->width()) && (nY < this->height()); }
inline void reserve( size_type nWidth, size_type nHeight ) { maData.reserve( nWidth * nHeight ); }
inline void clear() { this->resize( 0, 0 ); }
inline void resize( size_type nWidth, size_type nHeight ) { mnWidth = nWidth; maData.resize( nWidth * nHeight ); }
inline void resize( size_type nWidth, size_type nHeight, const_reference rData ) { mnWidth = nWidth; maData.resize( nWidth * nHeight, rData ); }
inline iterator at( size_type nX, size_type nY ) { return maData.begin() + mnWidth * nY + nX; }
inline const_iterator at( size_type nX, size_type nY ) const { return maData.begin() + mnWidth * nY + nX; }
inline reference operator()( size_type nX, size_type nY ) { return *this->at( nX, nY ); }
inline const_reference operator()( size_type nX, size_type nY ) const { return *this->at( nX, nY ); }
inline iterator begin() { return maData.begin(); }
inline const_iterator begin() const { return maData.begin(); }
inline iterator end() { return maData.end(); }
inline const_iterator end() const { return maData.end(); }
inline reference front() { return maData.front(); }
inline const_reference front() const { return maData.front(); }
inline reference back() { return maData.back(); }
inline const_reference back() const { return maData.back(); }
inline iterator row_begin( size_type nY ) { return this->at( 0, nY ); }
inline const_iterator row_begin( size_type nY ) const { return this->at( 0, nY ); }
inline iterator row_end( size_type nY ) { return this->at( mnWidth, nY ); }
inline const_iterator row_end( size_type nY ) const { return this->at( mnWidth, nY ); }
inline reference row_front( size_type nY ) { return (*this)( 0, nY ); }
inline const_reference row_front( size_type nY ) const { return (*this)( 0, nY ); }
inline reference row_back( size_type nY ) { return (*this)( mnWidth - 1, nY ); }
inline const_reference row_back( size_type nY ) const { return (*this)( mnWidth - 1, nY ); }
inline void swap( Matrix& rMatrix ) { maData.swap( rMatrix.maData ); }
container_type maData;
size_type mnWidth;
// ============================================================================
/** Static helper functions for improved API container handling. */
class ContainerHelper
// ---------------------------------
/** Creates a new index container object from scratch. */
static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexContainer >
createIndexContainer( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext >& rxContext );
/** Inserts an object into an indexed container.
@param rxIndexContainer
interface of the indexed container.
@param nIndex Insertion index for the object.
@param rObject The object to be inserted.
@return True = object successfully inserted.
static bool insertByIndex(
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexContainer >& rxIndexContainer,
sal_Int32 nIndex,
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rObject );
// ----------------------------------
/** Creates a new name container object from scratch. */
static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer >
createNameContainer( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext >& rxContext );
/** Returns a name that is not used in the passed name container.
@param rxNameAccess interface of
the name container.
@param rSuggestedName Suggested name for the object.
@return An unused name. Will be equal to the suggested name, if not
contained, otherwise a numerical index will be appended.
static ::rtl::OUString getUnusedName(
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess >& rxNameAccess,
const ::rtl::OUString& rSuggestedName,
sal_Unicode cSeparator,
sal_Int32 nFirstIndexToAppend = 1 );
/** Inserts an object into a name container.
@param rxNameContainer interface
of the name container.
@param rName Exact name for the object.
@param rObject The object to be inserted.
@return True = object successfully inserted.
static bool insertByName(
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer >& rxNameContainer,
const ::rtl::OUString& rName,
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rObject,
bool bReplaceOldExisting = true );
/** Inserts an object into a name container.
The function will use an unused name to insert the object, based on the
suggested object name. It is possible to specify whether the existing
object or the new inserted object will be renamed, if the container
already has an object with the name suggested for the new object.
@param rxNameContainer interface
of the name container.
@param rSuggestedName Suggested name for the object.
@param rObject The object to be inserted.
@param bRenameOldExisting Specifies behaviour if an object with the
suggested name already exists. If false (default), the new object
will be inserted with a name not yet extant in the container (this
is done by appending a numerical index to the suggested name). If
true, the existing object will be removed and inserted with an
unused name, and the new object will be inserted with the suggested
@return The final name the object is inserted with. Will always be
equal to the suggested name, if parameter bRenameOldExisting is
static ::rtl::OUString insertByUnusedName(
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer >& rxNameContainer,
const ::rtl::OUString& rSuggestedName,
sal_Unicode cSeparator,
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rObject,
bool bRenameOldExisting = false );
// std::vector and std::map element access --------------------------------
/** Returns the pointer to an existing element of the passed vector, or a
null pointer, if the passed index is out of bounds. */
template< typename VectorType >
static const typename VectorType::value_type*
getVectorElement( const VectorType& rVector, sal_Int32 nIndex );
/** Returns the pointer to an existing element of the passed vector, or a
null pointer, if the passed index is out of bounds. */
template< typename VectorType >
static typename VectorType::value_type*
getVectorElementAccess( VectorType& rVector, sal_Int32 nIndex );
/** Returns the reference to an existing element of the passed vector, or
the passed default value, if the passed index is out of bounds. */
template< typename VectorType >
static const typename VectorType::value_type&
getVectorElement( const VectorType& rVector, sal_Int32 nIndex, const typename VectorType::value_type& rDefault );
/** Returns the reference to an existing element of the passed vector, or
the passed default value, if the passed index is out of bounds. */
template< typename VectorType >
static typename VectorType::value_type&
getVectorElementAccess( VectorType& rVector, sal_Int32 nIndex, typename VectorType::value_type& rDefault );
/** Returns the pointer to an existing element of the passed map, or a null
pointer, if an element with the passed key does not exist. */
template< typename MapType >
static const typename MapType::mapped_type*
getMapElement( const MapType& rMap, const typename MapType::key_type& rKey );
/** Returns the pointer to an existing element of the passed map, or a null
pointer, if an element with the passed key does not exist. */
template< typename MapType >
static typename MapType::mapped_type*
getMapElementAccess( MapType& rMap, const typename MapType::key_type& rKey );
/** Returns the reference to an existing element of the passed map, or the
passed default value, if an element with the passed key does not exist. */
template< typename MapType >
static const typename MapType::mapped_type&
getMapElement( const MapType& rMap, const typename MapType::key_type& rKey, const typename MapType::mapped_type& rDefault );
/** Returns the reference to an existing element of the passed map, or the
passed default value, if an element with the passed key does not exist. */
template< typename MapType >
static typename MapType::mapped_type&
getMapElementAccess( MapType& rMap, const typename MapType::key_type& rKey, typename MapType::mapped_type& rDefault );
// vector/map/matrix to UNO sequence --------------------------------------
/** Creates a UNO sequence from a std::vector with copies of all elements.
@param rVector The vector to be converted to a sequence.
@return A object with copies of all objects
contained in the passed vector.
template< typename VectorType >
static ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< typename VectorType::value_type >
vectorToSequence( const VectorType& rVector );
/** Creates a UNO sequence from a std::map with copies of all elements.
@param rMap The map to be converted to a sequence.
@return A object with copies of all objects
contained in the passed map.
template< typename MapType >
static ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< typename MapType::mapped_type >
mapToSequence( const MapType& rMap );
/** Creates a UNO sequence of sequences from a matrix with copies of all elements.
@param rMatrix The matrix to be converted to a sequence of sequences.
@return A object containing objects with copies of all objects
contained in the passed matrix.
template< typename MatrixType >
static ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< typename MatrixType::value_type > >
matrixToSequenceSequence( const MatrixType& rMatrix );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< typename VectorType >
/*static*/ const typename VectorType::value_type* ContainerHelper::getVectorElement( const VectorType& rVector, sal_Int32 nIndex )
return ((0 <= nIndex) && (static_cast< size_t >( nIndex ) < rVector.size())) ? &rVector[ static_cast< size_t >( nIndex ) ] : 0;
template< typename VectorType >
/*static*/ typename VectorType::value_type* ContainerHelper::getVectorElementAccess( VectorType& rVector, sal_Int32 nIndex )
return ((0 <= nIndex) && (static_cast< size_t >( nIndex ) < rVector.size())) ? &rVector[ static_cast< size_t >( nIndex ) ] : 0;
template< typename VectorType >
/*static*/ const typename VectorType::value_type& ContainerHelper::getVectorElement( const VectorType& rVector, sal_Int32 nIndex, const typename VectorType::value_type& rDefault )
return ((0 <= nIndex) && (static_cast< size_t >( nIndex ) < rVector.size())) ? rVector[ static_cast< size_t >( nIndex ) ] : rDefault;
template< typename VectorType >
/*static*/ typename VectorType::value_type& ContainerHelper::getVectorElementAccess( VectorType& rVector, sal_Int32 nIndex, typename VectorType::value_type& rDefault )
return ((0 <= nIndex) && (static_cast< size_t >( nIndex ) < rVector.size())) ? rVector[ static_cast< size_t >( nIndex ) ] : rDefault;
template< typename MapType >
/*static*/ const typename MapType::mapped_type* ContainerHelper::getMapElement( const MapType& rMap, const typename MapType::key_type& rKey )
typename MapType::const_iterator aIt = rMap.find( rKey );
return (aIt == rMap.end()) ? 0 : &aIt->second;
template< typename MapType >
/*static*/ typename MapType::mapped_type* ContainerHelper::getMapElementAccess( MapType& rMap, const typename MapType::key_type& rKey )
typename MapType::iterator aIt = rMap.find( rKey );
return (aIt == rMap.end()) ? 0 : &aIt->second;
template< typename MapType >
/*static*/ const typename MapType::mapped_type& ContainerHelper::getMapElement( const MapType& rMap, const typename MapType::key_type& rKey, const typename MapType::mapped_type& rDefault )
typename MapType::const_iterator aIt = rMap.find( rKey );
return (aIt == rMap.end()) ? rDefault : aIt->second;
template< typename MapType >
/*static*/ typename MapType::mapped_type& ContainerHelper::getMapElementAccess( MapType& rMap, const typename MapType::key_type& rKey, typename MapType::mapped_type& rDefault )
typename MapType::iterator aIt = rMap.find( rKey );
return (aIt == rMap.end()) ? rDefault : aIt->second;
template< typename VectorType >
/*static*/ ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< typename VectorType::value_type > ContainerHelper::vectorToSequence( const VectorType& rVector )
typedef typename VectorType::value_type ValueType;
if( rVector.empty() )
return ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ValueType >();
return ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ValueType >( &rVector.front(), static_cast< sal_Int32 >( rVector.size() ) );
template< typename MapType >
/*static*/ ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< typename MapType::mapped_type > ContainerHelper::mapToSequence( const MapType& rMap )
typedef typename MapType::mapped_type ValueType;
if( rMap.empty() )
return ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ValueType >();
::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ValueType > aSeq( static_cast< sal_Int32 >( rMap.size() ) );
sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
for( typename MapType::const_iterator aIt = rMap.begin(), aEnd = rMap.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt, ++nIndex )
aSeq[ nIndex ] = *aIt;
return aSeq;
template< typename MatrixType >
/*static*/ ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< typename MatrixType::value_type > > ContainerHelper::matrixToSequenceSequence( const MatrixType& rMatrix )
typedef typename MatrixType::value_type ValueType;
::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ValueType > > aSeq;
if( !rMatrix.empty() )
aSeq.realloc( static_cast< sal_Int32 >( rMatrix.height() ) );
for( size_t nRow = 0, nHeight = rMatrix.height(); nRow < nHeight; ++nRow )
aSeq[ static_cast< sal_Int32 >( nRow ) ] =
::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ValueType >( &rMatrix.row_front( nRow ), static_cast< sal_Int32 >( rMatrix.width() ) );
return aSeq;
// ============================================================================
} // namespace oox