blob: ede15be052b07fd80f39d0c3e1dcdd8f0c76f4e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#ifndef __com_sun_star_sdb_OfficeDatabaseDocument_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_sdb_OfficeDatabaseDocument_idl__
#ifndef __com_sun_star_document_OfficeDocument_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/document/OfficeDocument.idl>
#ifndef __com_sun_star_sdb_XOfficeDatabaseDocument_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/sdb/XOfficeDatabaseDocument.idl>
#ifndef __com_sun_star_document_XDocumentEventBroadcaster_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentEventBroadcaster.idl>
#ifndef __com_sun_star_script_provider_XScriptProviderSupplier_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/script/provider/XScriptProviderSupplier.idl>
#ifndef __com_sun_star_frame_XLoadable_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XLoadable.idl>
#ifndef __com_sun_star_util_XCloseable_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/util/XCloseable.idl>
module com { module sun { module star { module sdb {
/** specifies a office database document which is a storable document.
<p>These documents contain information about forms, and reports, and the properties of a data source.</p>
<p>The database document contains no data per default. The following is stored inside the document:
<li>The table settings defined in <type>DataSettings</type></li>
<li>The query settings defined in <type>DataSettings</type></li>
<li>All properties of the service <type>DataSource</type></li>
@see com::sun::star::sdb::XOfficeDatabaseDocument
@see com::sun::star::document::OfficeDocument
@since OpenOffice 2.0
service OfficeDatabaseDocument
/** specifies basic functionality of a document in
<p>Note that a database document actually does not support the <type scope="com::sun::star::view">XPrintable</type> interface.
The non-optional requirement of this interface in the <type scope="com::sun::star::document">OfficeDocument</type>
service is considered a documentation error.</p>
service com::sun::star::document::OfficeDocument;
interface XOfficeDatabaseDocument;
/** allows access to the Basic macros and dialogs possibly embedded in the document
@since OpenOffice 3.1
interface ::com::sun::star::document::XEmbeddedScripts;
/** supplies a script provider which can be used to execute macros and scripts
embedded in the document
@since OpenOffice 3.1
interface ::com::sun::star::script::provider::XScriptProviderSupplier;
/** allows to initialize the the document, either from scratch, or from a stored
database document.
<p>A newly instantiated database document cannot be operated until it is fully
initialized. There are three possible means to do this initialization:
<ul><li>calling <code>XLoadable::initNew</code></li>
<li>calling <code>XLoadable::load</code></li>
<li>calling <code>XStorable::storeAsURL</code></li>
The third option was added for compatibility reasons, since a <type>DatabaseDocument</type>
in earlier versions of did not support the <code>XLoadable</code> interface,
so the usual way of creating a document from scratch was to create it, set properties as
needed, and store it.</p>
@since OpenOffice 3.1
interface ::com::sun::star::frame::XLoadable;
/** allows to register for notifications happening in the document
<p>The following events are broadcasted by a database document
<table border="1" frame="all">
<tr><td><strong>Event Name</strong></td>
<td><strong>broadcasted when</strong></td>
<td align="center"><strong>broadcasted synchronously</strong></td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnCreate</em></td>
<td>the document has been newly created. This does not imply that the document has
been loaded into a frame, it just means the initialization has been finished.</td>
<td align="center">yes</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnLoadFinished</em></td>
<td>the document has been completely loaded. This does not imply that the document
has been loaded into a frame, it just means the load process has been finished.</td>
<td align="center">yes</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnNew</em></td>
<td>the document has been initialized from scratch, including plugging it into a frame.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnLoad</em></td>
<td>the document has been completely loaded, including plugging it into a frame.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnSave</em></td>
<td>the document is about to be saved.</td>
<td align="center">yes</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnSaveDone</em></td>
<td>saving the document succeeeded.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnSaveFailed</em></td>
<td>saving the document failed.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnSaveAs</em></td>
<td>the document is about to be saved under a new name.</td>
<td align="center">yes</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnSaveAsDone</em></td>
<td>saving the document under a new name succeeeded.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnSaveAsFailed</em></td>
<td>saving the document under a new name failed.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnSaveTo</em></td>
<td>the document is about to be saved to a location different from its
current location, but without adjusting the current location.</td>
<td align="center">yes</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnSaveToDone</em></td>
<td>saving the document to a different location succeeeded.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnSaveToFailed</em></td>
<td>saving the document to a different location failed.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnPrepareUnload</em></td>
<td>the document is about to be closed.</td>
<td align="center">yes</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnUnload</em></td>
<td>the document is being closed.</td>
<td align="center">yes</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnFocus</em></td>
<td>a view to the document obtained the focus.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnUnfocus</em></td>
<td>a view to the document lost the focus.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnModifyChanged</em></td>
<td>the <quot>modified</quot> state of the document changed.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnViewCreated</em></td>
<td>a view to the document has been created, and attached to the document.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnPrepareViewClosing</em></td>
<td>a view to the document is about to be closed.</td>
<td align="center">yes</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnViewClosed</em></td>
<td>a view to the document has been closed.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnTitleChanged</em></td>
<td>the title of the document changed.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnSubComponentOpened</em></td>
<td>From with a view to the document, a view to a sub component (e.g. a table or a report) has been opened.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
<tr><td valign="top"><em>OnSubComponentClosed</em></td>
<td>From with a view to the document, a view to a sub component (e.g. a table or a report) has been closed.</td>
<td align="center">no</td>
@since OpenOffice 3.1
interface ::com::sun::star::document::XDocumentEventBroadcaster;
/** implements life time control
<p>Whoever retrieves a <type>OfficeDatabaseDocument</type> should be aware of
life time issues, since a document needs to be closed when nobody needs it anymore.</p>
<p>This implies that clients of a document need to ensure that as soon as they don't
need, they invoke <member scope="com::sun::star::util">XCloseable::close</member>.</p>
<p>Since this can be done by multiple clients, every client is additionally required
to register itself as <type scope="com::sun::star::util">XCloseListener</type> at
the document, to prevent some other client closing the model while it's still needed
by the first client.</p>
interface com::sun::star::util::XCloseable;
}; }; }; };