blob: 1eacb281a8679c4765605cf84c167f319d068aac [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_connectivity.hxx"
#include <connectivity/dbconversion.hxx>
#include <connectivity/dbcharset.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#ifndef _INC_STDIO
#include <stdio.h>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/SQLException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/Date.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/Time.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/DateTime.hpp>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#define MAX_DAYS 3636532
namespace dbtools
using namespace ::comphelper;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdb;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbc;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
::com::sun::star::util::Date DBTypeConversion::getStandardDate()
static ::com::sun::star::util::Date STANDARD_DB_DATE(1,1,1900);
::rtl::OUString DBTypeConversion::toDateString(const Date& rDate)
sal_Char s[11];
s[10] = 0;
return ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(s);
::rtl::OUString DBTypeConversion::toTimeString(const Time& rTime)
sal_Char s[9];
s[8] = 0;
return ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(s);
::rtl::OUString DBTypeConversion::toDateTimeString(const DateTime& _rDateTime)
Date aDate(_rDateTime.Day,_rDateTime.Month,_rDateTime.Year);
::rtl::OUStringBuffer aTemp(toDateString(aDate));
aTemp.appendAscii(" ");
Time aTime(0,_rDateTime.Seconds,_rDateTime.Minutes,_rDateTime.Hours);
aTemp.append( toTimeString(aTime) );
aTemp.append( static_cast<sal_Int32>(_rDateTime.HundredthSeconds));
return aTemp.makeStringAndClear();
Date DBTypeConversion::toDate(sal_Int32 _nVal)
Date aReturn;
aReturn.Day = (sal_uInt16)(_nVal % 100);
aReturn.Month = (sal_uInt16)((_nVal / 100) % 100);
aReturn.Year = (sal_uInt16)(_nVal / 10000);
return aReturn;
Time DBTypeConversion::toTime(sal_Int32 _nVal)
Time aReturn;
aReturn.Hours = (sal_uInt16)(((sal_uInt32)(_nVal >= 0 ? _nVal : _nVal*-1)) / 1000000);
aReturn.Minutes = (sal_uInt16)((((sal_uInt32)(_nVal >= 0 ? _nVal : _nVal*-1)) / 10000) % 100);
aReturn.Seconds = (sal_uInt16)((((sal_uInt32)(_nVal >= 0 ? _nVal : _nVal*-1)) / 100) % 100);
aReturn.HundredthSeconds = (sal_uInt16)(((sal_uInt32)(_nVal >= 0 ? _nVal : _nVal*-1)) % 100);
return aReturn;
const double fMilliSecondsPerDay = 86400000.0;
sal_Int32 DBTypeConversion::toINT32(const Date& rVal)
return ((sal_Int32)(rVal.Day%100)) +
(((sal_Int32)(rVal.Month%100))*100) +
(((sal_Int32) rVal.Year%10000)*10000);
sal_Int32 DBTypeConversion::toINT32(const Time& rVal)
// Zeit normalisieren
sal_Int32 nSeconds = rVal.Seconds + rVal.HundredthSeconds / 100;
sal_Int32 nHundredthSeconds = rVal.HundredthSeconds % 100;
sal_Int32 nMinutes = rVal.Minutes + nSeconds / 60;
nSeconds = nSeconds % 60;
sal_Int32 nHours = rVal.Hours + nMinutes / 60;
nMinutes = nMinutes % 60;
// Zeit zusammenbauen
return (sal_Int32)(nHundredthSeconds + (nSeconds*100) + (nMinutes*10000) + (nHours*1000000));
sal_Int64 DBTypeConversion::toINT64(const DateTime& rVal)
// Zeit normalisieren
sal_Int32 nSeconds = rVal.Seconds + rVal.HundredthSeconds / 100;
sal_Int32 nHundredthSeconds = rVal.HundredthSeconds % 100;
sal_Int32 nMinutes = rVal.Minutes + nSeconds / 60;
nSeconds = nSeconds % 60;
sal_Int32 nHours = rVal.Hours + nMinutes / 60;
nMinutes = nMinutes % 60;
// Zeit zusammenbauen
sal_Int32 nTime = (sal_Int32)(nHundredthSeconds + (nSeconds*100) + (nMinutes*10000) + (nHours*1000000));
sal_Int32 nDate = ((sal_Int32)(rVal.Day%100)) + (((sal_Int32)(rVal.Month%100))*100) + (((sal_Int32) rVal.Year%10000)*10000);
sal_Int64 nRet;
nRet = (sal_Int64) nTime;
nRet <<= 32;
nRet += nDate;
return nRet;
sal_Int32 DBTypeConversion::getMsFromTime(const Time& rVal)
sal_Int32 nHour = rVal.Hours;
sal_Int32 nMin = rVal.Minutes;
sal_Int32 nSec = rVal.Seconds;
sal_Int32 n100Sec = rVal.HundredthSeconds;
return ((nHour*3600000)+(nMin*60000)+(nSec*1000)+(n100Sec*10));
static sal_Int32 aDaysInMonth[12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30,
31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
static sal_Bool implIsLeapYear(sal_Int32 _nYear)
return ( ( ((_nYear % 4) == 0)
&& ((_nYear % 100) != 0)
|| ((_nYear % 400) == 0)
static sal_Int32 implDaysInMonth(sal_Int32 _nMonth, sal_Int32 _nYear)
OSL_ENSURE(_nMonth > 0 && _nMonth < 13,"Month as invalid value!");
if (_nMonth != 2)
return aDaysInMonth[_nMonth-1];
if (implIsLeapYear(_nYear))
return aDaysInMonth[_nMonth-1] + 1;
return aDaysInMonth[_nMonth-1];
static sal_Int32 implRelativeToAbsoluteNull(const Date& _rDate)
sal_Int32 nDays = 0;
// ripped this code from the implementation of tools::Date
sal_Int32 nNormalizedYear = _rDate.Year - 1;
nDays = nNormalizedYear * 365;
// leap years
nDays += (nNormalizedYear / 4) - (nNormalizedYear / 100) + (nNormalizedYear / 400);
for (sal_Int32 i = 1; i < _rDate.Month; ++i)
nDays += implDaysInMonth(i, _rDate.Year);
nDays += _rDate.Day;
return nDays;
static void implBuildFromRelative( sal_Int32 nDays, sal_uInt16& rDay, sal_uInt16& rMonth, sal_uInt16& rYear)
sal_Int32 nTempDays;
sal_Int32 i = 0;
sal_Bool bCalc;
nTempDays = nDays;
rYear = (sal_uInt16)((nTempDays / 365) - i);
nTempDays -= (rYear-1) * 365;
nTempDays -= ((rYear-1) / 4) - ((rYear-1) / 100) + ((rYear-1) / 400);
bCalc = sal_False;
if ( nTempDays < 1 )
bCalc = sal_True;
if ( nTempDays > 365 )
if ( (nTempDays != 366) || !implIsLeapYear( rYear ) )
bCalc = sal_True;
while ( bCalc );
rMonth = 1;
while ( nTempDays > implDaysInMonth( rMonth, rYear ) )
nTempDays -= implDaysInMonth( rMonth, rYear );
rDay = (sal_uInt16)nTempDays;
sal_Int32 DBTypeConversion::toDays(const Date& _rVal, const Date& _rNullDate)
return implRelativeToAbsoluteNull(_rVal) - implRelativeToAbsoluteNull(_rNullDate);
double DBTypeConversion::toDouble(const Date& rVal, const Date& _rNullDate)
return (double)toDays(rVal, _rNullDate);
double DBTypeConversion::toDouble(const Time& rVal)
return (double)getMsFromTime(rVal) / fMilliSecondsPerDay;
double DBTypeConversion::toDouble(const DateTime& _rVal, const Date& _rNullDate)
sal_Int64 nTime = toDays(Date(_rVal.Day, _rVal.Month, _rVal.Year), _rNullDate);
Time aTimePart;
aTimePart.Hours = _rVal.Hours;
aTimePart.Minutes = _rVal.Minutes;
aTimePart.Seconds = _rVal.Seconds;
aTimePart.HundredthSeconds = _rVal.HundredthSeconds;
return ((double)nTime) + toDouble(aTimePart);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void addDays(sal_Int32 nDays, Date& _rDate)
sal_Int32 nTempDays = implRelativeToAbsoluteNull( _rDate );
nTempDays += nDays;
if ( nTempDays > MAX_DAYS )
_rDate.Day = 31;
_rDate.Month = 12;
_rDate.Year = 9999;
else if ( nTempDays <= 0 )
_rDate.Day = 1;
_rDate.Month = 1;
_rDate.Year = 00;
implBuildFromRelative( nTempDays, _rDate.Day, _rDate.Month, _rDate.Year );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void subDays( sal_Int32 nDays, Date& _rDate )
sal_Int32 nTempDays = implRelativeToAbsoluteNull( _rDate );
nTempDays -= nDays;
if ( nTempDays > MAX_DAYS )
_rDate.Day = 31;
_rDate.Month = 12;
_rDate.Year = 9999;
else if ( nTempDays <= 0 )
_rDate.Day = 1;
_rDate.Month = 1;
_rDate.Year = 00;
implBuildFromRelative( nTempDays, _rDate.Day, _rDate.Month, _rDate.Year );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date DBTypeConversion::toDate(double dVal, const Date& _rNullDate)
Date aRet = _rNullDate;
if (dVal >= 0)
// x -= (sal_uInt32)(-nDays);
return aRet;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Time DBTypeConversion::toTime(double dVal)
sal_Int32 nDays = (sal_Int32)dVal;
sal_Int32 nMS = sal_Int32((dVal - (double)nDays) * fMilliSecondsPerDay + 0.5);
sal_Int16 nSign;
if ( nMS < 0 )
nMS *= -1;
nSign = -1;
nSign = 1;
Time xRet;
// Zeit normalisieren
// we have to sal_Int32 here because otherwise we get an overflow
sal_Int32 nHundredthSeconds = nMS/10;
sal_Int32 nSeconds = nHundredthSeconds / 100;
sal_Int32 nMinutes = nSeconds / 60;
xRet.HundredthSeconds = (sal_uInt16)(nHundredthSeconds % 100);
xRet.Seconds = (sal_uInt16)(nSeconds % 60);
xRet.Hours = (sal_uInt16)(nMinutes / 60);
xRet.Minutes = (sal_uInt16)(nMinutes % 60);
// Zeit zusammenbauen
sal_Int32 nTime = (sal_Int32)(xRet.HundredthSeconds + (xRet.Seconds*100) + (xRet.Minutes*10000) + (xRet.Hours*1000000)) * nSign;
if(nTime < 0)
xRet.HundredthSeconds = 99;
xRet.Minutes = 59;
xRet.Seconds = 59;
xRet.Hours = 23;
return xRet;
DateTime DBTypeConversion::toDateTime(double dVal, const Date& _rNullDate)
Date aDate = toDate(dVal, _rNullDate);
Time aTime = toTime(dVal);
DateTime xRet;
xRet.Day = aDate.Day;
xRet.Month = aDate.Month;
xRet.Year = aDate.Year;
xRet.HundredthSeconds = aTime.HundredthSeconds;
xRet.Minutes = aTime.Minutes;
xRet.Seconds = aTime.Seconds;
xRet.Hours = aTime.Hours;
return xRet;
Date DBTypeConversion::toDate(const ::rtl::OUString& _sSQLString)
// get the token out of a string
static sal_Unicode sDateSep = '-';
sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
sal_uInt16 nYear = 0,
nMonth = 0,
nDay = 0;
nYear = (sal_uInt16)_sSQLString.getToken(0,sDateSep,nIndex).toInt32();
if(nIndex != -1)
nMonth = (sal_uInt16)_sSQLString.getToken(0,sDateSep,nIndex).toInt32();
if(nIndex != -1)
nDay = (sal_uInt16)_sSQLString.getToken(0,sDateSep,nIndex).toInt32();
return Date(nDay,nMonth,nYear);
DateTime DBTypeConversion::toDateTime(const ::rtl::OUString& _sSQLString)
// the date part
Date aDate = toDate(_sSQLString);
Time aTime;
sal_Int32 nSeparation = _sSQLString.indexOf( ' ' );
if ( -1 != nSeparation )
aTime = toTime( _sSQLString.copy( nSeparation ) );
return DateTime(aTime.HundredthSeconds,aTime.Seconds,aTime.Minutes,aTime.Hours,aDate.Day,aDate.Month,aDate.Year);
Time DBTypeConversion::toTime(const ::rtl::OUString& _sSQLString)
static sal_Unicode sTimeSep = ':';
sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
sal_uInt16 nHour = 0,
nMinute = 0,
nSecond = 0,
nHundredthSeconds = 0;
nHour = (sal_uInt16)_sSQLString.getToken(0,sTimeSep,nIndex).toInt32();
if(nIndex != -1)
nMinute = (sal_uInt16)_sSQLString.getToken(0,sTimeSep,nIndex).toInt32();
if(nIndex != -1)
nSecond = (sal_uInt16)_sSQLString.getToken(0,sTimeSep,nIndex).toInt32();
nIndex = 0;
::rtl::OUString sNano(_sSQLString.getToken(1,'.',nIndex));
if ( sNano.getLength() )
// our time struct only supports hundredth seconds
sNano = sNano.copy(0,::std::min<sal_Int32>(sNano.getLength(),2));
const static ::rtl::OUString s_Zeros(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("00"));
sNano += s_Zeros.copy(0,s_Zeros.getLength() - sNano.getLength());
nHundredthSeconds = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(sNano.toInt32());
return Time(nHundredthSeconds,nSecond,nMinute,nHour);
} // namespace dbtools