blob: 302429e5c922fbdbb46065466b1cd276cb0fb815 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Meta" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
Dim oDialog AS Object
Dim document AS Object
&apos; Fetches the meta values from the document and executes the dialog
Sub Main
If not IsHelpFile Then
Exit Sub
End If
document = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent
oDialog = LoadDialog(&quot;HelpAuthoring&quot;, &quot;dlgMeta&quot;)
oDialogModel = oDialog.Model
&apos;oTxtFName = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;txtFileName&quot;)
&apos;oTxtFName.Text = document.DocumentInfo.PropertyValues(29).Value
&apos;oTxtFName.Text = document.DocumentInfo.GetPropertyValue(&quot;Description&quot;)
&apos; If oTxtFName.Text = &quot;&quot; Then
&apos; msgbox &quot;The document must be saved first.&quot;+chr(13)+&quot;Please save the document and call this dialog again.&quot;
&apos; oDialog.dispose
&apos; Exit Sub
&apos; End If
oTxtTitle = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;txtTitle&quot;)
oTxtTitle.Text = document.DocumentInfo.Title
oOpIndInc = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;opIndexInclude&quot;)
oOpIndExc = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;opIndexExclude&quot;)
&apos;oCbFileStatus = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;cbFileStatus&quot;)
&apos;arItems = Array(&quot;DRAFT&quot;,&quot;FINAL&quot;,&quot;PUBLISH&quot;,&quot;STALLED&quot;,&quot;DEPRECATED&quot;)
&apos;sStatus = document.DocumentInfo.GetPropertyValue(&quot;Keywords&quot;)
&apos;If (InStr(&quot;DRAFT FINAL PUBLISH STALLED DEPRECATED&quot;,sStatus)=0) Then
&apos; oCbFileStatus.SetText(&quot;DRAFT&quot;)
&apos; oCbFileStatus.SetText(sStatus)
&apos;End If
If document.DocumentInfo.GetUserFieldValue(GetUserFieldNumber(&quot;Indexer&quot;)) = &quot;exclude&quot; then
oOpIndExc.State = True
oOpIndInc.State = True
End If
&apos;oTxtTopicID = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;txtTopicID&quot;)
&apos;oTxtTopicID.Text = document.DocumentInfo.GetUserFieldValue(1)
&apos;oTxtComment = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;txtComment&quot;)
&apos;oTxtComment.Text = document.DocumentInfo.GetUserFieldValue(GetUserFieldNumber(&quot;Comment&quot;))
&apos;oTxtEdited = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;txtLastEdited&quot;)
&apos;oTxtEdited.Text = document.DocumentInfo.GetUserFieldValue(3)
If oDialog.Execute() = 1 Then &apos; update the meta data
document.DocumentInfo.Title = oTxtTitle.Text
&apos;If (oCbFileStatus.Text = &quot;PUBLISH&quot;) Then
REM... Check for paras without ID: If there are any, this cannot be PUBLISH!
&apos;End If
If oOpIndExc.State = True Then
End If
End If
end sub
&apos; Normalizes the values for title and topic id
&apos; (if the fields are empty or contain invalid values)
Sub NormalizeMeta (Event As Object)
Select Case Event.Source.Model.Name
Case &quot;txtTitle&quot;:
If Event.Source.Text = &quot;&quot; Then
msgbox &quot;Topic title must not be empty!&quot;+chr(13)+&quot;Resetting to default value.&quot;
End If
Case &quot;txtTopicID&quot;:
If Event.Source.Text = &quot;&quot; Then
msgbox &quot;Topic ID must not be empty!&quot;+chr(13)+&quot;Resetting to default value.&quot;
End If
End Select
End Sub
&apos; Sets the value in the Topic ID dialog field
Sub SetTopicID(txt As String)
oTxtTopicID = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;txtTopicID&quot;)
If txt = &quot;&quot; Then
oTxtTopicID.Text = AlphaNum(document.DocumentInfo.PropertyValues(29).Value)
oTxtTopicID.Text = AlphaNum(txt)
End If
End Sub
Sub Test
On Error Resume Next
document = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent
&apos; showprop document
msgbox document.URL
End Sub
&apos; Sets the value in the Topic title dialog field
Sub SetTopicTitle(txt As String)
dim strg As String
oTxtTitle = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;txtTitle&quot;)
If txt =&quot;&quot; Then
Enum = document.Text.createEnumeration
Do While Enum.hasMoreElements
TextElement = Enum.nextElement
If TextElement.supportsService(&quot;;) Then
If Left(TextElement.ParaStyleName,8)=&quot;hlp_head&quot; Then
Enum2 = TextElement.createEnumeration
While Enum2.hasMoreElements
TextPortion = Enum2.nextElement
If Not(TextPortion.TextPortionType=&quot;TextField&quot;) Then
strg = strg + TextPortion.String
End If
oTxtTitle.Text = strg
Exit Do
End If
End If
oTxtTitle.Text = txt
End If
End Sub
&apos; Sets the value in the Topic title field when
&apos; &quot;Fetch&quot; button is pressed
Sub FetchTopicTitle
End Sub
&apos; Sets the value in the Topic ID dialog field when
&apos; &quot;Suggest&quot; button is pressed
Sub SuggestTopicID
End Sub
Sub ChangeStatus
oCbFileStatus = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;cbFileStatus&quot;)
sStatus = document.DocumentInfo.GetPropertyValue(&quot;Keywords&quot;)
If (oCbFileStatus.Text = &quot;PUBLISH&quot;) Then
nNoID = 0 &apos; DEBUG
If nNoID &lt;&gt; 0 Then
msgbox &quot;There are &quot;+nNoID+&quot; new paragraphs in the file.&quot;+chr(13)+&quot;File status PUBLISH invalid.&quot;+chr(13)+&quot;Setting back to &quot;+sStatus, 48, &quot;D&apos;oh!&quot;
End If
End If
End Sub