
There is a contract that must be maintained between the container image run in the pod and the infrastructure that launched the pod. Details like paths, users/groups, permissions, and environment variables must align so that the deployment layer can pass runtime concerns down to the container.

Start with the official hadoop image and extend it from there. Note that apache/hadoop:3 is only published for linux/amd64 at this time.


Input arguments are managed by docker-bake.override.hcl.

Start by creating a buildx context that supports at least linux/amd64 images. If you‘ve created this context previously, it’s enough to ensure that it's active via docker buildx ls.

$ docker buildx create \
  --driver docker-container \
  --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
  --use \

Finally, build the image using,

$ docker buildx bake \
  --file dockerfiles/hadoop/docker-bake.hcl \
  --file dockerfiles/hadoop/docker-bake.override.hcl \
  --set '*.platform=linux/amd64' \
  --pull \

This exports an image to your local repository that is tagged as ${USER}/hbase/kustomize/hadoop:latest.