blob: aeba59bbd6044e1ff303e72a5cbeefdea2be63eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "file/fcode.hxx"
#include "file/FTable.hxx"
#include "dbase/DIndexPage.hxx"
#include "connectivity/FValue.hxx"
#include <tools/ref.hxx>
#define PAGE_SIZE 512
namespace connectivity
namespace dbase
class ONDXNode;
class ODbaseIndex;
// Index Key
typedef file::OOperand ONDXKey_BASE;
class ONDXKey : public ONDXKey_BASE
friend class ONDXNode;
sal_uInt32 nRecord; /* Satzzeiger */
ORowSetValue xValue; /* Schluesselwert */
ONDXKey(sal_uInt32 nRec=0);
ONDXKey(const ORowSetValue& rVal, sal_Int32 eType, sal_uInt32 nRec);
ONDXKey(const rtl::OUString& aStr, sal_uInt32 nRec = 0);
ONDXKey(double aVal, sal_uInt32 nRec = 0);
inline ONDXKey(const ONDXKey& rKey);
inline ONDXKey& operator= (const ONDXKey& rKey);
virtual void setValue(const ORowSetValue& _rVal);
virtual const ORowSetValue& getValue() const;
sal_uInt32 GetRecord() const { return nRecord; }
void setRecord(sal_uInt32 _nRec) { nRecord = _nRec; }
void ResetRecord() { nRecord = 0; }
sal_Bool operator == (const ONDXKey& rKey) const;
sal_Bool operator != (const ONDXKey& rKey) const;
sal_Bool operator < (const ONDXKey& rKey) const;
sal_Bool operator <= (const ONDXKey& rKey) const;
sal_Bool operator > (const ONDXKey& rKey) const;
sal_Bool operator >= (const ONDXKey& rKey) const;
sal_Bool Load (SvFileStream& rStream, sal_Bool bText);
sal_Bool Write(SvFileStream& rStream, sal_Bool bText);
static sal_Bool IsText(sal_Int32 eType);
StringCompare Compare(const ONDXKey& rKey) const;
// Index Seitenverweis
SV_DECL_REF(ONDXPage) // Basisklasse da weitere Informationen gehalten werden muessen
class ONDXPagePtr : public ONDXPageRef
friend SvStream& operator << (SvStream &rStream, const ONDXPagePtr&);
friend SvStream& operator >> (SvStream &rStream, ONDXPagePtr&);
sal_uInt32 nPagePos; // Position in der Indexdatei
ONDXPagePtr(sal_uInt32 nPos = 0):nPagePos(nPos){}
ONDXPagePtr(const ONDXPagePtr& rRef);
ONDXPagePtr(ONDXPage* pRefPage);
ONDXPagePtr& operator=(const ONDXPagePtr& rRef);
ONDXPagePtr& operator=(ONDXPage* pPageRef);
sal_uInt32 GetPagePos() const {return nPagePos;}
sal_Bool HasPage() const {return nPagePos != 0;}
// sal_Bool Is() const { return isValid(); }
// Index Seite
class ONDXPage : public SvRefBase
friend class ODbaseIndex;
friend SvStream& operator << (SvStream &rStream, const ONDXPage&);
friend SvStream& operator >> (SvStream &rStream, ONDXPage&);
sal_uInt32 nPagePos; // Position in der Indexdatei
sal_Bool bModified : 1;
sal_uInt16 nCount;
ONDXPagePtr aParent, // VaterSeite
aChild; // Zeiger auf rechte ChildPage
ODbaseIndex& rIndex;
ONDXNode* ppNodes; // array von Knoten
// Knoten Operationen
sal_uInt16 Count() const {return nCount;}
sal_Bool Insert(ONDXNode& rNode, sal_uInt32 nRowsLeft = 0);
sal_Bool Insert(sal_uInt16 nIndex, ONDXNode& rNode);
sal_Bool Append(ONDXNode& rNode);
sal_Bool Delete(sal_uInt16);
void Remove(sal_uInt16);
void Release(sal_Bool bSave = sal_True);
void ReleaseFull(sal_Bool bSave = sal_True);
// Aufteilen und Zerlegen
ONDXNode Split(ONDXPage& rPage);
void Merge(sal_uInt16 nParentNodePos, ONDXPagePtr xPage);
// Zugriffsoperationen
ONDXNode& operator[] (sal_uInt16 nPos);
const ONDXNode& operator[] (sal_uInt16 nPos) const;
sal_Bool IsRoot() const;
sal_Bool IsLeaf() const;
sal_Bool IsModified() const;
sal_Bool HasParent();
sal_Bool HasChild() const;
sal_Bool IsFull() const;
sal_uInt32 GetPagePos() const {return nPagePos;}
ONDXPagePtr& GetChild(ODbaseIndex* pIndex = 0);
// Parent braucht nicht nachgeladen zu werden
ONDXPagePtr GetParent();
ODbaseIndex& GetIndex() {return rIndex;}
const ODbaseIndex& GetIndex() const {return rIndex;}
// Setzen des Childs, ueber Referenz, um die PagePos zu erhalten
void SetChild(ONDXPagePtr aCh);
void SetParent(ONDXPagePtr aPa);
sal_uInt16 Search(const ONDXKey& rSearch);
sal_uInt16 Search(const ONDXPage* pPage);
void SearchAndReplace(const ONDXKey& rSearch, ONDXKey& rReplace);
ONDXPage(ODbaseIndex& rIndex, sal_uInt32 nPos, ONDXPage* = NULL);
virtual void QueryDelete();
void SetModified(sal_Bool bMod) {bModified = bMod;}
void SetPagePos(sal_uInt32 nPage) {nPagePos = nPage;}
sal_Bool Find(const ONDXKey&); // rek. Abstieg
sal_uInt16 FindPos(const ONDXKey& rKey) const;
void PrintPage();
SvStream& operator << (SvStream &rStream, const ONDXPagePtr&);
SvStream& operator >> (SvStream &rStream, ONDXPagePtr&);
inline sal_Bool ONDXPage::IsRoot() const {return !aParent.Is();}
inline sal_Bool ONDXPage::IsLeaf() const {return !aChild.HasPage();}
inline sal_Bool ONDXPage::IsModified() const {return bModified;}
inline sal_Bool ONDXPage::HasParent() {return aParent.Is();}
inline sal_Bool ONDXPage::HasChild() const {return aChild.HasPage();}
inline ONDXPagePtr ONDXPage::GetParent() {return aParent;}
inline void ONDXPage::SetParent(ONDXPagePtr aPa = ONDXPagePtr())
aParent = aPa;
inline void ONDXPage::SetChild(ONDXPagePtr aCh = ONDXPagePtr())
aChild = aCh;
if (aChild.Is())
SvStream& operator >> (SvStream &rStream, ONDXPage& rPage);
SvStream& operator << (SvStream &rStream, const ONDXPage& rPage);
typedef ::std::vector<ONDXPage*> ONDXPageList;
// Index Knoten
class ONDXNode
friend class ONDXPage;
ONDXPagePtr aChild; /* naechster Seitenverweis */
ONDXKey aKey;
ONDXNode(const ONDXKey& rKey,
ONDXPagePtr aPagePtr = ONDXPagePtr())
:aChild(aPagePtr),aKey(rKey) {}
// verweist der Knoten auf eine Seite
sal_Bool HasChild() const {return aChild.HasPage();}
// Ist ein Index angegeben, kann gegebenfalls die Seite nachgeladen werden
ONDXPagePtr& GetChild(ODbaseIndex* pIndex = NULL, ONDXPage* = NULL);
const ONDXKey& GetKey() const { return aKey;}
ONDXKey& GetKey() { return aKey;}
// Setzen des Childs, ueber Referenz, um die PagePos zu erhalten
void SetChild(ONDXPagePtr aCh = ONDXPagePtr(), ONDXPage* = NULL);
void SetKey(ONDXKey& rKey) {aKey = rKey;}
void Write(SvStream &rStream, const ONDXPage& rPage) const;
void Read(SvStream &rStream, ODbaseIndex&);
// inline implementation
// inline ONDXKey::ONDXKey(const ORowSetValue& rVal, sal_Int32 eType, sal_uInt32 nRec)
// : ONDXKey_BASE(eType)
// , nRecord(nRec),xValue(rVal)
// {
// }
// inline ONDXKey::ONDXKey(const rtl::OUString& aStr, sal_uInt32 nRec)
// : ONDXKey_BASE(::com::sun::star::sdbc::DataType::VARCHAR)
// ,nRecord(nRec)
// {
// if (aStr.len())
// xValue = aStr;
// }
// inline ONDXKey::ONDXKey(double aVal, sal_uInt32 nRec)
// : ONDXKey_BASE(::com::sun::star::sdbc::DataType::DOUBLE)
// ,nRecord(nRec)
// ,xValue(aVal)
// {
// }
// inline ONDXKey::ONDXKey(sal_uInt32 nRec)
// :nRecord(nRec)
// {
// }
inline ONDXKey::ONDXKey(const ONDXKey& rKey)
: ONDXKey_BASE(rKey.getDBType())
inline ONDXKey& ONDXKey::operator=(const ONDXKey& rKey)
if(&rKey == this)
return *this;
xValue = rKey.xValue;
nRecord = rKey.nRecord;
m_eDBType = rKey.getDBType();
return *this;
inline sal_Bool ONDXKey::operator == (const ONDXKey& rKey) const
if(&rKey == this)
return sal_True;
return Compare(rKey) == COMPARE_EQUAL;
inline sal_Bool ONDXKey::operator != (const ONDXKey& rKey) const
return !operator== (rKey);
inline sal_Bool ONDXKey::operator < (const ONDXKey& rKey) const
return Compare(rKey) == COMPARE_LESS;
inline sal_Bool ONDXKey::operator > (const ONDXKey& rKey) const
return Compare(rKey) == COMPARE_GREATER;
inline sal_Bool ONDXKey::operator <= (const ONDXKey& rKey) const
return !operator > (rKey);
inline sal_Bool ONDXKey::operator >= (const ONDXKey& rKey) const
return !operator< (rKey);
inline void ONDXNode::SetChild(ONDXPagePtr aCh, ONDXPage* pParent)
aChild = aCh;
if (aChild.Is())