blob: 7fa406268df49941d67f2fb7eaace5e0122e1cf1 [file] [log] [blame]
(Material on this page is still under development!)
== Macro support
With Groovy 2.5, you can write macros in Groovy!
Details: TBD
== New AST Transformations
* `@MapConstructor` adds a `Map`-based constructor to a class. This allows a usage
style similar to Groovy's named parameters but doesn't use the no-arg constructor
and then call setters. This may be useful if you have final properties or wish the
class file to have the `Map` constructor for integration purposes
* `@AutoImplement` allows you to provide dummy implementations of any abstract
methods that might be inherited from super classes or interfaces
== AST Transformation improvements
* `@Canonical` becomes a meta-annotation allowing more flexible usage of the annotation attributes
from its constituent annotations
* `@Immutable` now supports Java's `Optional` container class
and handles inheritance hierarchies
* `@Delegate` can now be used on getters
* `@TupleConstructor` now supports `pre` and `post` closure conditions to match the functionality provided by `@MapConstructor`
* `@TupleConstructor` and `@Builder` should be able to use defined setters rather than the field directly
* Most annotations check property and field names provided to annotation attributes
== Tool improvements
Some improvements were made to Groovysh shell and the Groovy Console:
* `groovysh` should offer easier access to grapes
* `groovyconsole` now provides an ASMifier tab within the AstBrowser
== Other improvements
* Groovy's CliBuilder now supports annotation style definitions
* Alternative to `with` called `tap` that has an implicit `return delegate`
* Various JSON customization options are now supported
(link:[GROOVY-6975] and
* Method parameter names are now accessible at runtime
== Breaking changes
A few issues fixed might also be considered breaking changes in some
* @TupleConstructor could use the order of properties listed in 'includes' when that option is used
* @ToString could output properties in a predefined order when 'includes' is used
* AstNodeToScriptAdapter should output source using the recommended modifier order
* ObjectRange iterator returns null instead of NoSuchElementException
* IntRange iterator returns null instead of NoSuchElementException
* o.c.g.r.t.DefaultTypeTransformation does not apply the right toString on primitive arrays when transforming to String
* Remove synchronized methods of groovy.sql.Sql and document it as not thread-safe
* InvokerHelper formatting methods have inconsistent API
* Fix up transforms (apart from TupleConstructor) which are affected by empty includes default
* TupleConstructor with empty includes includes all
* TupleConstructor overwrites empty default constructors
* ResourceGroovyMethods/NioGroovyMethods BOM behavior is inconsistent
* API inconsistency between takeWhile, dropWhile and collectReplacements for CharSequences
* @ToString could support non-field properties
* same linkedlist code different behavior between groovy and java
* CLONE - same linkedlist code different behavior between groovy and java (fix priority of DGM methods vs actual methods on an object)
* Accessing private methods from public ones using categories and inheritance causes MissingMethodException
== JDK requirements changes
Groovy 2.5 requires JDK7+ to build and JDK7 is the minimum version of the JRE that we support.
== More information
You can browse all the link:../changelogs/changelog-2.5.0.html[tickets closed for Groovy 2.5 in JIRA].