title: Apache Mesos - Linux Devices Isolator in Mesos Containerizer layout: documentation

Linux Devices in Mesos Containerizer

While the cgroups/devices isolator allows operators to control container access to host devices, the container might still need additional privileges to create a device node to actually use the device. The linux/devices isolator ensures that containers that are granted access to host devices are populated with the correct set of device nodes. Access to host devices is granted by using the --allowed_devices flag on the agent.

To enable the linux/devices isolator, append linux/devices to the --isolation flag when starting the Mesos agent.

Security Considerations

Device access is configured at container granularity. For example, this means that if the --allowed_devices flag specifies read access for a device, then every process in the container will be able to read from the specified device.

The linux/devices isolator does not require the --allowed_devices entry to grant mknod access, since it creates device nodes from outside the container.