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#ifndef __com_sun_star_sheet_XFormulaOpCodeMapper_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_sheet_XFormulaOpCodeMapper_idl__
#ifndef __com_sun_star_sheet_FormulaOpCodeMapEntry_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/FormulaOpCodeMapEntry.idl>
#ifndef __com_sun_star_lang_IllegalArgumentException_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/lang/IllegalArgumentException.idl>
module com { module sun { module star { module sheet {
/** gives access to spreadsheet compiler token interns.
published interface XFormulaOpCodeMapper
/** OpCode value used for external Add-In functions.
<p>Needed to be able to identify which of the function names map to an
Add-In implementation where this OpCode is used in the returned
mapping and the programmatical name is available as additional
[attribute, readonly] long OpCodeExternal;
/** OpCode value used for unknown functions.
<p>Used to identify which of the function names queried with
<member>getMappings</member> are unknown to the implementation.</p>
[attribute, readonly] long OpCodeUnknown;
/** returns a sequence of tokens matching the input sequence of
strings in order.
@param Names
Sequence of names to be mapped. These can be function names,
operators, separators and other symbols the formula compiler
@param Language
Formula language to be used, one of <type>FormulaLanguage</type>
constants. If a constant unknown to the implementation is passed,
<type scope="com::sun::star::lang">IllegalArgumentException</type>
is thrown.
a sequence of <type>FormulaToken</type> matching the input
sequence in order.
<p>Each string element in parameter Names according to the formula
language in parameter Language is mapped to a <type>FormulaToken
</type> containing the internal OpCode used by the spreadsheet
application in <member>FormulaToken::OpCode</member> and by
contract maybe additional information in <member>
<p>The order of the FormulaToken sequence returned matches the
input order of the string sequence.</p>
<p>An unknown Name string gets the OpCode value of <member>
OpCodeUnknown</member> assigned.</p>
<p>Additional information in <member>FormulaToken::Data</member>
is returned for:
<li>Add-in names: the programmatical name. The OpCode value used
for add-ins can be queried with the <member>OpCodeExternal</member>
getter method.</li>
sequence< FormulaToken > getMappings(
[in] sequence< string > Names,
[in] long Language )
raises( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );
/** returns a sequence of map entries for all available elements of
a given formula language.
@param Language
Formula language to be used, one of <type>FormulaLanguage</type>
constants. If a constant unknown to the implementation is passed,
<type scope="com::sun::star::lang">IllegalArgumentException</type>
is thrown.
@param Groups
Group of mappings to be returned, a bit mask of <type>
FormulaMapGroup</type> constants.
Sequence of <type>FormulaOpCodeMapEntry</type>.
<p>Each element of the formula language in parameter Language is
mapped to a <type>FormulaToken</type> containing the internal
OpCode used by the spreadsheet application in <member>
FormulaToken::OpCode</member> and by contract maybe additional
information in <member>FormulaToken::Data</member>. See <member>
getMappings</member> for more details.</p>
sequence< FormulaOpCodeMapEntry > getAvailableMappings(
[in] long Language, [in] long Groups )
raises( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException );
service FormulaOpCodeMapper : XFormulaOpCodeMapper;
}; }; }; };