blob: b39c46238401de317406a863391a7fa304ebbdfd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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#ifndef __com_sun_star_configuration_backend_XSchemaHandler_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_configuration_backend_XSchemaHandler_idl__
#ifndef __com_sun_star_uno_XInterface_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.idl>
#ifndef __com_sun_star_configuration_backend_TemplateIdentifier_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/configuration/backend/TemplateIdentifier.idl>
#ifndef __com_sun_star_configuration_backend_MalformedDataException_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/configuration/backend/MalformedDataException.idl>
#ifndef __com_sun_star_lang_WrappedTargetException_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/lang/WrappedTargetException.idl>
module com { module sun { module star { module configuration { module backend {
/** receives a description of a configuration schema as a sequence of events.
@since OpenOffice 1.1.2
published interface XSchemaHandler: ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface
/** receives notification that a schema description is started.
<p> The schema descrption may comprise components templates or both.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
if a schema is already started (and has not been ended).
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
void startSchema( )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that the current schema description is complete.
<p> Must match a previous call to <member>startSchema</member>.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if invalid data is detected in the schema</li>
<li>if there is a unfinished component or template in progress</li>
<li>if no schema is started at all</li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
void endSchema( )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that the schema depends on templates
from a different component.
@param aName
specifies the name of the component.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if there is a unfinished component or template in progress</li>
<li>if no schema is started at all</li>
<li>if the name is not a valid component name</li>
<li>if the requested component is not found</li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
void importComponent( [in] string aName )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that a component description is started.
<p> Subsequent calls describe the schema of the component
until a matching call to <member>endComponent</member>
is encountered.
@param aName
specifies the name of the component.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if there is a unfinished component or template in progress </li>
<li>if no schema is started at all </li>
<li>if there already is a component data tree of this name</li>
<li>if the name is not a valid component name</li>
<li>if the instance supports no component schemas (only templates)</li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
void startComponent( [in] string aName )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that a component description is complete.
<p> Must match a previous call to <member>startComponent</member>.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if invalid data is detected in the component<li>
<li>if there is a unfinished subnode in progress<li>
<li>if no component has been started at all<li>
<li>if the instance supports no component schemas (only templates)<li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
void endComponent( )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that a template description is started for a group.
<p> Subsequent calls describe the members and properties of the template
until a matching call to <member>endTemplate</member>
is encountered.
@param aTemplate
specifies the identity of the template.
@param aAttributes
specifies the attributes of the template.
<p> The value is a combination of
<type>SchemaAttribute</type> flags.
<p> <const>SchemaAttribute::EXTENSIBLE</const> can be used
to describe a template for a node with an extensible
set of properties.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if there is a unfinished component or template in progress</li>
<li>if no schema is started at all </li>
<li>if there already is a template with that identifier</li>
<li>if the name is not a valid template identifier </li>
<li>if the attributes are not valid for a group</li>
<li>if the instance supports no templates (only component schemas)</li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
@see com::sun::star::configuration::backend::SchemaAttribute
void startGroupTemplate( [in] TemplateIdentifier aTemplate,
[in] short aAttributes )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that a template description is started for a set.
<p> Subsequent calls describe the members and properties of the template
until a matching call to <member>endTemplate</member>
is encountered.
@param aTemplate
specifies the identity of the template.
@param aAttributes
specifies the attributes of the template.
<p> The value is a combination of
<type>SchemaAttribute</type> flags.
<p> <const>SchemaAttribute::EXTENSIBLE</const> can be used
to describe a template for a node with an extensible
set of properties.
@param aItemType
specifies the (default) template for set items.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if there is a unfinished component or template in progress</li>
<li>if no schema is started at all </li>
<li>if there already is a template with that identifier</li>
<li>if the item-type template is not found</li>
<li>if the name or item-type are not valid template identifiers </li>
<li>if the attributes are not valid for a set</li>
<li>if the instance supports no templates (only component schemas).</li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
@see com::sun::star::configuration::backend::SchemaAttribute
void startSetTemplate( [in] TemplateIdentifier aTemplate,
[in] short aAttributes,
[in] TemplateIdentifier aItemType )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that a template description is complete.
<p> Must match a previous call to <member>startGroupTemplate</member>
or <member>startSetTemplate</member>.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if invalid data is detected in the template</li>
<li>if there is a unfinished subnode in progress</li>
<li>if no template has been started at all</li>
<li>if the instance supports no templates (only component schemas)</li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
void endTemplate( )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that a group description is started.
<p> Subsequent calls describe the members and properties of the group
until a matching call to <member>endNode</member>
is encountered.
@param aName
specifies the name of the group.
@param aAttributes
specifies the attributes of the node.
<p> The value is a combination of
<type>SchemaAttribute</type> flags.
<p> <const>SchemaAttribute::EXTENSIBLE</const> can be used
to describe a group with an extensible set of properties.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if there isn't a group node in progress currently</li>
<li>if there already is a node with that name</li>
<li>if the name is not a valid node name</li>
<li>if the attributes are not valid for a group</li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
@see com::sun::star::configuration::backend::SchemaAttribute
void startGroup( [in] string aName,
[in] short aAttributes )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that a set description is started.
<p> Subsequent calls describe the item-types and properties of the set
until a matching call to <member>endNode</member>
is encountered.
@param aName
specifies the name of the set.
@param aAttributes
specifies the attributes of the node.
<p> The value is a combination of
<type>SchemaAttribute</type> flags.
<p> <const>SchemaAttribute::EXTENSIBLE</const> can be used
to describe a set with an extensible set of properties.
@param aItemType
specifies the (default) template for set items.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if there isn't a group node in progress currently</li>
<li>if there already is a node with that name</li>
<li>if the item-type template is not found</li>
<li>if the name is not a valid node name</li>
<li>if the item-type is not a valid template identifier</li>
<li>if the attributes are not valid for a set</li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
@see com::sun::star::configuration::backend::SchemaAttribute
void startSet( [in] string aName,
[in] short aAttributes,
[in] TemplateIdentifier aItemType )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that a node description is complete.
<p> Must match the last open call to <member>startGroup</member>
or <member>startSet</member>.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if the name is not a the name of the node in progress</li>
<li>if invalid data is detected in the node</li>
<li>if no node has been started at all</li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
void endNode( )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that a property is added to the current node.
<p> The property will have a default value of <NULL/>
(unless it is <const>SchemaAttribute::REQUIRED</const>).
@param aName
specifies the name of the new property.
@param aAttributes
specifies the attributes of the new property.
<p> The value is a combination of
<type>SchemaAttribute</type> flags.
@param aType
specifies the type of the new property.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if there isn't a group or extensible node in progress currently</li>
<li>if a property with the same name already exists</li>
<li>if the specified type is not allowed</li>
<li>if the name is not a valid property name</li>
<li>if the attributes are not valid for a property</li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
@see com::sun::star::configuration::backend::SchemaAttribute
void addProperty( [in] string aName,
[in] short aAttributes,
[in] type aType )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that a property having a default value
is added to the current node.
@param aName
specifies the name of the new property.
@param aAttributes
specifies the attributes of the new property.
<p> The value is a combination of
<type>SchemaAttribute</type> flags.
@param aDefaultValue
specifies the value of the new property.
<p> The value also determines the type.
Therefore the value must not be <void/>.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if there isn't a group or extensible node in progress currently</li>
<li>if a property with the same name already exists</li>
<li>if the type of the default value is not an allowed type,
or if the default value is <void/></li>
<li>if the name is not a valid property name</li>
<li>if the attributes are not valid for a property</li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
@see com::sun::star::configuration::backend::SchemaAttribute
void addPropertyWithDefault( [in] string aName,
[in] short aAttributes,
[in] any aDefaultValue )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that the current group has a child node
that is an instance of a specified template.
@param aName
specifies the name of the new node.
@param aTemplate
specifies a template that describes the new node.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if there isn't a group node in progress currently</li>
<li>if there already is a node with that name</li>
<li>if the template is not found</li>
<li>if the name or template name are not valid</li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
void addInstance( [in] string aName,
[in] TemplateIdentifier aTemplate )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
/** receives notification that the current set can contain items
that are instances of a specified template.
@param aItemType
specifies a template that is accepted as valid item type
for the current set node.
@throws com::sun::star::configuration::backend::MalformedDataException
<li>if there isn't a set node in progress currently</li>
<li>if the template is not found</li>
<li>if the name is not a valid template name</li>
<p><em>Not every implementation can detect each condition</em></p>
@throws com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException
if an error occurs processing the event.
void addItemType( [in] TemplateIdentifier aItemType )
raises( MalformedDataException,
com::sun::star::lang::WrappedTargetException );
}; }; }; }; };