blob: 788b93aef7e3b2d770cc758cefac2736d7f61d65 [file] [log] [blame]
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#ifndef __com_sun_star_mozilla_XProfileDiscover_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_mozilla_XProfileDiscover_idl__
#ifndef __com_sun_star_uno_XInterface_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.idl>
#ifndef __com_sun_star_mozilla_MozillaProductType_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/mozilla/MozillaProductType.idl>
module com { module sun { module star { module mozilla {
/** is the interface used to list and get information for Mozilla/Thunderbird profiles
@see com::sun::star::mozilla::XProfileManager
@see com::sun::star::mozilla::MozillaBootstrap
published interface XProfileDiscover: com::sun::star::uno::XInterface
/** attempts to get the profiles count.
@param product
is the product name to get profiles count.Currently support "Mozilla" and "Thunderbird".
the profiles count of selected product.
long getProfileCount( [in]MozillaProductType product);
/** attempts to get the profile list for the given product.
@param product
is the product name to get profile list.Currently support "Mozilla" and "Thunderbird".
@param list
is a list of all profile of the given product.
the profile count for the given product.
long getProfileList( [in]MozillaProductType product,[out] sequence<string> list);
/** attempts to get the default profile name for the given product.
@param product
is the product name to get default profile.Currently support "Mozilla" and "Thunderbird".
the default profile name for the given product.
string getDefaultProfile( [in]MozillaProductType product);
/** attempts to get the full path for the given profile.
@param product
is the product name to get profile path.Currently support "Mozilla" and "Thunderbird".
@param profileName
the profile name to get full path.
the full path of the given profile.
string getProfilePath( [in]MozillaProductType product,[in]string profileName);
/** attempts to get whether profile is locked by other applications.
@param product
is the product name to get profile path.Currently support "Mozilla" and "Thunderbird".
@param profileName
the profile name to check.
true is the given profile is locked.
boolean isProfileLocked( [in]MozillaProductType product,[in]string profileName);
/** return true if the given profile exists
@param product
is the product name to get profile path.Currently support "Mozilla" and "Thunderbird".
@param profileName
the profile name to check.
whether given profile exists
boolean getProfileExists( [in]MozillaProductType product,[in]string profileName);
}; }; }; };