Mirror of Apache Knox

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  1. 1018a3b KNOX-3030 - Make TopologyUtils.parse thread safe (#901) by Sandor Molnar · 2 days ago master
  2. d74fb4f KNOX-3028 - add support for OAuth Token Exchange to KNOXTOKEN (#900) by lmccay · 9 days ago
  3. 3091898 Fix Ozone version (#899) by Zita Dombi · 2 weeks ago
  4. af09c1d KNOX-3026 - End-users can exclude certain services or roles from CM service discovery (#893) by Sandor Molnar · 4 weeks ago
  5. 1e9a39b KNOX-3024 - Fixed Java finding issues (#891) by Sandor Molnar · 5 weeks ago
  6. 3fed1e0 KNOX-3022 - Handling the case when previously persisted CM cluster config file is empty (#890) by Sandor Molnar · 5 weeks ago
  7. 67ebe9a KNOX-3020 - Introducing the 'type' metadata for Knox Tokens (#881) by Sandor Molnar · 6 weeks ago
  8. 84999b8 KNOX-3014 - Fix a bug where unauthenticated path configured in shiro provider throw exception (#879) by Sandeep Moré · 6 weeks ago
  9. c098afa KNOX-3019 - Allow token renewal without upper bound for non-expired tokens (#880) by Sandor Molnar · 6 weeks ago
  10. 8f38723 KNOX-3016 - add support for client credentials flow (#876) by lmccay · 6 weeks ago
  11. 37dc8a7 KNOX-3018 - Tokens that never expire should not be evicted automatically and their expiration should be displayed properly (#878) by Sandor Molnar · 6 weeks ago
  12. 0ec2ea8 KNOX-3017 - Avoid showing lifetime adjustment popup when TTL is set to -1 (#877) by Sandor Molnar · 6 weeks ago
  13. c594fe7 KNOX-2998 - Path based authorization provider (#875) by Sandeep Moré · 7 weeks ago
  14. 5088d42 KNOX-3013 - Knox redirecting Yarn Node Manager URLs to http instead of https (#874) by K0K0V0K · 7 weeks ago
  15. 1b8fe40 KNOX-2996 - Add proxy for hdfs UI network topology (#829) by berylzsh · 7 weeks ago
  16. 95d5b6e KNOX-3012 - Fix the DN links on the Ozone SCM UI (#873) by Zita Dombi · 7 weeks ago
  17. bd3972d KNOX-2995 - Support json parsing NaN values (#828) by berylzsh · 7 weeks ago
  18. 568d339 Bump @babel/traverse from 7.20.5 to 7.23.9 in /gateway-admin-ui (#868) by dependabot[bot] · 8 weeks ago
  19. 9c67ac8 Bump org.apache.santuario:xmlsec from 2.1.8 to 2.2.6 (#862) by dependabot[bot] · 8 weeks ago
  20. 2a4240b Bump @babel/traverse from 7.20.5 to 7.23.9 in /knox-homepage-ui (#866) by dependabot[bot] · 8 weeks ago