blob: f1e864d00fa19de8511f2f6374a22d42338e7c9a [file] [log] [blame]
Attribute VB_Name = "Utilities"
' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
' or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
' distributed with this work for additional information
' regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
' to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
' "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
' with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
' Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
' software distributed under the License is distributed on an
' KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
' specific language governing permissions and limitations
' under the License.
Option Explicit
Public Const LOCALE_ILANGUAGE As Long = &H1 'language id
Public Const LOCALE_SLANGUAGE As Long = &H2 'localized name of lang
Public Const LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE As Long = &H1001 'English name of lang
Public Const LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME As Long = &H3 'abbreviated lang name
Public Const LOCALE_SNATIVELANGNAME As Long = &H4 'native name of lang
Public Const LOCALE_ICOUNTRY As Long = &H5 'country code
Public Const LOCALE_SCOUNTRY As Long = &H6 'localized name of country
Public Const LOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY As Long = &H1002 'English name of country
Public Const LOCALE_SABBREVCTRYNAME As Long = &H7 'abbreviated country name
Public Const LOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME As Long = &H8 'native name of country
Public Const LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL As Long = &H15 'intl monetary symbol
Public Const LOCALE_IDEFAULTLANGUAGE As Long = &H9 'def language id
Public Const LOCALE_IDEFAULTCOUNTRY As Long = &HA 'def country code
Public Const LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE As Long = &HB 'def oem code page
Public Const LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE As Long = &H1004 'def ansi code page
Public Const LOCALE_IDEFAULTMACCODEPAGE As Long = &H1011 'def mac code page
Public Const LOCALE_IMEASURE As Long = &HD '0 = metric, 1 = US
Public Const LOCALE_SSHORTDATE As Long = &H1F 'short date format string
'#if(WINVER >= &H0400)
Public Const LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME As Long = &H59 'ISO abbreviated language name
Public Const LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME As Long = &H5A 'ISO abbreviated country name
'#endif /* WINVER >= as long = &H0400 */
'#if(WINVER >= &H0500)
Public Const LOCALE_SNATIVECURRNAME As Long = &H1008 'native name of currency
Public Const LOCALE_IDEFAULTEBCDICCODEPAGE As Long = &H1012 'default ebcdic code page
Public Const LOCALE_SSORTNAME As Long = &H1013 'sort name
'#endif /* WINVER >= &H0500 */
Public Const CSTR_LOG_FILE_NAME = "analysis.log"
Public Declare Function GetThreadLocale Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Declare Function GetSystemDefaultLCID Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Declare Function GetUserDefaultLCID Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Declare Function GetUserDefaultLangID Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Declare Function GetSystemDefaultLangID Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Declare Function GetLocaleInfo Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "GetLocaleInfoA" _
(ByVal Locale As Long, _
ByVal LCType As Long, _
ByVal lpLCData As String, _
ByVal cchData As Long) As Long
Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s = 0
Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT = 2
OSVSize As Long 'size, in bytes, of this data structure
dwVerMajor As Long 'ie NT 3.51, dwVerMajor = 3; NT 4.0, dwVerMajor = 4.
dwVerMinor As Long 'ie NT 3.51, dwVerMinor = 51; NT 4.0, dwVerMinor= 0.
dwBuildNumber As Long 'NT: build number of the OS
'Win9x: build number of the OS in low-order word.
' High-order word contains major & minor ver nos.
PlatformID As Long 'Identifies the operating system platform.
szCSDVersion As String * 128 'NT: string, such as "Service Pack 3"
'Win9x: string providing arbitrary additional information
End Type
Public Type RGB_WINVER
PlatformID As Long
VersionName As String
VersionNo As String
ServicePack As String
BuildNo As String
End Type
'defined As Any to support OSVERSIONINFO and OSVERSIONINFOEX
Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVersionExA" _
(lpVersionInformation As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32" _
Alias "ShellExecuteA" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal lpOperation As String, _
ByVal lpFile As String, _
ByVal lpParameters As String, _
ByVal lpDirectory As String, _
ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
Public Const SW_SHOWNORMAL As Long = 1
Public Const SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED As Long = 3
Public Const SW_SHOWDEFAULT As Long = 10
Public Const SE_ERR_NOASSOC As Long = 31
Public Const CNO_OPTIONAL_PARAM = "_NoOptionalParam_"
Private Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" _
(ByVal lpSectionName As String, _
ByVal lpKeyName As Any, _
ByVal lpString As Any, _
ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Public Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE As Long = &H80000002
Public Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000
Private Const ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234
Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS As Long = 0
Private Const KEY_QUERY_VALUE As Long = &H1
Private Const KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS As Long = &H8
Private Const KEY_NOTIFY As Long = &H10
Private Const STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ As Long = &H20000
Private Const SYNCHRONIZE As Long = &H100000
Private Const KEY_READ As Long = ((STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ Or _
Private Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" _
Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" _
(ByVal hKey As Long, _
ByVal lpSubKey As String, _
ByVal ulOptions As Long, _
ByVal samDesired As Long, _
phkResult As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" _
Alias "RegQueryValueExA" _
(ByVal hKey As Long, _
ByVal lpValueName As String, _
ByVal lpReserved As Long, _
lpType As Long, _
lpData As Any, _
lpcbData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" _
(ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32" _
(ByVal lpString As Long) As Long
Private Type ShortItemId
cb As Long
abID As Byte
End Type
mkid As ShortItemId
End Type
Private Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" _
(ByVal pidl As Long, ByVal pszPath As String) As Long
Private Declare Function SHGetSpecialFolderLocation Lib _
"shell32.dll" (ByVal hWndOwner As Long, ByVal nFolder _
As Long, pidl As ITEMIDLIST) As Long
Public Function IsWin98Plus() As Boolean
'returns True if running Windows 2000 or later
osv.OSVSize = Len(osv)
If GetVersionEx(osv) = 1 Then
Select Case osv.PlatformID 'win 32
IsWin98Plus = False
Exit Function
Case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: 'win nt, 2000, xp
IsWin98Plus = True
Exit Function
Select Case osv.dwVerMinor
Case 0: 'win95
IsWin98Plus = False
Exit Function
Case 90: 'Windows ME
IsWin98Plus = True
Exit Function
Case 10: ' Windows 98
If osv.dwBuildNumber >= 2222 Then 'second edition
IsWin98Plus = True
Exit Function
IsWin98Plus = False
Exit Function
End If
End Select
Case Else
IsWin98Plus = False
Exit Function
End Select
End If
End Function
Public Function GetWinVersion(WIN As RGB_WINVER) As String
'returns a structure (RGB_WINVER)
'filled with OS information
#If Win32 Then
Dim pos As Integer
Dim sVer As String
Dim sBuild As String
osv.OSVSize = Len(osv)
If GetVersionEx(osv) = 1 Then
'PlatformId contains a value representing the OS
WIN.PlatformID = osv.PlatformID
Select Case osv.PlatformID
Case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: WIN.VersionName = "Win32s"
Case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: WIN.VersionName = "Windows NT"
Select Case osv.dwVerMajor
Case 4: WIN.VersionName = "Windows NT"
Case 5:
Select Case osv.dwVerMinor
Case 0: WIN.VersionName = "Windows 2000"
Case 1: WIN.VersionName = "Windows XP"
End Select
End Select
'The dwVerMinor bit tells if its 95 or 98.
Select Case osv.dwVerMinor
Case 0: WIN.VersionName = "Windows 95"
Case 90: WIN.VersionName = "Windows ME"
Case Else: WIN.VersionName = "Windows 98"
End Select
End Select
'Get the version number
WIN.VersionNo = osv.dwVerMajor & "." & osv.dwVerMinor
'Get the build
WIN.BuildNo = (osv.dwBuildNumber And &HFFFF&)
'Any additional info. In Win9x, this can be
'"any arbitrary string" provided by the
'manufacturer. In NT, this is the service pack.
pos = InStr(osv.szCSDVersion, Chr$(0))
If pos Then
WIN.ServicePack = Left$(osv.szCSDVersion, pos - 1)
End If
End If
'can only return that this does not
'support the 32 bit call, so must be Win3x
WIN.VersionName = "Windows 3.x"
#End If
GetWinVersion = WIN.VersionName
End Function
Public Sub RunShellExecute(sTopic As String, _
sFile As Variant, _
sParams As Variant, _
sDirectory As Variant, _
nShowCmd As Long)
Dim hWndDesk As Long
Dim success As Long
'the desktop will be the
'default for error messages
hWndDesk = GetDesktopWindow()
'execute the passed operation
success = ShellExecute(hWndDesk, sTopic, sFile, sParams, sDirectory, nShowCmd)
'This is optional. Uncomment the three lines
'below to have the "Open With.." dialog appear
'when the ShellExecute API call fails
If success = SE_ERR_NOASSOC Then
Call Shell("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL " & sFile, vbNormalFocus)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub WriteToLog(key As String, value As String, _
Optional path As String = CNO_OPTIONAL_PARAM, _
Optional section As String = WIZARD_NAME)
Static logFile As String
If logFile = "" Then
logFile = GetLogFilePath
End If
If path = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
path = logFile
End If
Call WritePrivateProfileString(section, key, value, path)
End Sub
Public Sub WriteDebug(value As String)
Static ErrCount As Long
Static logFile As String
Static debugLevel As Long
If logFile = "" Then
logFile = GetLogFilePath
End If
Dim sSection As String
sSection = WIZARD_NAME & "Debug"
Call WritePrivateProfileString(sSection, "Analysis" & "_debug" & ErrCount, _
value, logFile)
ErrCount = ErrCount + 1
End Sub
Public Function GetDebug(section As String, key As String) As String
Static logFile As String
If logFile = "" Then
logFile = GetLogFilePath
End If
GetDebug = ProfileGetItem(section, key, "", logFile)
End Function
Public Function GetUserLocaleInfo(ByVal dwLocaleID As Long, ByVal dwLCType As Long) As String
Dim sReturn As String
Dim r As Long
'call the function passing the Locale type
'variable to retrieve the required size of
'the string buffer needed
r = GetLocaleInfo(dwLocaleID, dwLCType, sReturn, Len(sReturn))
'if successful..
If r Then
'pad the buffer with spaces
sReturn = Space$(r)
'and call again passing the buffer
r = GetLocaleInfo(dwLocaleID, dwLCType, sReturn, Len(sReturn))
'if successful (r > 0)
If r Then
'r holds the size of the string
'including the terminating null
GetUserLocaleInfo = Left$(sReturn, r - 1)
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function GetRegistryInfo(sHive As String, sSubKey As String, sKey As String) As String
GetRegistryInfo = ""
Dim hKey As Long
hKey = OpenRegKey(sHive, sSubKey)
If hKey <> 0 Then
GetRegistryInfo = GetRegValue(hKey, sKey)
'the opened key must be closed
Call RegCloseKey(hKey)
End If
End Function
Private Function GetRegValue(hSubKey As Long, sKeyName As String) As String
Dim lpValue As String 'value retrieved
Dim lpcbData As Long 'length of retrieved string
'if valid
If hSubKey <> 0 Then
'Pass an zero-length string to
'obtain the required buffer size
'required to return the result.
'If the key passed exists, the call
'will return error 234 (more data)
'and lpcbData will indicate the
'required buffer size (including
'the terminating null).
lpValue = ""
lpcbData = 0
If RegQueryValueEx(hSubKey, _
sKeyName, _
0&, _
0&, _
ByVal lpValue, _
lpcbData) = ERROR_MORE_DATA Then
lpValue = Space$(lpcbData)
'retrieve the desired value
If RegQueryValueEx(hSubKey, _
sKeyName, _
0&, _
0&, _
ByVal lpValue, _
lpcbData) = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
GetRegValue = TrimNull(lpValue)
End If 'If RegQueryValueEx (second call)
End If 'If RegQueryValueEx (first call)
End If 'If hSubKey
End Function
Private Function OpenRegKey(ByVal hKey As Long, _
ByVal lpSubKey As String) As Long
Dim hSubKey As Long
Dim retval As Long
retval = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, lpSubKey, _
0, KEY_READ, hSubKey)
If retval = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
OpenRegKey = hSubKey
End If
End Function
Private Function TrimNull(startstr As String) As String
TrimNull = Left$(startstr, lstrlenW(StrPtr(startstr)))
End Function
Function GetLogFilePath() As String
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim TempPath As String
TempPath = fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder).path
If (TempPath = "") Then
TempPath = "."
End If
GetLogFilePath = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(TempPath & "\" & CSTR_LOG_FILE_NAME)
End Function
Function GetIniFilePath() As String
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim AppDataDir As String
AppDataDir = GetAppDataFolder
If (AppDataDir = "") Then
If Not fso.FolderExists(AppDataDir) Then
fso.CreateFolder (AppDataDir)
End If
AppDataDir = AppDataDir & "\Sun"
If Not fso.FolderExists(AppDataDir) Then
fso.CreateFolder (AppDataDir)
End If
AppDataDir = AppDataDir & "\AnalysisWizard"
If Not fso.FolderExists(AppDataDir) Then
fso.CreateFolder (AppDataDir)
End If
End If
GetIniFilePath = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(AppDataDir & "\" & CANALYSIS_INI_FILE)
End Function
' This function returns the Application Data Folder Path
Function GetAppDataFolder() As String
Dim idlstr As Long
Dim sPath As String
Const NOERROR = 0
Const MAX_LENGTH = 260
On Error GoTo Err_GetFolder
' Fill the idl structure with the specified folder item.
idlstr = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, CSIDL_APPDATA, IDL)
If idlstr = NOERROR Then
' Get the path from the idl list, and return
' the folder with a slash at the end.
sPath = Space$(MAX_LENGTH)
idlstr = SHGetPathFromIDList(ByVal IDL.mkid.cb, ByVal sPath)
If idlstr Then
GetAppDataFolder = Left$(sPath, InStr(sPath, Chr$(0)) - 1)
End If
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox "An Error was Encountered" & Chr(13) & Err.Description, _
vbCritical Or vbOKOnly
Resume Exit_GetFolder
End Function