blob: fdcd12a3bfec1a8ea28dfb07c80c93f5f53993d9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport;
* Tool to play with <a href="">Doxia</a> objects
* like <code>DecorationModel</code>.
* @author <a href="">Vincent Siveton</a>
* @version $Id$
public interface SiteTool
/** Plexus Role */
String ROLE = SiteTool.class.getName();
* The locale by default for all default bundles
* @see Locale#ENGLISH
* Get a skin artifact from one of the repositories.
* @param localRepository the Maven local repository, not null.
* @param remoteArtifactRepositories the Maven remote repositories, not null.
* @param decoration the Doxia site descriptor model, not null.
* @return the <code>Skin</code> artifact defined in a <code>DecorationModel</code> from a given project and a
* local repository
* @throws SiteToolException if any
Artifact getSkinArtifactFromRepository( ArtifactRepository localRepository,
List<ArtifactRepository> remoteArtifactRepositories,
DecorationModel decoration )
throws SiteToolException;
* Get the default skin artifact for a project from one of the repositories.
* @param localRepository the Maven local repository, not null.
* @param remoteArtifactRepositories the Maven remote repositories, not null.
* @return the default <code>Skin</code> artifact from a given project and a local repository
* @throws SiteToolException if any
* @see
* @see #getSkinArtifactFromRepository(ArtifactRepository, List, DecorationModel)
Artifact getDefaultSkinArtifact( ArtifactRepository localRepository,
List<ArtifactRepository> remoteArtifactRepositories )
throws SiteToolException;
* Calculate the relative path between two URLs or between two files.
* For example:
* <dl>
* <dt>to = "" and from = ""</dt>
* <dd>return ""</dd>
* <dt>to = "" and from = ""</dt>
* <dd>return "../.."</dd>
* <dt>to = "" and from = ""</dt>
* <dd>return "plugins/maven-site-plugin"</dd>
* <dt>to = "/myproject/myproject-module1" and from = "/myproject/myproject"</dt>
* <dd>return "../myproject-module1"</dd>
* </dl>
* <b>Note</b>: The file separator depends on the system.
* @param to the <code>to</code> url of file as string
* @param from the <code>from</code> url of file as string
* @return a relative path from <code>from</code> to <code>to</code>.
String getRelativePath( String to, String from );
* Get a site descriptor from the project's base directory.
* @param siteDirectory The path to the directory containing the <code>site.xml</code> file, relative to the
* project base directory. If null, using by default "src/site".
* @param basedir not null.
* @param locale the locale wanted for the site descriptor. If not null, searching for
* <code>site_<i>localeLanguage</i>.xml</code>, otherwise searching for <code>site.xml</code>.
* @return the site descriptor relative file, i.e. <code>src/site/site.xml</code>, depending on parameter values.
File getSiteDescriptorFromBasedir( String siteDirectory, File basedir, Locale locale );
* Get a site descriptor from one of the repositories.
* @param project the Maven project, not null.
* @param localRepository the Maven local repository, not null.
* @param repositories the Maven remote repositories, not null.
* @param locale the locale wanted for the site descriptor. If not null, searching for
* <code>site_<i>localeLanguage</i>.xml</code>, otherwise searching for <code>site.xml</code>.
* @return the site descriptor into the local repository after download of it from repositories or null if not
* found in repositories.
* @throws SiteToolException if any
File getSiteDescriptorFromRepository( MavenProject project, ArtifactRepository localRepository,
List<ArtifactRepository> repositories, Locale locale )
throws SiteToolException;
* Get a decoration model for a project.
* @param project the Maven project, not null.
* @param reactorProjects the Maven reactor projects, not null.
* @param localRepository the Maven local repository, not null.
* @param repositories the Maven remote repositories, not null.
* @param siteDirectory The path to the directory containing the <code>site.xml</code> file, relative to the
* project base directory. If null, using by default "src/site".
* @param locale the locale used for the i18n in DecorationModel. If null, using the default locale in the jvm.
* @return the <code>DecorationModel</code> object corresponding to the <code>site.xml</code> file with some
* interpolations.
* @throws SiteToolException if any
DecorationModel getDecorationModel( MavenProject project, List<MavenProject> reactorProjects,
ArtifactRepository localRepository, List<ArtifactRepository> repositories,
String siteDirectory, Locale locale )
throws SiteToolException;
* Populate the reports menu part of the decoration model.
* @param decorationModel the Doxia DecorationModel, not null.
* @param locale the locale used for the i18n in DecorationModel. If null, using the default locale in the jvm.
* @param categories a map to put on the decoration model, not null.
void populateReportsMenu( DecorationModel decorationModel, Locale locale,
Map<String, List<MavenReport>> categories );
* Interpolating several expressions in the site descriptor content. Actually, the expressions can be in
* the project, the environment variables and the specific properties like <code>encoding</code>.
* <p/>
* For instance:
* <dl>
* <dt>${}</dt>
* <dd>The value from the POM of:
* <p>
* &lt;project&gt;<br>
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;name&gt;myProjectName&lt;/name&gt;<br>
* &lt;/project&gt;
* </p></dd>
* <dt>${my.value}</dt>
* <dd>The value from the POM of:
* <p>
* &lt;properties&gt;<br>
* &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;my.value&gt;hello&lt;/my.value&gt;<br>
* &lt;/properties&gt;
* </p></dd>
* <dt>${JAVA_HOME}</dt>
* <dd>The value of JAVA_HOME in the environment variables</dd>
* </dl>
* @param props a map used for interpolation, not null.
* @param aProject a Maven project, not null.
* @param inputEncoding the input encoding of the site descriptor, not null.
* @param outputEncoding the output encoding wanted, not null.
* @param siteDescriptorContent the site descriptor file, not null.
* @return the site descriptor content based on the <code>site.xml</code> file with interpolated strings.
* @throws SiteToolException if errors happened during the interpolation.
String getInterpolatedSiteDescriptorContent( Map<String, String> props, MavenProject aProject,
String siteDescriptorContent )
throws SiteToolException;
* Returns the parent POM with interpolated URLs. Attempts to source this value from the
* <code>reactorProjects</code> parameters if available (reactor env model attributes
* are interpolated), or if the reactor is unavailable (-N) resorts to the
* <code>project.getParent().getUrl()</code> value which will NOT have been interpolated.
* <p/>
* TODO: once bug is fixed in Maven proper, remove this.
* @param aProject a Maven project, not null.
* @param reactorProjects the Maven reactor projects, not null.
* @param localRepository the Maven local repository, not null.
* @return the parent project with interpolated URLs.
MavenProject getParentProject( MavenProject aProject, List<MavenProject> reactorProjects,
ArtifactRepository localRepository );
* Populate the parent menu part of the decoration model.
* @param decorationModel the Doxia DecorationModel, not null.
* @param locale the locale used for the i18n in DecorationModel. If null, using the default locale in the jvm.
* @param project a Maven project, not null.
* @param parentProject a Maven parent project, not null.
* @param keepInheritedRefs used for inherited references.
void populateParentMenu( DecorationModel decorationModel, Locale locale, MavenProject project,
MavenProject parentProject, boolean keepInheritedRefs );
* Populate the parent menu part of the decoration model.
* @param decorationModel the Doxia DecorationModel, not null.
* @param locale the locale used for the i18n in DecorationModel. If null, using the default locale in the jvm.
* @param project a Maven project, not null.
* @param parentProject a Maven parent project, not null.
* @param keepInheritedRefs used for inherited references.
* @deprecated Please use
* {@link #populateParentMenu(DecorationModel, Locale, MavenProject, MavenProject, boolean)} instead
void populateProjectParentMenu( DecorationModel decorationModel, Locale locale, MavenProject project,
MavenProject parentProject, boolean keepInheritedRefs );
* Populate the modules menu part of the decoration model.
* @param project a Maven project, not null.
* @param reactorProjects the Maven reactor projects, not null.
* @param localRepository the Maven local repository, not null.
* @param decorationModel the Doxia site descriptor model, not null.
* @param locale the locale used for the i18n in DecorationModel. If null, using the default locale in the jvm.
* @param keepInheritedRefs used for inherited references.
* @throws SiteToolException if any
* @deprecated Please use
* {@link #populateModulesMenu(MavenProject, List, ArtifactRepository, DecorationModel, Locale, boolean)}
* instead
void populateModules( MavenProject project, List<MavenProject> reactorProjects, ArtifactRepository localRepository,
DecorationModel decorationModel, Locale locale, boolean keepInheritedRefs )
throws SiteToolException;
* Populate the modules menu part of the decoration model.
* @param project a Maven project, not null.
* @param reactorProjects the Maven reactor projects, not null.
* @param localRepository the Maven local repository, not null.
* @param decorationModel the Doxia site descriptor model, not null.
* @param locale the locale used for the i18n in DecorationModel. If null, using the default locale in the jvm.
* @param keepInheritedRefs used for inherited references.
* @throws SiteToolException if any
void populateModulesMenu( MavenProject project, List<MavenProject> reactorProjects,
ArtifactRepository localRepository, DecorationModel decorationModel, Locale locale,
boolean keepInheritedRefs )
throws SiteToolException;
* Init the <code>localesList</code> variable.
* <p>If the <code>locales</code> variable is available, the first valid token will be the
* <code>defaultLocale</code> for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine.</p>
* @param locales A comma separated list of locales supported by Maven. The first valid token will be the
* default Locale for this instance of the Java Virtual Machine.
* @return a list of <code>Locale</code>
List<Locale> getAvailableLocales( String locales );
* Converts a locale code like "en", "en_US" or "en_US_win" to a <code>java.util.Locale</code>
* object.
* <p>If localeCode = <code>default</code>, return the current value of the default locale for this instance
* of the Java Virtual Machine.</p>
* @param localeCode the locale code string.
* @return a java.util.Locale object instanced or null if errors occurred
* @see <a href="">java.util.Locale#getDefault()</a>
Locale codeToLocale( String localeCode );