blob: b32119667bc7d10598e578dba0a20e633534a936 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<!DOCTYPE oor:component-schema SYSTEM "../../../component-schema.dtd">
<oor:component-schema xmlns:oor="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" oor:name="Inet" oor:package="org.openoffice" xml:lang="en-US"> <info>
<desc >Contains Internet-related configurations (proxies, search engines, etc.).</desc>
<group oor:name="SearchEngine">
<desc>Specifies the search type, i.e. nexus or exact search.</desc>
<group oor:name="And">
<desc>Specifies the search options for &apos;AND&apos; searches (all words must be found).</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetPrefix" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Specifies the search expression, i.e. URL and query command.</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetSuffix" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Specifies the suffix.</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetSeparator" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Specifies the separator</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetCaseMatch" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies if upper and lower case spelling should be considered.</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="0">
<enumeration oor:value="1">
<enumeration oor:value="2">
<group oor:name="Or">
<desc>Specifies the search options for &apos;OR&apos; searches (at least one word must be found).</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetPrefix" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Specifies the search expression, i.e. URL and query command.</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetSuffix" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Specifies the suffix.</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetSeparator" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Specifies the separator</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetCaseMatch" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies if upper and lower case spelling should be considered.</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="0">
<enumeration oor:value="1">
<enumeration oor:value="2">
<group oor:name="Exact">
<desc>Specifies the search options for &apos;Exact&apos; searches (the whole text must be found).</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetPrefix" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Specifies the search expression, i.e. URL and query command.</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetSuffix" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Specifies the suffix.</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetSeparator" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>Specifies the separator</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetCaseMatch" oor:type="xs:int">
<desc>Specifies if upper and lower case spelling should be considered.</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="0">
<enumeration oor:value="1">
<enumeration oor:value="2">
<group oor:name="Settings">
<desc>Contains Internet-related configurations (servers, proxies, etc.).</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetDNSServer" oor:type="xs:string">
<!-- OldPath: Inet/DNS -->
<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
<!-- UIHints: Tools - Options - Internet - Protocol -->
<desc>Specifies the IP address of the DNS server. If the string is empty, the DNS server will be specified automatically.</desc>
<!-- JB: Empty default inserted into empty property node. Remove if NIL was intended -->
<prop oor:name="ooInetNoProxy" oor:type="xs:string">
<!-- OldPath: Inet/NoProxy -->
<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
<!-- UIHints: Tools Options Internet Proxy -->
<desc>Enumerates the names of servers that do not require any proxies.</desc>
<!-- JB: Empty default inserted into empty property node. Remove if NIL was intended -->
<prop oor:name="ooInetProxyType" oor:type="xs:int">
<!-- OldPath: Inet/ProxyType -->
<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
<!-- UIHints: Tools Options Internet Proxy -->
<desc>Specifies the type of proxy selection.</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="0">
<desc>No proxies</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="1">
<desc>Automatic proxy configuration</desc>
<enumeration oor:value="2">
<desc>Manual proxy configuration</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetFTPProxyName" oor:type="xs:string">
<!-- OldPath: Inet/FTPProxyName -->
<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
<!-- UIHints: Tools Options Internet Proxy -->
<desc>Specifies the name of the FTP proxy server.</desc>
<!-- JB: Empty default inserted into empty property node. Remove if NIL was intended -->
<prop oor:name="ooInetFTPProxyPort" oor:type="xs:int">
<!-- OldPath: Inet/FTPProxyPort -->
<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
<!-- UIHints: Tools Options Internet Proxy -->
<desc>Specifies the port of the FTP proxy server.</desc>
<minInclusive oor:value="0">
<desc>Specifies the minimum allowed port number.</desc>
<maxInclusive oor:value="65535">
<desc>Specifies the maximum allowed port number.</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetHTTPProxyName" oor:type="xs:string">
<!-- OldPath: Inet/HTTPProxyName -->
<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
<!-- UIHints: Tools Options Internet Proxy -->
<desc>Specifies the name of the HTTP proxy server.</desc>
<!-- JB: Empty default inserted into empty property node. Remove if NIL was intended -->
<prop oor:name="ooInetHTTPProxyPort" oor:type="xs:int">
<!-- OldPath: Inet/HTTPProxyPort -->
<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
<!-- UIHints: Tools Options Internet Proxy -->
<desc>Specifies the port of the HTTP proxy server.</desc>
<minInclusive oor:value="0">
<desc>Specifies the minimum allowed port number.</desc>
<maxInclusive oor:value="65535">
<desc>Specifies the maximum allowed port number.</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetHTTPSProxyName" oor:type="xs:string">
<!-- OldPath: Inet/HTTPSProxyName -->
<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
<!-- UIHints: Tools Options Internet Proxy -->
<desc>Specifies the name of the HTTPS proxy server.</desc>
<!-- JB: Empty default inserted into empty property node. Remove if NIL was intended -->
<prop oor:name="ooInetHTTPSProxyPort" oor:type="xs:int">
<!-- OldPath: Inet/HTTPSProxyPort -->
<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
<!-- UIHints: Tools Options Internet Proxy -->
<desc>Specifies the port of the HTTPS proxy server.</desc>
<minInclusive oor:value="0">
<desc>Specifies the minimum allowed port number.</desc>
<maxInclusive oor:value="65535">
<desc>Specifies the maximum allowed port number.</desc>
<prop oor:name="ooInetSOCKSProxyName" oor:type="xs:string">
<!-- OldPath: Inet/SOCKSProxyName -->
<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
<!-- UIHints: Tools Options Internet Proxy -->
<desc>Specifies the name of the Socks proxy server.</desc>
<!-- JB: Empty default inserted into empty property node. Remove if NIL was intended -->
<prop oor:name="ooInetSOCKSProxyPort" oor:type="xs:int">
<!-- OldPath: Inet/SOCKSProxyPort -->
<!-- OldLocation: soffice.ini -->
<!-- UIHints: Tools Options Internet Proxy -->
<desc>Specifies the port of the Socks proxy server.</desc>
<minInclusive oor:value="0">
<desc>Specifies the minimum allowed port number.</desc>
<maxInclusive oor:value="65535">
<desc>Specifies the maximum allowed port number.</desc>
<group oor:name="DefaultSearchEngine">
<desc>Contains the name of the default search engine</desc>
<prop oor:name="Name" oor:type="xs:string">
<desc>The name of the default search engine</desc>
<set oor:name="SearchEngines" oor:node-type="SearchEngine">
<!--UI: Tools - Options - Internet - Search-->
<author>OS / TV</author>
<desc>Serves for the configuration of search engines. A default group of (localized) search engines including their configuration should be written by the setup.</desc>