Extract files from datbundle on upload file
2 files changed
tree: 391e47d5e5a6686602f7a08479d3526c1e5c8741
  1. app/
  2. bin/
  3. config/
  4. db/
  5. lib/
  6. log/
  7. public/
  8. spec/
  9. vendor/
  10. .gitignore
  11. .rspec
  12. .ruby-gemset
  13. .ruby-version
  14. bower.json
  15. config.ru
  17. Gemfile
  18. Gemfile.lock
  20. NOTICE
  21. Procfile
  22. Rakefile
  23. README.md

Apache Taverna Databundle Viewer

Code Climate Test Coverage Build Status

Apache Taverna Databundle Viewer is planned as a web interface for displaying Taverna databundles (workflow inputs/outputs/run), as produced by the Apache Taverna workflow system.

This module is work in progress as part of Google Summer of Code 2015.

You can see working prototype there: DataBundleViewer


(c) 2015 Apache Software Foundation

This product includes software developed at The Apache Software Foundation.

Licensed under the Apache License 2.0, see the file LICENSE for details.

The file NOTICE contain any additional attributions and details about embedded third-party libraries and source code.


Please subscribe to and contact the [dev@taverna](http://taverna.incubator.apache.org/community/lists#dev mailing list) for any questions, suggestions and discussions about the Apache Taverna Databundle Viewer.

Bugs and feature plannings are tracked in the Jira Issue tracker under the TAVERNA component GSOC Taverna Databundle Viewer. Feel free to add an issue!

To suggest changes to this source code, feel free to raise a GitHub pull request. Any contributions received are assumed to be covered by the Apache License 2.0. We might ask you to sign a Contributor License Agreement before accepting a larger contribution.

Building and install requirements

  1. Install Ruby 2.2.1. With using rvm - rvm install 2.2.1
  2. Run bin/setup to install dependencies, create and set up database. By default used PostgreSQL
  3. Run server with command rails s

For using omniauth you need set up environmental variables FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID, FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET, GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET.

For Google omniauth:

  1. Visit Console google. Click by link APIs & auth -> Credentials -> Create new Client ID
  2. Set Redirect URIs as http://yoursite.com/users/auth/google_oauth2/callback
  3. Enable Google+ API. Click by link APIs & auth -> Google+ API -> Enable API

For Facebook omniauth:

  1. Visit Developers Facebook
  2. Click by My Apps -> Add a New App
  3. Visit Settings -> Advanced. Fill in field Valid OAuth redirect URIs with http://yoursite.com/users/auth/facebook/callback


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