blob: 248fdc0d9074017a556019e2a19ee9bf6d719000 [file] [log] [blame]
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#ifndef __com_sun_star_sdb_DocumentDefinition2_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_sdb_DocumentDefinition2_idl__
#ifndef __com_sun_star_beans_XPropertySet_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.idl>
#ifndef __com_sun_star_sdb_DefinitionContent_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/sdb/DefinitionContent.idl>
module com { module sun { module star { module sdb {
interface XSubDocument;
/** specifies a sub document of a <type>OfficeDatabaseDocument</type>.
<p>Usual instances of a <code>DocumentDefinition</code> are forms and reports.</p>
<p>Note that the <code>DocumentDefinition</code> does not denote the actual document
(i.e. an object supporting the <type scope="com::sun::star::frame">XModel</type> interface),
but only a shortcut to access and load those actual documents.</p>
service DocumentDefinition
/** provides functionality for treating the object as part of a hierarchy
of a database document's sub documents.
<p>The <member scope="com::sun::star::ucb">XCommandProcessor::execute</member> method
of a <code>DocumentDefinition</code> supports at least the following commands, additionally to
the ones already supported by the DefinitionContent:
<li><strong>open</strong>: loads the sub document in an own frame. The return value of
the <code>execute</code> method is the model of the loaded document.</li>
<li><strong>store</strong>: stores the document.</li>
<li><strong>openDesign</strong>: opens the sub document in an own frame, in design mode.
The user can make changes to the document, and save those changes. The return value of
the <code>execute</code> method is the model of the loaded document.</li>
<li><strong>preview</strong>: retrieves an image showing a preview of the sub document.</li>
<li><strong>getDocumentInfo</strong>: retrieves the document information, as
<type scope="com::sun::star::document">XDocumentInfo</type> instance, of the sub document.</li>
<li><strong>delete</strong>: deletes the sub document from the database document.</li>
<li><strong>close</strong>: closes the sub document, if it had previously been opened
using either the <code>open</code> or <code>openDesign</code> command. The return value
of the <code>execute</code> command is a <code>boolean</code> value indicating whether
the sub document could be closed. Reasons for not closing the document include vetos by
third parties, for instance, because the user opened a dialog modal to the sub document,
or a long-running task such as printing is currently running.</li>
<li><strong>show</strong>: shows the sub document. This is useful if you previously opened the
document hidden, or if you previously hide it using the <em>hide</em> command.<br/>
The <em>open</em> command is not available if the sub document has not been loaded, yet.</li>
<li><strong>hide</strong>: hides the sub document. In opposite to the <em>close</em> command,
only the document window is hidden, but the document is kept loaded. A subsequent execution
of the <em>show</em> command will show the window, again.</li>
service DefinitionContent;
interface ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet;
interface ::com::sun::star::sdb::XSubDocument;
/** is the name of the document. If the document is part of the container,
it is not possible to alter the name.*/
[readonly, property] string Name;
/** Indicates if the document is to be used as template, for example, if a report is to be filled with data. */
[readonly, property] boolean AsTemplate;
}; }; }; };