blob: 43ecead845de0a1a145019b6bc5ffa79f6fd28b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <module.hxx>
#include <hash.hxx>
#include <lex.hxx>
#include <tools/pstm.hxx>
class SvCommand;
/******************** class SvIdlError ***********************************/
class SvIdlError
ByteString aText;
sal_uInt32 nLine, nColumn;
SvIdlError() : nLine(0), nColumn(0) {}
SvIdlError( sal_uInt32 nL, sal_uInt32 nC )
: nLine(nL), nColumn(nC) {}
const ByteString & GetText() const { return aText; }
void SetText( const ByteString & rT ) { aText = rT; }
sal_Bool IsError() const { return nLine != 0; }
void Clear() { nLine = nColumn = 0; }
SvIdlError & operator = ( const SvIdlError & rRef )
{ aText = rRef.aText;
nLine = rRef.nLine;
nColumn = rRef.nColumn;
return *this;
/******************** class SvIdlDataBase ********************************/
class SvIdlDataBase
sal_Bool bExport;
String aExportFile;
sal_uInt32 nUniqueId;
sal_uInt32 nVerbosity;
String aDataBaseFile;
SvFileStream * pStm;
sal_Bool bIsModified;
SvPersistStream aPersStream;
StringList aIdFileList;
SvStringHashTable * pIdTable;
SvMetaTypeMemberList aTypeList;
SvMetaClassMemberList aClassList;
SvMetaModuleMemberList aModuleList;
SvMetaAttributeMemberList aAttrList;
SvMetaTypeMemberList aTmpTypeList; // nicht Persistent
ByteString aModulePrefix;
SvMetaObjectMemberStack aContextStack;
String aPath;
SvIdlError aError;
void WriteReset()
explicit SvIdlDataBase( const SvCommand& rCmd );
static sal_Bool IsBinaryFormat( SvStream & rInStm );
void Load( SvStream & rInStm );
void Save( SvStream & rInStm, sal_uInt32 nContextFlags );
SvMetaAttributeMemberList& GetAttrList() { return aAttrList; }
SvStringHashTable * GetIdTable() { return pIdTable; }
SvMetaTypeMemberList & GetTypeList();
SvMetaClassMemberList & GetClassList() { return aClassList; }
SvMetaModuleMemberList & GetModuleList() { return aModuleList; }
SvMetaModule * GetModule( const ByteString & rName );
// Liste der benutzten Typen beim Schreiben
SvMetaTypeMemberList aUsedTypes;
ByteString aIFaceName;
SvNumberIdentifier aStructSlotId;
void StartNewFile( const String& rName );
void SetExportFile( const String& rName )
{ aExportFile = rName; }
void AppendAttr( SvMetaAttribute *pSlot );
const ByteString& GetActModulePrefix() const { return aModulePrefix; }
const SvIdlError & GetError() const { return aError; }
void SetError( const SvIdlError & r )
{ aError = r; }
const String & GetPath() const { return aPath; }
SvMetaObjectMemberStack & GetStack() { return aContextStack; }
void Write( const ByteString & rText );
void WriteError( const ByteString & rErrWrn,
const ByteString & rFileName,
const ByteString & rErrorText,
sal_uLong nRow = 0, sal_uLong nColumn = 0 ) const;
void WriteError( SvTokenStream & rInStm );
void SetError( const ByteString & rError, SvToken * pTok );
void Push( SvMetaObject * pObj );
sal_Bool Pop( sal_Bool bOk, SvTokenStream & rInStm, sal_uInt32 nTokPos )
if( bOk )
rInStm.Seek( nTokPos );
return bOk;
sal_uInt32 GetUniqueId() { return ++nUniqueId; }
sal_Bool FindId( const ByteString & rIdName, sal_uLong * pVal );
sal_Bool InsertId( const ByteString & rIdName, sal_uLong nVal );
sal_Bool ReadIdFile( const String & rFileName );
SvMetaType * FindType( const ByteString & rName );
static SvMetaType * FindType( const SvMetaType *, SvMetaTypeMemberList & );
SvMetaType * ReadKnownType( SvTokenStream & rInStm );
SvMetaAttribute * ReadKnownAttr( SvTokenStream & rInStm,
SvMetaType * pType = NULL );
SvMetaAttribute * SearchKnownAttr( const SvNumberIdentifier& );
SvMetaClass * ReadKnownClass( SvTokenStream & rInStm );
class SvIdlWorkingBase : public SvIdlDataBase
explicit SvIdlWorkingBase( const SvCommand& rCmd );
sal_Bool ReadSvIdl( SvTokenStream &, sal_Bool bImported, const String & rPath );
sal_Bool WriteSvIdl( SvStream & );
sal_Bool WriteSfx( SvStream & );
sal_Bool WriteHelpIds( SvStream & );
sal_Bool WriteSfxItem( SvStream & );
sal_Bool WriteCSV( SvStream& );
sal_Bool WriteDocumentation( SvStream& );
#endif // _DATABASE_HXX