blob: c6183db6f9f73f9176e7617e84093f0c6b138853 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#pragma warning(push, 1)
#include "uno/environment.hxx"
#pragma warning(pop)
#include "uno/mapping.hxx"
#include "uno/dispatcher.h"
#include "cli_bridge.h"
#include "cli_environment.h"
#using <mscorlib.dll>
#using <cli_ure.dll>
namespace srrp = System::Runtime::Remoting::Proxies;
namespace srrm = System::Runtime::Remoting::Messaging;
namespace srr = System::Runtime::Remoting;
namespace sr = System::Reflection;
namespace sc = System::Collections;
using namespace uno;
namespace cli_uno
public __gc class UnoInterfaceInfo
UnoInterfaceInfo(Bridge const * bridge, uno_Interface* unoI,
typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription* td);
uno_Interface * m_unoI; // wrapped interface
System::Type * m_type;
typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription* m_typeDesc;
Bridge const* m_bridge;
public __gc class UnoInterfaceProxy: public srrp::RealProxy,
public srr::IRemotingTypeInfo
/** used for IRemotingTypeInfo.TypeName
System::String* m_sTypeName;
/** The list is filled with UnoInterfaceInfo objects. The list can only
grow and elements are never changed. If an element was added it
must not be changed!
sc::ArrayList* m_listIfaces;
/** The number of UNO interfaces this proxy represents. It corresponds
to the the number of elements in m_listIfaces.
int m_numUnoIfaces;
/** The list is filled with additional UnoInterfaceProxy object due
to aggregation via bridges. Though the latter is strongly
discouraged, this has to be supported.
sc::ArrayList* m_listAdditionalProxies;
int m_nlistAdditionalProxies;
UnoInterfaceInfo * findInfo( ::System::Type * type );
Bridge const* m_bridge;
System::String* m_oid;
/** The string contains all names of UNO interfaces which are
represented by this proxy. It is used to print out the interfaces
when this proxy dies. In the destructor it is not allowed to
access m_listIfaces or any other managed object.
rtl_uString * _sInterfaces;
// /** Count of interfaces. Used in conjunction with _sInterfaces.
// */
int _numInterfaces;
/** Creates a proxy and registers it on the dot NET side.
static System::Object* create(Bridge * bridge,
uno_Interface * pUnoI,
typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription* pTd,
const rtl::OUString& oid);
/** RealProxy::Invoke */
srrm::IMessage* Invoke(srrm::IMessage* msg);
/** Must be called from within a synchronized section.
Add only the interface if it is not already contained.
This method is called from the constructor and as a result
of IRemotingTypeInfo::CanCastTo
void addUnoInterface(uno_Interface* pUnoI,
typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription* pTd);
inline System::String * getOid()
{ return m_oid; }
//IRemotingTypeInfo ----------------------------------------------
bool CanCastTo(System::Type* fromType, System::Object* o);
__property System::String* get_TypeName()
return m_sTypeName;
__property void set_TypeName(System::String* name)
m_sTypeName = name;
Bridge * bridge,
uno_Interface * pUnoI,
typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription* pTD,
const rtl::OUString& oid );
static srrm::IMessage* constructReturnMessage(System::Object* retVal,
System::Object* outArgs[],
typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription* mtd,
srrm::IMessage* msg, System::Object* exc);
static System::String* m_methodNameString =
new System::String("__MethodName");
static System::String* m_typeNameString = new System::String("__TypeName");
static System::String* m_ArgsString = new System::String("__Args");
static System::String* m_CallContextString =
new System::String("__CallContext");
static System::String* m_system_Object_String =
new System::String("System.Object");
static System::String* m_methodSignatureString =
new System::String("__MethodSignature");
static System::String* m_Equals_String = new System::String("Equals");
static System::String* m_GetHashCode_String =
new System::String("GetHashCode");
static System::String* m_GetType_String = new System::String("GetType");
static System::String* m_ToString_String = new System::String("ToString");
srrm::IMessage* invokeObject(sc::IDictionary* properties,
srrm::LogicalCallContext* context,
srrm::IMethodCallMessage* mcm);
//Cannot make this __gc because a managed type cannot derive from unmanaged type
struct CliProxy: public uno_Interface
mutable oslInterlockedCount m_ref;
const Bridge* m_bridge;
const gcroot<System::Object*> m_cliI;
gcroot<System::Type*> m_type;
const com::sun::star::uno::TypeDescription m_unoType;
const gcroot<System::String*> m_oid;
const rtl::OUString m_usOid;
enum MethodKind {MK_METHOD = 0, MK_SET, MK_GET};
/** The array contains MethodInfos of the cli object. Each one reflects an
implemented interface method of the interface for which this proxy was
created. The MethodInfos are from the object's method and not from the
interface type. That is, they can be used to invoke the methods. The
order of the MethodInfo objects corresponds to the order of the
interface methods (see member m_type). Position 0 contains the
MethodInfo of the first method of the interface which represents the
root of the inheritance chain. The last MethodInfo represents the last
method of the furthest derived interface.
The array is completely initialized in the constructor of this object.
When the uno_DispatchMethod is called for this proxy then it receives
a typelib_TypeDescription of the member which is either an attribute
(setter or getter) or method. After determining the position of the
method within the UNO interface one can use the position to obtain the
MethodInfo of the corresponding cli method. To obtain the index for the
m_arMethodInfos array the function position has to be decreased by 3.
This is becaus, the cli interface does not contain the XInterface
gcroot<sr::MethodInfo*[]> m_arMethodInfos;
/** This array is similar to m_arMethodInfos but it contains the MethodInfo
objects of the interface (not the object). When a call is made from uno
to cli then the uno method name is compared to the cli method name. The
cli method name can be obtained from the MethodInfo object in this
array. The name of the actual implemented method may not be the same as
the interface method.
gcroot<sr::MethodInfo*[]> m_arInterfaceMethodInfos;
/** Maps the position of the method in the UNO interface to the position of
the corresponding MethodInfo in m_arMethodInfos. The Uno position must
not include the XInterface methods. For example,
pos 0 = XInterface::queryInterface
pos 1 = XInterface::acquire
pos 2 = XInterface::release
That is the real Uno position has to be deducted by 3. Then
arUnoPosToCliPos[pos] contains the index for m_arMethodInfos.
gcroot<System::Int32[]> m_arUnoPosToCliPos;
/** Count of inherited interfaces of the cli interface.
int m_nInheritedInterfaces;
/** Contains the number of methods of each interface.
gcroot<System::Int32[]> m_arInterfaceMethodCount;
CliProxy( Bridge const* bridge, System::Object* cliI,
typelib_TypeDescription const* pTD,
const rtl::OUString& usOid);
static uno_Interface* create(Bridge const * bridge,
System::Object* cliI,
typelib_TypeDescription const * TD,
rtl::OUString const & usOid );
/** Prepares an array (m_arMethoInfos) containing MethodInfo object of the
interface and all inherited interfaces. At index null is the first
method of the base interface and at the last position is the last method
of the furthest derived interface.
If a UNO call is received then one can determine the position of the
method (or getter or setter for an attribute) from the passed type
information. The position minus 3 (there is no XInterface in the cli
mapping) corresponds to the index of the cli interface method in the
void makeMethodInfos();
/**Obtains a MethodInfo which can be used to invoke the cli object.
Internally it maps nUnoFunctionPos to an index that is used to get the
corresponding MethodInfo object from m_arMethoInfos. The mapping table
is dynamically initialized. If the cli interface has no base interface
or exactly one then the mapping table is initialized in one go at the
first call. In all ensuing calls the MethodInfo object is immediately
retrieved through the mapping table.
If the interface has more then one interface in its inheritance chain,
that is Type.GetInterfaces return more then one Type, then the mapping
table is partially initiallized. On the first call the mappings for the
methods of the belonging interface are created.
The implementation assumes that the order of interface methods as
provided by InterfaceMapping.InterfaceMethods corresponds to the order
of methods in the interface declaration.
@param nUnoFunctionPos
Position of the method in the uno interface.
sr::MethodInfo* getMethodInfo(int nUnoFunctionPos,
const rtl::OUString & usMethodName,
MethodKind mk);
void SAL_CALL uno_DispatchMethod(
struct _uno_Interface * pUnoI,
const struct _typelib_TypeDescription * pMemberType,
void * pReturn,
void * pArgs[],
uno_Any ** ppException );
inline void acquire() const;
inline void release() const;