blob: 76b6cd4ffa6b1c57d309f06e9b72e0ae6bb16ed7 [file] [log] [blame]
This project contains:
1. JMeter plugin for running Commons Chain commands.
2. JMeter function backed by Commons Jexl. See javadocs.
Dependencies not included in JMeter
Add the following libraries to /lib
- commons-chain
- commons-beanutils
- commons-jexl
- commons-collections. Jackrabbit uses a newer version of commons Collections.
Replace the jar included in JMeter with collections 3.1
- Build the jar file and place it under /lib/ext.
- Build a jar file with your custom Chain commands
- Add the following properties to /org/apache/jmeter/resources/
in order to see the Chain labels correctly.
1 - chain_config_title=Chain configuration
2 - chain_request=Chain request