blob: 6e56eaa5de64032069eb702cf2d2e9081712b6e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef _CODEGEN_HXX
#define _CODEGEN_HXX
class SbiImage;
class SbiParser;
class SbModule;
#include "opcodes.hxx"
#include "buffer.hxx"
class SbiCodeGen { // Code-Erzeugung:
SbiParser* pParser; // fuer Fehlermeldungen, Line, Column etc.
SbModule& rMod; // aktuelles Modul
SbiBuffer aCode; // Code-Puffer
short nLine, nCol; // Zeile, Spalte fuer Stmnt-Befehl
short nForLevel; // #29955 for-Schleifen-Ebene
sal_Bool bStmnt; // sal_True: Statement-Opcode liegt an
SbiCodeGen( SbModule&, SbiParser*, short );
SbiParser* GetParser() { return pParser; }
SbModule& GetModule() { return rMod; }
sal_uInt32 Gen( SbiOpcode );
sal_uInt32 Gen( SbiOpcode, sal_uInt32 );
sal_uInt32 Gen( SbiOpcode, sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32 );
void Patch( sal_uInt32 o, sal_uInt32 v ){ aCode.Patch( o, v ); }
void BackChain( sal_uInt32 off ) { aCode.Chain( off ); }
void Statement();
void GenStmnt(); // evtl. Statement-Opcode erzeugen
sal_uInt32 GetPC();
sal_uInt32 GetOffset() { return GetPC() + 1; }
void Save();
// #29955 for-Schleifen-Ebene pflegen
void IncForLevel( void ) { nForLevel++; }
void DecForLevel( void ) { nForLevel--; }
static sal_uInt32 calcNewOffSet( sal_uInt8* pCode, sal_uInt16 nOffset );
static sal_uInt16 calcLegacyOffSet( sal_uInt8* pCode, sal_uInt32 nOffset );
template < class T, class S >
class PCodeBuffConvertor
T m_nSize; //
sal_uInt8* m_pStart;
sal_uInt8* m_pCnvtdBuf;
S m_nCnvtdSize; //
// Disable usual copying symantics and bodgy default ctor
PCodeBuffConvertor(const PCodeBuffConvertor& );
PCodeBuffConvertor& operator = ( const PCodeBuffConvertor& );
PCodeBuffConvertor( sal_uInt8* pCode, T nSize ): m_nSize( nSize ), m_pStart( pCode ), m_pCnvtdBuf( NULL ), m_nCnvtdSize( 0 ){ convert(); }
S GetSize(){ return m_nCnvtdSize; }
void convert();
// Caller owns the buffer returned
sal_uInt8* GetBuffer() { return m_pCnvtdBuf; }
// #111897 PARAM_INFO flags start at 0x00010000 to not
// conflict with DefaultId in SbxParamInfo::nUserData
#define PARAM_INFO_PARAMARRAY 0x0010000