blob: 6670dbbcbf8e5ae38c23133e8dd97233800ecb40 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
(function () {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc controller
* @name app.controllers.feed.FeedController
* @requires EntityModel the entity model to copy the feed entity from
* @requires Falcon the falcon service to talk with the Falcon REST API
var clusterModule = angular.module('app.controllers.view', [ '' ]);
clusterModule.controller('EntityDetailsCtrl', [
"$scope", "$timeout","$window", "$interval", "Falcon", "EntityModel","EntityScheduler", "$state",
"X2jsService", 'EntitySerializer', 'InstanceFalcon', 'entity', 'ExtensionSerializer', '$rootScope',
function ($scope, $timeout, $window, $interval, Falcon, EntityModel, EntityScheduler,
$state, X2jsService, serializer, InstanceFalcon, entity, extensionSerializer, $rootScope) {
$scope.entity = entity;
var resultsPerPage = 10;
var visiblePages = 3;
$scope.entityName = $;
$scope.entityType = $scope.entity.type;
$scope.pages = [];
$scope.nextPages = false;
$scope.mirrorTag = "_falcon_extension_name";
$scope.isSafeMode = function() {
return $rootScope.safeMode;
$scope.isSuperUser = function() {
return $rootScope.superUser;
$scope.isMirror = function(tags){
var flag = false;
if(tags !== undefined && tags.indexOf($scope.mirrorTag) !== -1){
flag = true;
return flag;
$scope.getMirrorType = function(tags) {
if ('_falcon_extension_name=HDFS-MIRRORING') !== -1) {
return "hdfs-mirror";
} else if ('_falcon_extension_name=HDFS-SNAPSHOT-MIRRORING') !== -1) {
return "snapshot";
} else if ('_falcon_extension_name=HIVE-MIRRORING') !== -1) {
return "hive-mirror";
if($scope.entity.type === "feed"){
$scope.entityTypeLabel = "Feed";
$scope.feed = serializer.preDeserialize($scope.entity.model, "feed");
$ = $;
$scope.feed.type = $scope.entity.type;
$scope.entity.start = $scope.entity.model.feed.clusters.cluster[0].validity._start;
$scope.entity.end = $scope.entity.model.feed.clusters.cluster[0].validity._end;
} else if($scope.entity.type === "cluster"){
$scope.entityTypeLabel = "Cluster";
$scope.cluster = serializer.preDeserialize($scope.entity.model, "cluster");
$ = $;
$scope.cluster.type = $scope.entity.type;
}else if($scope.entity.type === "process"){
var tags = $scope.entity.model.process.tags;
var mirrorType = $scope.getMirrorType(tags);
if (mirrorType === "snapshot") {
$scope.entityTypeLabel = "Snapshot";
} if (mirrorType === "hdfs-mirror") {
$scope.entityTypeLabel = "HDFS Mirror";
} else if (mirrorType === "hive-mirror") {
$scope.entityTypeLabel = "Hive Mirror";
$scope.extension = extensionSerializer.serializeExtensionModel(
$scope.entity.model, mirrorType, $rootScope.secureMode);
} else {
$scope.entityTypeLabel = "Process";
$scope.process = serializer.preDeserialize($scope.entity.model, "process");
$ = $;
$scope.process.type = $scope.entity.type;
$scope.entity.start = $scope.entity.model.process.clusters.cluster[0].validity._start;
$scope.entity.end = $scope.entity.model.process.clusters.cluster[0].validity._end;
$scope.capitalize = function(input) {
return input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.slice(1);
$scope.dateFormatter = function (date) {
var dates = date.split('T')[0],
time = date.split('T')[1].split('Z')[0].split('.')[0];
return dates + ' ' + time;
$scope.refreshInstanceList = function (type, name, start, end, status, orderBy, sortOrder) {
$scope.instancesList = [];
changePagesSet(0, 0, 0, start, end, status, orderBy, sortOrder);
var consultPage = function(offset, page, defaultPage, start, end, status, orderBy, sortOrder){
Falcon.responses.listLoaded = false;
InstanceFalcon.searchInstances($scope.entityType, $scope.entityName, offset, start, end, status, orderBy, sortOrder).then(function() {
if ( {
$scope.pages[page] = {};
$scope.pages[page].index = page;
$scope.pages[page].data =;
$scope.pages[page].show = true;
$scope.pages[page].enabled = true;
$scope.pages[page].label = "" + ((offset/resultsPerPage)+1);
if($scope.pages[page].data.length > resultsPerPage){
offset = offset + resultsPerPage;
$scope.nextPages = true;
if(page < visiblePages-1){
consultPage(offset, page+1, defaultPage, start, end, status, orderBy, sortOrder);
$scope.nextPages = false;
var changePagesSet = function(offset, page, defaultPage, start, end, status, orderBy, sortOrder){
$scope.pages = [];
consultPage(offset, page, defaultPage, start, end, status, orderBy, sortOrder);
$scope.goPage = function (page) {
$scope.pages.forEach(function(pag) {
pag.enabled = true;
$scope.pages[page].enabled = false;
$scope.instancesList = $scope.pages[page].data;
if($scope.instancesList.length > resultsPerPage){
$scope.prevPages = parseInt($scope.pages[page].label) > visiblePages ? true : false;
Falcon.responses.listLoaded = true;
$scope.changePagesSet = function(offset, page, defaultPage, start, end, status, orderBy, sortOrder){
changePagesSet(offset, page, defaultPage, start, end, status, orderBy, sortOrder);
$scope.instanceDetails = function (instance) {
EntityModel.model = instance;
EntityModel.type = $scope.entity.type; = $;
$scope.displayIcon = function (type, model) {
if(type === "FEED"){
$scope.entityTypeLabel = "Feed";
return "entypo download";
} else if(type === "CLUSTER"){
$scope.entityTypeLabel = "Cluster";
return "entypo archive";
} else if(type === "PROCESS"){
var tags = model.process.tags;
$scope.entityTypeLabel = "Mirror";
return "glyphicon glyphicon-duplicate";
$scope.entityTypeLabel = "Process";
return "entypo cycle";
$scope.entityTypeLabel = "Process";
return "entypo cycle";
$scope.deleteEntity = function () {
EntityScheduler.deleteEntity($scope.entity.type, ${
if(status === "DELETED"){
$scope.cloneEntity = function () {
var type = $scope.entity.type.toLowerCase();
if(type === 'process' && $scope.isMirror($scope.entity.model.process.tags)){
type = $scope.getMirrorType($scope.entity.model.process.tags);
if (type === 'hdfs-mirror' || type === 'hive-mirror') {
type = 'dataset';
var state = 'forms.' + type;
$state.go(state, {'name' : $, 'action' : 'clone'});
$scope.editEntity = function () {
var type = $scope.entity.type.toLowerCase();
if (type === 'cluster' && (!$rootScope.safeMode || !$rootScope.superUser)) {
if(type === 'process' && $scope.isMirror($scope.entity.model.process.tags)){
type = $scope.getMirrorType($scope.entity.model.process.tags);
if (type === 'hdfs-mirror' || type === 'hive-mirror') {
type = 'dataset';
var state = 'forms.' + type;
$state.go(state, {'name' : $, 'action' : 'edit'});
$scope.resumeEntity = function () {
EntityScheduler.resumeEntity($scope.entity.type, ${
$scope.entity.status = status;
$scope.scheduleEntity = function () {
EntityScheduler.scheduleEntity($scope.entity.type, ${
$scope.entity.status = status;
$scope.suspendEntity = function () {
EntityScheduler.suspendEntity($scope.entity.type, ${
$scope.entity.status = status;
$scope.downloadEntity = function () {
EntityScheduler.downloadEntity($scope.entity.type, $;
clusterModule.filter('titleCase', function() {
return function(input) {
input = input || '';
return input.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();});