Exclude `docutils!=0.21` as a dependency (#615)

This release is bodged, and causes Poetry to fail when it tries
to fetch the tar:


It is being tracked:

A fix is inbound here:

This is a hotfix for this particular package, until the fixes from `pypi/warehouse` are out. The `post` notation is very unique: https://github.com/pypi/warehouse/issues/15749#issuecomment-2048216953 and is being used in 0.004% of the releases.
1 file changed
tree: 66ab0def06b1e240b64255f128ea5d4d80b2dc56
  1. .github/
  2. dev/
  3. mkdocs/
  4. pyiceberg/
  5. tests/
  6. vendor/
  7. .asf.yaml
  8. .gitignore
  9. .pre-commit-config.yaml
  10. build-module.py
  12. Makefile
  13. MANIFEST.in
  14. NOTICE
  15. poetry.lock
  16. pylintrc
  17. pyproject.toml
  18. README.md

Iceberg Python

PyIceberg is a Python library for programmatic access to Iceberg table metadata as well as to table data in Iceberg format. It is a Python implementation of the Iceberg table spec.

The documentation is available at https://py.iceberg.apache.org/.

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