blob: f5d2e488ae181b487b0334e356f5580f586a0e3d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_forms.hxx"
#include "limitedformats.hxx"
#include "services.hxx"
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <comphelper/types.hxx>
#include <comphelper/extract.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/form/FormComponentType.hpp>
namespace frm
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::form;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
sal_Int32 OLimitedFormats::s_nInstanceCount(0);
::osl::Mutex OLimitedFormats::s_aMutex;
Reference< XNumberFormatsSupplier > OLimitedFormats::s_xStandardFormats;
enum LocaleType
static const Locale& getLocale(LocaleType _eType)
static const Locale s_aEnglishUS( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("en"), ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("us"), ::rtl::OUString() );
static const Locale s_aGerman( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("de"), ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("DE"), ::rtl::OUString() );
static const ::rtl::OUString s_sEmptyString;
static const Locale s_aSystem( s_sEmptyString, s_sEmptyString, s_sEmptyString );
switch (_eType)
case ltEnglishUS:
return s_aEnglishUS;
case ltGerman:
return s_aGerman;
case ltSystem:
return s_aSystem;
OSL_ENSURE(sal_False, "getLocale: invalid enum value!");
return s_aSystem;
struct FormatEntry
const sal_Char* pDescription;
sal_Int32 nKey;
LocaleType eLocale;
static const FormatEntry* lcl_getFormatTable(sal_Int16 nTableId)
switch (nTableId)
case FormComponentType::TIMEFIELD:
static FormatEntry s_aFormats[] = {
{ "HH:MM", -1, ltEnglishUS },
{ "HH:MM:SS", -1, ltEnglishUS },
{ "HH:MM AM/PM", -1, ltEnglishUS },
{ "HH:MM:SS AM/PM", -1, ltEnglishUS },
{ NULL, -1, ltSystem }
// don't switch this table here to const. The compiler could be tempted to really place this
// in a non-writeable segment, but we want to fill in the format keys later ....
return s_aFormats;
case FormComponentType::DATEFIELD:
static FormatEntry s_aFormats[] = {
{ "T-M-JJ", -1, ltGerman },
{ "TT-MM-JJ", -1, ltGerman },
{ "TT-MM-JJJJ", -1, ltGerman },
{ "NNNNT. MMMM JJJJ", -1, ltGerman },
{ "DD/MM/YY", -1, ltEnglishUS },
{ "MM/DD/YY", -1, ltEnglishUS },
{ "YY/MM/DD", -1, ltEnglishUS },
{ "DD/MM/YYYY", -1, ltEnglishUS },
{ "MM/DD/YYYY", -1, ltEnglishUS },
{ "YYYY/MM/DD", -1, ltEnglishUS },
{ "JJ-MM-TT", -1, ltGerman },
{ "JJJJ-MM-TT", -1, ltGerman },
{ NULL, -1, ltSystem }
return s_aFormats;
OSL_ENSURE(sal_False, "lcl_getFormatTable: invalid id!");
return NULL;
//= OLimitedFormats
OLimitedFormats::OLimitedFormats(const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& _rxORB, const sal_Int16 _nClassId)
OSL_ENSURE(, "OLimitedFormats::OLimitedFormats: invalid service factory!");
void OLimitedFormats::ensureTableInitialized(const sal_Int16 _nTableId)
const FormatEntry* pFormatTable = lcl_getFormatTable(_nTableId);
if (-1 == pFormatTable->nKey)
::osl::MutexGuard aGuard(s_aMutex);
if (-1 == pFormatTable->nKey)
// initialize the keys
Reference<XNumberFormats> xStandardFormats;
if (
xStandardFormats = s_xStandardFormats->getNumberFormats();
OSL_ENSURE(, "OLimitedFormats::ensureTableInitialized: don't have a formats supplier!");
if (
// loop through the table
FormatEntry* pLoopFormats = const_cast<FormatEntry*>(pFormatTable);
while (pLoopFormats->pDescription)
// get the key for the description
pLoopFormats->nKey = xStandardFormats->queryKey(
if (-1 == pLoopFormats->nKey)
pLoopFormats->nKey = xStandardFormats->addNew(
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
catch(const Exception&)
OSL_ENSURE(sal_False, "OLimitedFormats::ensureTableInitialized: adding the key to the formats collection failed!");
// next
void OLimitedFormats::clearTable(const sal_Int16 _nTableId)
::osl::MutexGuard aGuard(s_aMutex);
const FormatEntry* pFormats = lcl_getFormatTable(_nTableId);
FormatEntry* pResetLoop = const_cast<FormatEntry*>(pFormats);
while (pResetLoop->pDescription)
pResetLoop->nKey = -1;
void OLimitedFormats::setAggregateSet(const Reference< XFastPropertySet >& _rxAggregate, sal_Int32 _nOriginalPropertyHandle)
// changes (NULL -> not NULL) and (not NULL -> NULL) are allowed
OSL_ENSURE(! || !, "OLimitedFormats::setAggregateSet: already have an aggregate!");
OSL_ENSURE( ||, "OLimitedFormats::setAggregateSet: invalid new aggregate!");
m_xAggregate = _rxAggregate;
m_nFormatEnumPropertyHandle = _nOriginalPropertyHandle;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
if (
catch(const Exception&)
OSL_ENSURE(sal_False, "OLimitedFormats::setAggregateSet: invalid handle!");
void OLimitedFormats::getFormatKeyPropertyValue( Any& _rValue ) const
OSL_ENSURE( && (-1 != m_nFormatEnumPropertyHandle), "OLimitedFormats::getFormatKeyPropertyValue: not initialized!");
if (
// get the aggregate's enum property value
Any aEnumPropertyValue = m_xAggregate->getFastPropertyValue(m_nFormatEnumPropertyHandle);
sal_Int32 nValue = -1;
::cppu::enum2int(nValue, aEnumPropertyValue);
// get the translation table
const FormatEntry* pFormats = lcl_getFormatTable(m_nTableId);
// seek to the nValue'th entry
sal_Int32 nLookup = 0;
for ( ;
(NULL != pFormats->pDescription) && (nLookup < nValue);
++pFormats, ++nLookup
OSL_ENSURE(NULL != pFormats->pDescription, "OLimitedFormats::getFormatKeyPropertyValue: did not find the value!");
if (pFormats->pDescription)
_rValue <<= pFormats->nKey;
// TODO: should use a standard format for the control type we're working for
sal_Bool OLimitedFormats::convertFormatKeyPropertyValue(Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, const Any& _rNewValue)
OSL_ENSURE( && (-1 != m_nFormatEnumPropertyHandle), "OLimitedFormats::convertFormatKeyPropertyValue: not initialized!");
if (
// the new format key to set
sal_Int32 nNewFormat = 0;
if (!(_rNewValue >>= nNewFormat))
throw IllegalArgumentException();
// get the old (enum) value from the aggregate
Any aEnumPropertyValue = m_xAggregate->getFastPropertyValue(m_nFormatEnumPropertyHandle);
sal_Int32 nOldEnumValue = -1;
::cppu::enum2int(nOldEnumValue, aEnumPropertyValue);
// get the translation table
const FormatEntry* pFormats = lcl_getFormatTable(m_nTableId);
// look for the entry with the given format key
sal_Int32 nTablePosition = 0;
for ( ;
(NULL != pFormats->pDescription) && (nNewFormat != pFormats->nKey);
++pFormats, ++nTablePosition
if (nTablePosition == nOldEnumValue)
_rOldValue <<= pFormats->nKey;
sal_Bool bFoundIt = (NULL != pFormats->pDescription);
sal_Bool bModified = sal_False;
if (bFoundIt)
_rConvertedValue <<= (sal_Int16)nTablePosition;
bModified = nTablePosition != nOldEnumValue;
if (!_rOldValue.hasValue())
{ // did not reach the end of the table (means we found nNewFormat)
// -> go to the end to ensure that _rOldValue is set
while (pFormats->pDescription)
if (nTablePosition == nOldEnumValue)
_rOldValue <<= pFormats->nKey;
OSL_ENSURE(_rOldValue.hasValue(), "OLimitedFormats::convertFormatKeyPropertyValue: did not find the old enum value in the table!");
if (!bFoundIt)
{ // somebody gave us an format which we can't translate
::rtl::OUString sMessage = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("This control supports only a very limited number of formats.");
throw IllegalArgumentException(sMessage, NULL, 2);
return bModified;
return sal_False;
void OLimitedFormats::setFormatKeyPropertyValue( const Any& _rNewValue )
OSL_ENSURE( && (-1 != m_nFormatEnumPropertyHandle), "OLimitedFormats::setFormatKeyPropertyValue: not initialized!");
if (
{ // this is to be called after convertFormatKeyPropertyValue, where
// we translated the format key into a enum value.
// So now we can simply forward this enum value to our aggreate
m_xAggregate->setFastPropertyValue(m_nFormatEnumPropertyHandle, _rNewValue);
void OLimitedFormats::acquireSupplier(const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& _rxORB)
::osl::MutexGuard aGuard(s_aMutex);
if ((1 == ++s_nInstanceCount) &&
{ // create the standard formatter
Sequence< Any > aInit(1);
aInit[0] <<= getLocale(ltEnglishUS);
Reference< XInterface > xSupplier = _rxORB->createInstanceWithArguments(FRM_NUMBER_FORMATS_SUPPLIER, aInit);
OSL_ENSURE(, "OLimitedFormats::OLimitedFormats: could not create a formats supplier!");
s_xStandardFormats = Reference< XNumberFormatsSupplier >(xSupplier, UNO_QUERY);
OSL_ENSURE( || !, "OLimitedFormats::OLimitedFormats: missing an interface!");
void OLimitedFormats::releaseSupplier()
::osl::MutexGuard aGuard(s_aMutex);
if (0 == --s_nInstanceCount)
s_xStandardFormats = NULL;
} // namespace frm