blob: 8c51f7cb2917d02d135eb015ac0a0d6286a59a2f [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";(self.webpackChunk=self.webpackChunk||[]).push([[6948],{7927:e=>{e.exports=JSON.parse('{"blogPosts":[{"id":"/2019/06/10/miss-me","metadata":{"permalink":"/blog/2019/06/10/miss-me","source":"@site/blog/","title":"Miss us? We missed you.","description":"It\'s not often that Apache Incubation projects start, lay dormant for three years, and then spring to life. Yet, it\'s really happening. I pleased to report that in the past two weeks Milagro has added three new contributors, one new PPMC member and one new mentor. We launched a spartan, yet esthetically pleasing, project website. And, we have a roadmap.....","date":"2019-06-10T00:00:00.000Z","formattedDate":"June 10, 2019","tags":[],"readingTime":0.315,"hasTruncateMarker":false,"authors":[{"name":"Brian Spector","url":""}],"frontMatter":{"title":"Miss us? We missed you.","author":"Brian Spector","authorURL":""}},"content":"It\'s not often that Apache Incubation projects start, lay dormant for three years, and then spring to life. Yet, it\'s really happening. I pleased to report that in the past two weeks Milagro has added three new contributors, one new PPMC member and one new mentor. We launched a spartan, yet esthetically pleasing, project website. And, we have a roadmap.....\\n\\nMore details soon."}]}')}}]);