title: “Features”

val counts = text .flatMap {line => line.split(" ").map( word => Word(word,1))} .groupBy(“word”).sum(“frequency”) {% endhighlight %} Transitive Closure {% highlight scala %} case class Path (from: Long, to: Long)

val tc = edges.iterate(10) { paths: DataSet[Path] => val next = paths .join(edges).where(“to”).equalTo(“from”) { (path, edge) => Path(path.from, edge.to) } .union(paths).distinct() next } {% endhighlight %}

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Unified Stream & Batch Processing

Programs written with the fluent programming APIs or using the domain-specific APIs and libraries are translated to dataflows for the Flink engine. Flink takes care of data distribution, communication, and fault tolerance.

Batch programs are as a special case of streaming programs as data inside the system is streamed whereever possible, including pipelined shuffles.

Programming Flink

Fluent Programming APIs

Batch Processing. Use the DataSet API to process static inputs. The following example takes an input text and counts all distinct words in it (the infamous WordCount example).

{% highlight java %} DataSet<Tuple2<String, Integer>> counts = text.flatMap(new Tokenizer()) .groupBy(0) .sum(1); {% endhighlight %}

Check out the full example code and read the programming guide for all features of the DataSet API.

Stream Processing. Use the DataStream API to process continuous streams of data. The following example counts all distinct words in a sliding window over the input stream.

{% highlight java %} DataStream<Tuple2<String, Integer>> counts = text.flatMap(new Tokenizer()) .window(Count.of(windowSize)) .every(Count.of(slideSize)) .groupBy(0).sum(1); {% endhighlight %}

Check out the full example code and read the streaming guide for all features of the DataStream API.

Language integrated queries. Specify operations using SQL-like expressions. These operations work both with static inputs as well as continuous streams.

{% highlight java %} Table table = tableEnv.toTable(text); Table filtered = table .groupBy(“word”) .select(“word.count as count, word”) .filter(“count = 2”); {% endhighlight %}

Check out the full example code and read the Table API guide for all features of the Table API.

Domain-specific APIs & Libraries

Deployment and Integration

System Design

Stateful Operators

Applications that go beyond simple filters or line-by-line transformations of the input need stateful operators. There are three kinds of state that are offered by Flink:

  • User-defined state: As Flink is a streaming dataflow system, operators are continuously running, and can contain user-defined state in the form of Java/Scala objects. This is the most elementary (but most flexible) operator state, but is not backed up or restored by the system in cases of failures.

  • Managed state: User-defined operations will be able to use a special interface to put their state into an object that is backed up and restored in case of failures. Flink contains managed state internally, and the community is working on exposing this to the user-facing APIs shortly.

  • Windowed streams: Flink offers the ability to create a finite stream from an infinite stream using (sliding) windows over the stream. The contents of those windows is special form of state that is managed by the system.

Flink uses a variation of the Chandy-Lamport algorithm for consistent asynchronous distributed snapshots. The state backup works hand-in-hand with checkpoint barriers for stream replay. This allows Flink to give exactly-once processing guarantees by replaying parts of a stream, reproducing the results of a user program.

Memory Management

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Iterative Dataflows

Flink exploits in-memory data streaming and integrates iterative processing deeply into the system runtime.

This makes the system extremely fast for data-intensive and iterative jobs.

Program Optimizer

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