blob: f00ebe518179ca98961412991b213a03f75b313f [file] [log] [blame]
// MfcControl.odl : type library source for ActiveX Control project.
// This file will be processed by the Make Type Library (mktyplib) tool to
// produce the type library (MfcControl.tlb) that will become a resource in
// MfcControl.ocx.
#include <olectl.h>
#include <idispids.h>
[ uuid(AC221FB3-A0D8-11D4-833B-005004526AB4), version(1.0),
helpstring("MfcControl ActiveX Control module"),
control ]
// Primary dispatch interface for CMfcControlCtrl
[ uuid(AC221FB4-A0D8-11D4-833B-005004526AB4),
helpstring("Dispatch interface for MfcControl Control"), hidden ]
dispinterface _DMfcControl
// NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain property information here.
// Use extreme caution when editing this section.
// NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain method information here.
// Use extreme caution when editing this section.
[id(1)] short inShort(short val);
[id(2)] long inLong(long val);
[id(3)] BSTR inString(BSTR* val);
[id(4)] float inFloat(float val);
[id(5)] double inDouble(double val);
[id(6)] VARIANT inVariant(VARIANT val);
[id(7)] IDispatch* inObject(IDispatch* val);
[id(8)] void outShort([out] short* val);
[id(9)] void outLong([out] long* val);
[id(10)] void outString([out] BSTR* val);
[id(11)] void outFloat([out] float* val);
[id(12)] void outDouble([out] double* val);
[id(13)] void outVariant([out] VARIANT* val);
[id(14)] void outObject([out] IDispatch** val);
// Event dispatch interface for CMfcControlCtrl
[ uuid(AC221FB5-A0D8-11D4-833B-005004526AB4),
helpstring("Event interface for MfcControl Control") ]
dispinterface _DMfcControlEvents
// Event interface has no properties
// NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain event information here.
// Use extreme caution when editing this section.
// Class information for CMfcControlCtrl
[ uuid(AC221FB6-A0D8-11D4-833B-005004526AB4),
helpstring("MfcControl Control"), control ]
coclass MfcControl
[default] dispinterface _DMfcControl;
[default, source] dispinterface _DMfcControlEvents;