blob: 01b59c18f13ebe20d0edf664b1f610f1ff7fd742 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_basic.hxx"
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include "svl/brdcst.hxx"
#include <basic/sbx.hxx>
#include <basic/sbxbase.hxx>
#include "sbxres.hxx"
#include "sbxconv.hxx"
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.hpp"
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
///////////////////////////// SbxVariable //////////////////////////////
extern sal_uInt32 nVarCreator; // in SBXBASE.CXX, fuer LoadData()
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
static sal_uIntPtr nVar = 0;
///////////////////////////// SbxVariableImpl ////////////////////////////
class SbxVariableImpl
friend class SbxVariable;
String m_aDeclareClassName;
Reference< XInterface > m_xComListener;
StarBASIC* m_pComListenerParentBasic;
SbxVariableImpl( void )
: m_pComListenerParentBasic( NULL )
SbxVariableImpl( const SbxVariableImpl& r )
: m_aDeclareClassName( r.m_aDeclareClassName )
, m_xComListener( r.m_xComListener )
, m_pComListenerParentBasic( r.m_pComListenerParentBasic )
///////////////////////////// Konstruktoren //////////////////////////////
SbxVariable::SbxVariable() : SbxValue()
mpSbxVariableImpl = NULL;
pCst = NULL;
pParent = NULL;
nUserData = 0;
nHash = 0;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
DbgOutf( "SbxVariable::Ctor %lx=%ld", (void*)this, ++nVar );
GetSbxData_Impl()->aVars.Insert( this, LIST_APPEND );
void registerComListenerVariableForBasic( SbxVariable* pVar, StarBASIC* pBasic );
SbxVariable::SbxVariable( const SbxVariable& r )
: SvRefBase( r ), SbxValue( r ), mpPar( r.mpPar ), pInfo( r.pInfo )
mpSbxVariableImpl = NULL;
if( r.mpSbxVariableImpl != NULL )
mpSbxVariableImpl = new SbxVariableImpl( *r.mpSbxVariableImpl );
if( mpSbxVariableImpl-> )
registerComListenerVariableForBasic( this, mpSbxVariableImpl->m_pComListenerParentBasic );
pCst = NULL;
if( r.CanRead() )
pParent = r.pParent;
nUserData = r.nUserData;
maName = r.maName;
nHash = r.nHash;
pParent = NULL;
nUserData = 0;
nHash = 0;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
static sal_Char const aCellsStr[] = "Cells";
if ( maName.EqualsAscii( aCellsStr ) )
maName.AssignAscii( aCellsStr, sizeof( aCellsStr )-1 );
DbgOutf( "SbxVariable::Ctor %lx=%ld", (void*)this, ++nVar );
GetSbxData_Impl()->aVars.Insert( this, LIST_APPEND );
SbxVariable::SbxVariable( SbxDataType t, void* p ) : SbxValue( t, p )
mpSbxVariableImpl = NULL;
pCst = NULL;
pParent = NULL;
nUserData = 0;
nHash = 0;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
DbgOutf( "SbxVariable::Ctor %lx=%ld", (void*)this, ++nVar );
GetSbxData_Impl()->aVars.Insert( this, LIST_APPEND );
void removeDimAsNewRecoverItem( SbxVariable* pVar );
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
ByteString aBStr( (const UniString&)maName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
DbgOutf( "SbxVariable::Dtor %lx (%s)", (void*)this, aBStr.GetBuffer() );
static sal_Char const aCellsStr[] = "Cells";
if ( maName.EqualsAscii( aCellsStr ) )
maName.AssignAscii( aCellsStr, sizeof( aCellsStr )-1 );
GetSbxData_Impl()->aVars.Remove( this );
if( IsSet( SBX_DIM_AS_NEW ))
removeDimAsNewRecoverItem( this );
delete mpSbxVariableImpl;
delete pCst;
////////////////////////////// Broadcasting //////////////////////////////
SfxBroadcaster& SbxVariable::GetBroadcaster()
if( !pCst )
pCst = new SfxBroadcaster;
return *pCst;
// Eines Tages kann man vielleicht den Parameter 0 schleifen,
// dann entfaellt die Kopiererei...
void SbxVariable::Broadcast( sal_uIntPtr nHintId )
if( pCst && !IsSet( SBX_NO_BROADCAST ) && StaticIsEnabledBroadcasting() )
// Da die Methode von aussen aufrufbar ist, hier noch einmal
// die Berechtigung testen
if( !CanRead() )
if( !CanWrite() )
// Weitere Broadcasts verhindern
SfxBroadcaster* pSave = pCst;
pCst = NULL;
sal_uInt16 nSaveFlags = GetFlags();
if( mpPar.Is() )
// this, als Element 0 eintragen, aber den Parent nicht umsetzen!
mpPar->GetRef( 0 ) = this;
pSave->Broadcast( SbxHint( nHintId, this ) );
delete pCst; // wer weiss schon, auf welche Gedanken mancher kommt?
pCst = pSave;
SetFlags( nSaveFlags );
SbxInfo* SbxVariable::GetInfo()
if( !pInfo )
if( pInfo.Is() )
SetModified( sal_True );
return pInfo;
void SbxVariable::SetInfo( SbxInfo* p )
pInfo = p;
void SbxVariable::SetParameters( SbxArray* p )
mpPar = p;
/////////////////////////// Name der Variablen ///////////////////////////
void SbxVariable::SetName( const XubString& rName )
maName = rName;
nHash = MakeHashCode( rName );
const XubString& SbxVariable::GetName( SbxNameType t ) const
static char cSuffixes[] = " %&!#@ $";
if( t == SbxNAME_NONE )
return maName;
// Parameter-Infos anfordern (nicht fuer Objekte)
// Nix anfuegen, wenn einfache Property (keine leeren Klammern)
if( !pInfo
|| ( !pInfo->aParams.Count() && GetClass() == SbxCLASS_PROPERTY ) )
return maName;
xub_Unicode cType = ' ';
XubString aTmp( maName );
// Kurzer Typ? Dann holen, evtl. ist dieser 0.
SbxDataType et = GetType();
if( t == SbxNAME_SHORT_TYPES )
if( et <= SbxSTRING )
cType = cSuffixes[ et ];
if( cType != ' ' )
aTmp += cType;
aTmp += '(';
for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pInfo->aParams.Count(); i++ )
const SbxParamInfo* q = pInfo->aParams.GetObject( i );
int nt = q->eType & 0x0FFF;
if( i )
aTmp += ',';
if( q->nFlags & SBX_OPTIONAL )
aTmp += String( SbxRes( STRING_OPTIONAL ) );
if( q->eType & SbxBYREF )
aTmp += String( SbxRes( STRING_BYREF ) );
aTmp += q->aName;
cType = ' ';
// Kurzer Typ? Dann holen, evtl. ist dieser 0.
if( t == SbxNAME_SHORT_TYPES )
if( nt <= SbxSTRING )
cType = cSuffixes[ nt ];
if( cType != ' ' )
aTmp += cType;
if( q->eType & SbxARRAY )
aTmp.AppendAscii( "()" );
if( q->eType & SbxARRAY )
aTmp.AppendAscii( "()" );
// langer Typ?
if( t != SbxNAME_SHORT )
aTmp += String( SbxRes( STRING_AS ) );
if( nt < 32 )
aTmp += String( SbxRes(
sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >( STRING_TYPES + nt ) ) );
aTmp += String( SbxRes( STRING_ANY ) );
aTmp += ')';
// Langer Typ? Dann holen
if( t == SbxNAME_LONG_TYPES && et != SbxEMPTY )
aTmp += String( SbxRes( STRING_AS ) );
if( et < 32 )
aTmp += String( SbxRes(
sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >( STRING_TYPES + et ) ) );
aTmp += String( SbxRes( STRING_ANY ) );
((SbxVariable*) this)->aToolString = aTmp;
return aToolString;
// Einen simplen Hashcode erzeugen: Es werden die ersten 6 Zeichen gewertet.
sal_uInt16 SbxVariable::MakeHashCode( const XubString& rName )
sal_uInt16 n = 0;
sal_uInt16 nLen = rName.Len();
if( nLen > 6 )
nLen = 6;
const xub_Unicode* p = rName.GetBuffer();
while( nLen-- )
sal_uInt8 c = (sal_uInt8)*p;
// Falls wir ein Schweinezeichen haben, abbrechen!!
if( c >= 0x80 )
return 0;
n = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >( ( n << 3 ) + toupper( c ) );
return n;
////////////////////////////// Operatoren ////////////////////////////////
SbxVariable& SbxVariable::operator=( const SbxVariable& r )
SbxValue::operator=( r );
delete mpSbxVariableImpl;
if( r.mpSbxVariableImpl != NULL )
mpSbxVariableImpl = new SbxVariableImpl( *r.mpSbxVariableImpl );
if( mpSbxVariableImpl-> )
registerComListenerVariableForBasic( this, mpSbxVariableImpl->m_pComListenerParentBasic );
mpSbxVariableImpl = NULL;
return *this;
//////////////////////////////// Konversion ////////////////////////////////
SbxDataType SbxVariable::GetType() const
if( aData.eType == SbxOBJECT )
return aData.pObj ? aData.pObj->GetType() : SbxOBJECT;
else if( aData.eType == SbxVARIANT )
return aData.pObj ? aData.pObj->GetType() : SbxVARIANT;
return aData.eType;
SbxClassType SbxVariable::GetClass() const
void SbxVariable::SetModified( sal_Bool b )
if( IsSet( SBX_NO_MODIFY ) )
SbxBase::SetModified( b );
if( pParent && pParent != this ) //??? HotFix: Rekursion raus MM
pParent->SetModified( b );
void SbxVariable::SetParent( SbxObject* p )
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
// wird der Parent eines SbxObjects gesetzt?
if ( p && ISA(SbxObject) )
// dann mu\s dieses auch Child vom neuen Parent sein
sal_Bool bFound = sal_False;
SbxArray *pChilds = p->GetObjects();
if ( pChilds )
for ( sal_uInt16 nIdx = 0; !bFound && nIdx < pChilds->Count(); ++nIdx )
bFound = ( this == pChilds->Get(nIdx) );
if ( !bFound )
String aMsg = String::CreateFromAscii( "dangling: [" );
aMsg += GetName();
aMsg.AppendAscii( "].SetParent([" );
aMsg += p->GetName();
aMsg.AppendAscii( "])" );
ByteString aBStr( (const UniString&)aMsg, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
DbgOut( aBStr.GetBuffer(), DBG_OUT_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__);
pParent = p;
SbxVariableImpl* SbxVariable::getImpl( void )
if( mpSbxVariableImpl == NULL )
mpSbxVariableImpl = new SbxVariableImpl();
return mpSbxVariableImpl;
const String& SbxVariable::GetDeclareClassName( void )
SbxVariableImpl* pImpl = getImpl();
return pImpl->m_aDeclareClassName;
void SbxVariable::SetDeclareClassName( const String& rDeclareClassName )
SbxVariableImpl* pImpl = getImpl();
pImpl->m_aDeclareClassName = rDeclareClassName;
void SbxVariable::SetComListener( ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface > xComListener,
StarBASIC* pParentBasic )
SbxVariableImpl* pImpl = getImpl();
pImpl->m_xComListener = xComListener;
pImpl->m_pComListenerParentBasic = pParentBasic;
registerComListenerVariableForBasic( this, pParentBasic );
void SbxVariable::ClearComListener( void )
SbxVariableImpl* pImpl = getImpl();
////////////////////////////// Laden/Speichern /////////////////////////////
sal_Bool SbxVariable::LoadData( SvStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nVer )
sal_uInt16 nType;
sal_uInt8 cMark;
rStrm >> cMark;
if( cMark == 0xFF )
if( !SbxValue::LoadData( rStrm, nVer ) )
return sal_False;
rStrm.ReadByteString( maName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
sal_uInt32 nTemp;
rStrm >> nTemp;
nUserData = nTemp;
rStrm.SeekRel( -1L );
rStrm >> nType;
rStrm.ReadByteString( maName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
sal_uInt32 nTemp;
rStrm >> nTemp;
nUserData = nTemp;
// Korrektur: Alte Methoden haben statt SbxNULL jetzt SbxEMPTY
if( nType == SbxNULL && GetClass() == SbxCLASS_METHOD )
nType = SbxEMPTY;
SbxValues aTmp;
String aTmpString;
::rtl::OUString aVal;
aTmp.eType = aData.eType = (SbxDataType) nType;
aTmp.pOUString = &aVal;
switch( nType )
case SbxBOOL:
case SbxERROR:
case SbxINTEGER:
rStrm >> aTmp.nInteger; break;
case SbxLONG:
rStrm >> aTmp.nLong; break;
case SbxSINGLE:
// Floats als ASCII
rStrm.ReadByteString( aTmpString, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
double d;
SbxDataType t;
if( ImpScan( aTmpString, d, t, NULL ) != SbxERR_OK || t == SbxDOUBLE )
aTmp.nSingle = 0;
return sal_False;
aTmp.nSingle = (float) d;
case SbxDATE:
case SbxDOUBLE:
// Floats als ASCII
rStrm.ReadByteString( aTmpString, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
SbxDataType t;
if( ImpScan( aTmpString, aTmp.nDouble, t, NULL ) != SbxERR_OK )
aTmp.nDouble = 0;
return sal_False;
case SbxSTRING:
rStrm.ReadByteString( aTmpString, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
aVal = aTmpString;
case SbxEMPTY:
case SbxNULL:
aData.eType = SbxNULL;
DBG_ASSERT( !this, "Nicht unterstuetzer Datentyp geladen" );
return sal_False;
// Wert putten
if( nType != SbxNULL && nType != SbxEMPTY && !Put( aTmp ) )
return sal_False;
rStrm >> cMark;
// cMark ist auch eine Versionsnummer!
// 1: initial version
// 2: mit nUserData
if( cMark )
if( cMark > 2 )
return sal_False;
pInfo = new SbxInfo;
pInfo->LoadData( rStrm, (sal_uInt16) cMark );
// Privatdaten nur laden, wenn es eine SbxVariable ist
if( GetClass() == SbxCLASS_VARIABLE && !LoadPrivateData( rStrm, nVer ) )
return sal_False;
((SbxVariable*) this)->Broadcast( SBX_HINT_DATACHANGED );
nHash = MakeHashCode( maName );
SetModified( sal_True );
return sal_True;
sal_Bool SbxVariable::StoreData( SvStream& rStrm ) const
rStrm << (sal_uInt8) 0xFF; // Marker
sal_Bool bValStore;
if( this->IsA( TYPE(SbxMethod) ) )
// #50200 Verhindern, dass Objekte, die zur Laufzeit als Return-Wert
// in der Methode als Value gespeichert sind, mit gespeichert werden
SbxVariable* pThis = (SbxVariable*)this;
sal_uInt16 nSaveFlags = GetFlags();
pThis->SetFlag( SBX_WRITE );
pThis->SetFlags( nSaveFlags );
// Damit die Methode in keinem Fall ausgefuehrt wird!
// CAST, um const zu umgehen!
pThis->SetFlag( SBX_NO_BROADCAST );
bValStore = SbxValue::StoreData( rStrm );
pThis->ResetFlag( SBX_NO_BROADCAST );
bValStore = SbxValue::StoreData( rStrm );
if( !bValStore )
return sal_False;
// if( !SbxValue::StoreData( rStrm ) )
// return sal_False;
rStrm.WriteByteString( maName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
rStrm << (sal_uInt32)nUserData;
if( pInfo.Is() )
rStrm << (sal_uInt8) 2; // Version 2: mit UserData!
pInfo->StoreData( rStrm );
rStrm << (sal_uInt8) 0;
// Privatdaten nur speichern, wenn es eine SbxVariable ist
if( GetClass() == SbxCLASS_VARIABLE )
return StorePrivateData( rStrm );
return sal_True;
////////////////////////////// SbxInfo ///////////////////////////////////
SbxInfo::SbxInfo() : aHelpFile(), nHelpId( 0 ), aParams()
SbxInfo::SbxInfo( const String& r, sal_uInt32 n )
: aHelpFile( r ), nHelpId( n ), aParams()
////////////////////////////// SbxAlias //////////////////////////////////
SbxAlias::SbxAlias( const XubString& rName, SbxVariable* p )
: SbxVariable(), xAlias( p )
SetName( rName );
SetFlags( p->GetFlags() );
aData.eType = p->GetType();
StartListening( p->GetBroadcaster() );
SbxAlias::SbxAlias( const SbxAlias& r )
: SvRefBase( r ), SbxVariable( r ),
SfxListener( r ), xAlias( r.xAlias )
SbxAlias& SbxAlias::operator=( const SbxAlias& r )
xAlias = r.xAlias;
return *this;
if( xAlias.Is() )
EndListening( xAlias->GetBroadcaster() );
void SbxAlias::Broadcast( sal_uIntPtr nHt )
if( xAlias.Is() && StaticIsEnabledBroadcasting() )
xAlias->SetParameters( GetParameters() );
SbxVariable::operator=( *xAlias );
*xAlias = *this;
else if( nHt == SBX_HINT_INFOWANTED )
xAlias->Broadcast( nHt );
pInfo = xAlias->GetInfo();
void SbxAlias::SFX_NOTIFY( SfxBroadcaster&, const TypeId&,
const SfxHint& rHint, const TypeId& )
const SbxHint* p = PTR_CAST(SbxHint,&rHint);
if( p && p->GetId() == SBX_HINT_DYING )
// Alias loeschen?
if( pParent )
pParent->Remove( this );
void SbxVariable::Dump( SvStream& rStrm, sal_Bool bFill )
ByteString aBNameStr( (const UniString&)GetName( SbxNAME_SHORT_TYPES ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
rStrm << "Variable( "
<< ByteString::CreateFromInt64( (sal_uIntPtr) this ).GetBuffer() << "=="
<< aBNameStr.GetBuffer();
ByteString aBParentNameStr( (const UniString&)GetParent()->GetName(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
if ( GetParent() )
rStrm << " in parent '" << aBParentNameStr.GetBuffer() << "'";
rStrm << " no parent";
rStrm << " ) ";
// bei Object-Vars auch das Object ausgeben
if ( GetValues_Impl().eType == SbxOBJECT &&
GetValues_Impl().pObj &&
GetValues_Impl().pObj != this &&
GetValues_Impl().pObj != GetParent() )
rStrm << " contains ";
((SbxObject*) GetValues_Impl().pObj)->Dump( rStrm, bFill );
rStrm << endl;