blob: 5f96a8289afb816920918f53d5a591ec29922a1e [file] [log] [blame]
*** This is an Archival Record taken from the Apache Wiki
We're on the eve of 3.0-beta-1 (we voted to call the next release 3.0 instead of 2.4). Tapestry is now building continuously under Gump.
Category 1: In CVS and included in the distribution. Needed at framework build, at runtime and potentially at application build time.
* lib/ext/bcel-5.0.jar (ASL)
* lib/ext/bsf-2.3.0.jar (ASL)
* lib/ext/commons-logging-1.0.2.jar (ASL)
* lib/ext/jakarta-oro-2.0.6.jar (ASL)
* lib/ext/ognl-2.4.2.jar (Modern BSD)
* lib/ext/commons-lang-1.0.jar (ASL)
* lib/runtime/log4j-1.2.6.jar (ASL)
* examples/Workbench/lib/jCharts-0.6.0.jar (BSD)
Category 2: <b>Not</b> in CVS, needed at framework build. Not part of Tapestry distribution. Typically provided by application server at runtime.
* jboss-j2ee.jar (LPGL, from JBoss distribution)
* crimson.jar (ASL, from Jetty distribution)
* javax.xml.jaxp.jar (Sun BCLA, from Jetty distribution)
* javax.servlet.jar (ASL, from Jetty distribution)
Tapestry does not contain any Jetty- or JBoss- specific code (not in the frameworks, not in the example code, nowhere).
Tapestry code imports from javax.ejb, javax.xml, javax.servlet and so forth.
The Jetty and JBoss distributions are handy places to obtain that code from, and are also used for some Tapestry demos.
Category 3: External distributions. Not in CVS, not part of Tapestry distribution.
* ext-dist/jdom-b8.jar (Modified ASL?) Build time only (part of test suite)
* ext-dist/junit.jar (CPL) Build time only (part of test suite)
* ext-dist/ (MIT/X Consortium License ) For documentation build
* ext-dist/ (MIT/X Consortium License) For documentation build