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#ifndef __com_sun_star_text_FootnoteSettings_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_text_FootnoteSettings_idl__
module com { module sun { module star { module text {
/** provides access to the settings of footnotes or endnotes in a
(text) document.
published service FootnoteSettings
/** contains the name of the character style that is used
for the label in front of the footnote/endnote text.
[property] string CharStyleName;
/** contains the numbering type for the numbering of the
[property] short NumberingType;
/** contains the page style that is used for the page that
contains the footnote/endnote texts
[property] string PageStyleName;
/** contains the paragraph style that is used for the
footnote/endnote text.
[property] string ParaStyleName;
/** contains the prefix for the footnote/endnote symbol.
[property] string Prefix;
/** contains the first number of the automatic numbering
of footnotes/endnotes.
[property] short StartAt;
/** contains the suffix for the footnote/endnote symbol.
[property] string Suffix;
/** contains the string at the restart of the footnote
text after a break.
<p>For footnotes only.</p>
[optional, property] string BeginNotice;
/** contains the string at the end of a footnote part in
front of a break.
<p>For footnotes only.</p>
[optional, property] string EndNotice;
/** contains the type of the counting of the footnote numbers.
<p>For footnotes only.</p>
@see FootnoteNumbering
[optional, property] short FootnoteCounting;
/** If <TRUE/>, the footnote text is shown at the end of the document.
<p>For footnotes only.</p>
[optional, property] boolean PositionEndOfDoc;
/** contains the name of the character style that is used
for footnote/endnote anchor in the text.
@since OpenOffice 2.0
[optional, property] string AnchorCharStyleName;
}; }; }; };