tree: 8dff94d7db5790b1a723142d726065269be07d6a [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml


flink-storm is compatibility layer for Apache Storm and allows to embed Spouts or Bolts unmodified within a regular Flink streaming program (SpoutWrapper and BoltWrapper). Additionally, a whole Storm topology can be submitted to Flink (see FlinkTopologyBuilder, FlinkLocalCluster, and FlinkSubmitter). Only a few minor changes to the original submitting code are required. The code that builds the topology itself, can be reused unmodified. See flink-storm-examples for a simple word-count example.

The following Storm features are not (yet/fully) supported by the compatibility layer right now:

  • tuple meta information
  • no fault-tolerance guarantees (ie, calls to ack()/fail() and anchoring is ignored)
  • for whole Storm topologies the following is not supported by Flink:
    • direct emit connection pattern
    • activating/deactivating and rebalancing of topologies
    • task hooks
    • metrics