blob: 149eaecf95060aedd36a14e0ed9bd8a106283aa0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
#ifndef _DXFVEC_HXX
#define _DXFVEC_HXX
#include <tools/gen.hxx>
#include <vcl/lineinfo.hxx>
class DXFLineInfo {
LineStyle eStyle;
double fWidth;
sal_Int32 nDashCount;
double fDashLen;
sal_Int32 nDotCount;
double fDotLen;
double fDistance;
DXFLineInfo() :
fDistance(0) {}
DXFLineInfo(const DXFLineInfo& x) :
fDistance(x.fDistance) {}
//---------------------------- DXFVector ---------------------------------------
// Allgemeiner 3D-Vektor mit double
class DXFVector {
double fx,fy,fz; // public ! - Warum nicht ?
inline DXFVector(double fX=0.0, double fY=0.0, double fZ=0.0);
inline DXFVector(const DXFVector & rV);
// Addition/Subtraktion:
DXFVector & operator += (const DXFVector & rV);
DXFVector operator + (const DXFVector & rV) const;
DXFVector & operator -= (const DXFVector & rV);
DXFVector operator - (const DXFVector & rV) const;
// Vektorprodukt
DXFVector operator * (const DXFVector & rV) const;
// Skalarprodukt:
double SProd(const DXFVector & rV) const;
// Multiplikation mit Skalar:
DXFVector & operator *= (double fs);
DXFVector operator * (double fs) const;
// Laenge:
double Abs() const;
// Vektor gleicher Richtung und der Laenge 1:
DXFVector Unit() const;
// Aequivalenz oder nicht:
sal_Bool operator == (const DXFVector & rV) const;
sal_Bool operator != (const DXFVector & rV) const;
//---------------------------- DXFTransform ------------------------------------
// Eine Transformationsmatrix, spezialisiert auf unser Problem
class DXFTransform {
// Zielkoordinate = Quellkoordinate
DXFTransform(double fScaleX, double fScaleY, double fScaleZ,
const DXFVector & rShift);
// Zielkoordinate = Verschoben(Skaliert(Quellkoorinate))
DXFTransform(double fScaleX, double fScaleY, double fScaleZ,
double fRotAngle,
const DXFVector & rShift);
// Zielkoordinate = Verschoben(Gedreht(Skaliert(Quellkoorinate)))
// Drehung geshieht um die Z-Achse, fRotAngle in Grad.
DXFTransform(const DXFVector & rExtrusion);
// Transformation "ECS->WCS" per "Entity Extrusion Direction"
// und dem "Arbitrary Axis Algorithm"
// (Siehe DXF-Docu von AutoDesk)
DXFTransform(const DXFVector & rViewDir, const DXFVector & rViewTarget);
// Transformation Objektraum->Bildraum anhand von Richtung und
// Zielpunkt eines ViewPort.
// (siehe DXF-Docu von AutoDesk: VPORT)
DXFTransform(const DXFTransform & rT1, const DXFTransform & rT2);
// Zielkoordinate = rT2(rT1(Quellkoorinate))
void Transform(const DXFVector & rSrc, DXFVector & rTgt) const;
// Transformation DXFVector nach DXFVector
void Transform(const DXFVector & rSrc, Point & rTgt) const;
// Transformation DXFVector nach SvPoint
void TransDir(const DXFVector & rSrc, DXFVector & rTgt) const;
// Transformation eines relativen Vektors (also kein Verschiebung)
sal_Bool TransCircleToEllipse(double fRadius, double & rEx, double & rEy) const;
// Versucht, einen Kreis (in der XY-Ebene) zu transformieren, so dass eine
// ausgerichtete Ellipse entsteht. Wenn das nicht geht, weil Ellipse
// in belibieger Lage entstehen wuerde, wird sal_False geliefert.
// (Der Mittelpunkt wird hiermit nicht transformiert, nehme Transform(..))
sal_uLong TransLineWidth(double fW) const;
// Transformiert die Liniendicke (so gut es geht)
double CalcRotAngle() const;
// Ermittelt den Rotationswinkel um die Z-Achse (in Grad)
sal_Bool Mirror() const;
// Liefert sal_True, wenn die Matrix ein Linkssystem bildet
LineInfo Transform(const DXFLineInfo& aDXFLineInfo) const;
// Transform to LineInfo
DXFVector aMX;
DXFVector aMY;
DXFVector aMZ;
DXFVector aMP;
//------------------------------- inlines --------------------------------------
inline DXFVector::DXFVector(double fX, double fY, double fZ)
fx=fX; fy=fY; fz=fZ;
inline DXFVector::DXFVector(const DXFVector & rV)
fx=rV.fx; fy=rV.fy; fz=rV.fz;
inline DXFVector & DXFVector::operator += (const DXFVector & rV)
fx+=rV.fx; fy+=rV.fy; fz+=rV.fz;
return *this;
inline DXFVector DXFVector::operator + (const DXFVector & rV) const
return DXFVector(fx+rV.fx, fy+rV.fy, fz+rV.fz);
inline DXFVector & DXFVector::operator -= (const DXFVector & rV)
fx-=rV.fx; fy-=rV.fy; fz-=rV.fz;
return *this;
inline DXFVector DXFVector::operator - (const DXFVector & rV) const
return DXFVector(fx-rV.fx, fy-rV.fy, fz-rV.fz);
inline DXFVector DXFVector::operator * (const DXFVector & rV) const
return DXFVector(
fy * rV.fz - fz * rV.fy,
fz * rV.fx - fx * rV.fz,
fx * rV.fy - fy * rV.fx
inline double DXFVector::SProd(const DXFVector & rV) const
return fx*rV.fx + fy*rV.fy + fz*rV.fz;
inline DXFVector & DXFVector::operator *= (double fs)
fx*=fs; fy*=fs; fz*=fs;
return *this;
inline DXFVector DXFVector::operator * (double fs) const
return DXFVector(fx*fs,fy*fs,fz*fs);
inline sal_Bool DXFVector::operator == (const DXFVector & rV) const
if (fx==rV.fx && fy==rV.fy && fz==rV.fz) return sal_True;
else return sal_False;
inline sal_Bool DXFVector::operator != (const DXFVector & rV) const
if (fx!=rV.fx || fy!=rV.fy || fz!=rV.fz) return sal_True;
else return sal_False;