blob: bd341769901db5453eb5e73aae42f7acf9b01611 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
* @author
public class FormLayer
private DocumentHelper m_document;
private int m_insertPage;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** Creates a new instance of FormLayer */
public FormLayer( DocumentHelper _document )
m_document = _document;
m_insertPage = -1;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** sets the page which is to be used for subsequent insertions of controls/shapes
void setInsertPage( int page )
m_insertPage = page;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** retrieves the page which is to be used for subsequent insertions of controls/shapes
final int getInsertPage( )
return m_insertPage;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** creates a control in the document
<p>Note that <em>control<em> here is an incorrect terminology. What the method really does is
it creates a control shape, together with a control model, and inserts them into the document model.
This will result in every view to this document creating a control described by the model-shape pair.
@param sFormComponentService
the service name of the form component to create, e.g. "TextField"
@param nXPos
the abscissa of the position of the newly inserted shape
@param nXPos
the ordinate of the position of the newly inserted shape
@param nWidth
the width of the newly inserted shape
@param nHeight
the height of the newly inserted shape
@param xParentForm
the form to use as parent for the newly create form component. May be null, in this case
a default parent is chosen by the implementation
the property access to the control's model
protected XPropertySet createControlAndShape( String sFormComponentService, int nXPos,
int nYPos, int nWidth, int nHeight, XIndexContainer xParentForm ) throws java.lang.Exception
// let the document create a shape
XMultiServiceFactory xDocAsFactory = (XMultiServiceFactory)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XMultiServiceFactory.class, m_document.getDocument() );
XControlShape xShape = (XControlShape)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XControlShape.class,
xDocAsFactory.createInstance( "" ) );
// position and size of the shape
xShape.setSize( new Size( nWidth * 100, nHeight * 100 ) );
xShape.setPosition( new Point( nXPos * 100, nYPos * 100 ) );
// adjust the anchor so that the control is tied to the page
XPropertySet xShapeProps = UNO.queryPropertySet( xShape );
TextContentAnchorType eAnchorType = TextContentAnchorType.AT_PARAGRAPH;
xShapeProps.setPropertyValue( "AnchorType", eAnchorType );
// create the form component (the model of a form control)
String sQualifiedComponentName = "" + sFormComponentService;
XControlModel xModel = (XControlModel)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XControlModel.class,
m_document.getOrb().createInstance( sQualifiedComponentName ) );
// insert the model into the form component hierarchy, if the caller gave us a location
if ( null != xParentForm )
xParentForm.insertByIndex( xParentForm.getCount(), xModel );
// knitt them
xShape.setControl( xModel );
// add the shape to the shapes collection of the document
XDrawPage pageWhereToInsert = ( m_insertPage != -1 ) ? m_document.getDrawPage( m_insertPage ) : m_document.getMainDrawPage();
XShapes xDocShapes = (XShapes)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XShapes.class, pageWhereToInsert );
xDocShapes.add( xShape );
// some initializations which are the same for all controls
XPropertySet xModelProps = UNO.queryPropertySet( xModel );
XPropertySetInfo xPSI = xModelProps.getPropertySetInfo();
if ( xPSI.hasPropertyByName( "Border" ) )
if ( ((Short)xModelProps.getPropertyValue( "Border" )).shortValue() == )
xModelProps.setPropertyValue( "Border", new Short( ) );
if ( xPSI.hasPropertyByName( "VisualEffect" ) )
xModelProps.setPropertyValue( "VisualEffect", new Short( ) );
if ( m_document.classify() != DocumentType.CALC )
if ( xPSI.hasPropertyByName( "BorderColor" ) )
xModelProps.setPropertyValue( "BorderColor", new Integer( 0x00C0C0C0 ) );
catch( e )
e.printStackTrace( System.err );
return xModelProps;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** creates a control in the document
<p>Note that <em>control<em> here is an incorrect terminology. What the method really does is
it creates a control shape, together with a control model, and inserts them into the document model.
This will result in every view to this document creating a control described by the model-shape pair.
@param sFormComponentService
the service name of the form component to create, e.g. "TextField"
@param nXPos
the abscissa of the position of the newly inserted shape
@param nXPos
the ordinate of the position of the newly inserted shape
@param nWidth
the width of the newly inserted shape
@param nHeight
the height of the newly inserted shape
the property access to the control's model
protected XPropertySet createControlAndShape( String sFormComponentService, int nXPos,
int nYPos, int nWidth, int nHeight ) throws java.lang.Exception
return createControlAndShape( sFormComponentService, nXPos, nYPos, nWidth, nHeight, null );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** creates a line of controls, consisting of a label and a field for data input.
<p>In opposite to the second form of this method, here the height of the field,
as well as the abscissa of the label, are under the control of the caller.</p>
@param sControlType
specifies the type of the data input control
@param sFieldName
specifies the field name the text field should be bound to
@param sControlNamePostfix
specifies a postfix to append to the logical control names
@param nYPos
specifies the Y position of the line to start at
@param nHeight
the height of the field
the control model of the created data input field
protected XPropertySet insertControlLine( String sControlType, String sFieldName, String sControlNamePostfix, int nXPos, int nYPos, int nHeight )
throws java.lang.Exception
// insert the label control
XPropertySet xLabelModel = createControlAndShape( "FixedText", nXPos, nYPos, 25, 6 );
xLabelModel.setPropertyValue( "Label", sFieldName );
// insert the text field control
XPropertySet xFieldModel = createControlAndShape( sControlType, nXPos + 26, nYPos, 40, nHeight );
xFieldModel.setPropertyValue( "DataField", sFieldName );
// knit it to it's label component
xFieldModel.setPropertyValue( "LabelControl", xLabelModel );
// some names, so later on we can find them
xLabelModel.setPropertyValue( "Name", sFieldName + sControlNamePostfix + "_Label" );
xFieldModel.setPropertyValue( "Name", sFieldName + sControlNamePostfix );
return xFieldModel;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** creates a line of controls, consisting of a label and a field for data input.
@param sControlType
specifies the type of the data input control
@param sFieldName
specifies the field name the text field should be bound to
@param nYPos
specifies the Y position of the line to start at
the control model of the created data input field
protected XPropertySet insertControlLine( String sControlType, String sFieldName, String sControlNamePostfix, int nYPos )
throws java.lang.Exception
return insertControlLine( sControlType, sFieldName, sControlNamePostfix, 2, nYPos, 6 );
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** retrieves the radio button model with the given name and the given ref value
* @param form
* the parent form of the radio button model to find
* @param name
* the name of the radio button
* @param refValue
* the reference value of the radio button
public XPropertySet getRadioModelByRefValue( XPropertySet form, String name, String refValue ) throws, java.lang.Exception
XIndexAccess indexAccess = (XIndexAccess)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XIndexAccess.class,
form );
for ( int i=0; i<indexAccess.getCount(); ++i )
XPropertySet control = UNO.queryPropertySet( indexAccess.getByIndex( i ) );
if ( ((String)control.getPropertyValue( "Name" )).equals( name ) )
if ( ((String)control.getPropertyValue( "RefValue" )).equals( refValue ) )
return control;
return null;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/** retrieves the radio button model with the given name and the given tag
* @param form
* the parent form of the radio button model to find
* @param name
* the name of the radio button
* @param refValue
* the tag of the radio button
public XPropertySet getRadioModelByTag( XPropertySet form, String name, String tag ) throws, java.lang.Exception
XIndexAccess indexAccess = (XIndexAccess)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XIndexAccess.class,
form );
for ( int i=0; i<indexAccess.getCount(); ++i )
XPropertySet control = UNO.queryPropertySet( indexAccess.getByIndex( i ) );
if ( ((String)control.getPropertyValue( "Name" )).equals( name ) )
if ( ((String)control.getPropertyValue( "Tag" )).equals( tag ) )
return control;
return null;