Apache logging web site

Clone this repo:
  1. f54a7d7 Re-generate `log4j-config-2.23.1.xsd` with `@PluginValue` fix (apache/logging-log4j-tools#123) by Volkan Yazıcı · 5 hours ago main
  2. 0bf2cd4 Re-generate `log4j-config-2.23.1.xsd` with plugin subclass fix (apache/logging-log4j-tools#117) by Volkan Yazıcı · 2 days ago
  3. 90a7b1d Delegate guidelines to the ASF website by Volkan Yazıcı · 9 days ago
  4. 2ec74d6 Add Slack channels by Volkan Yazıcı · 9 days ago
  5. 677b20b Minor `support.adoc` improvement by Volkan Yazıcı · 2 weeks ago

The Apache Software Foundation - Logging Website

This is the source code for the website at logging.apache.org.

Develop this website

To develop content for this website, you need to make sure you have Docker installed. Once installed, you can run this command to create a docker image:

$> cd <your project folder>
$> docker build -t apache/logging_site .

or run: ./run-docker-build.sh

Whenever you change something in the Dockers dependencies, you have to recreate the docker image.

Afterwards you are able to run the website.

To run the website in serve mode (running a server to quickly check your code) you'll have to run this command:

docker run --rm -p 4000:4000 --mount type=bind,src=$PWD,dst=/root/build --mount type=volume,dst=/root/build/node_modules -it apache/logging_site serve --watch --incremental

or run: ./run-jekyll.sh

Once it runs, you can reach your website at:


Jekyll will regenerate content as you change it and you can see all changes with hitting refresh.

If you find it necessary to connect to your Docker instance while working, you can run and connect to it with this command:

docker run --rm -p 4000:4000 --mount type=bind,src=$PWD,dst=/root/build --mount type=volume,dst=/root/build/node_modules -it  --entrypoint "/bin/bash" apache/logging_site


Once you have committed to this branch, your changes will be built and pushed to the asf-staging branch. From there, it is published to https://logging.staged.apache.org

If you are happy with your changes, merge the staging branch to the site branch:

git checkout asf-site
git merge --ff-only asf-staging
git push