{{ target: series-funnel }}


Funnel chart

**sample: ** ~600x400

type(string) = ‘funnel’

{{ use: partial-component-id( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-series-name() }}

{{ use: partial-colorby( defaultColorBy = “‘data’” ) }}

min(number) = 0

The specified minimum value.

max(number) = 100

The specified maximum value.

minSize(number|string) = ‘0%’

The mapped width from minimum data value min.

It can be absolute pixel and also the percentage of layout width. If you don't want the graph of minimum value to be a triangle, you can set up this property larger than 0.

maxSize(number|string) = ‘100%’

The mapped width from maximum data value max.

It can be absolute pixel and also the percentage of layout width.

orient(string) = ‘vertical’

Orient of funnel,Can be 'vertical' or 'horizontal'.

{{ use: partial-version( version = “4.9.0” ) }}

sort(string|Function) = ‘descending’

Data sorting, which can be whether 'ascending', 'descending', 'none'(in data order) or a function, which is the same as Array.prototype.sort(function (a, b) { ... });

gap(number) = 0

Gap between each trapezoid.

{{ use: partial-legend-hover-link() }}

funnelAlign(string) = ‘center’

Horizontal align. Defaults to align center. Can be ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘center’.


{{ use: partial-label-desc( name = “funnel chart” ) }}

{{ use: partial-funnel-label( prefix = “##”, position = true, formatter = true, minMargin = true ) }}


The visual guide line style of label. When label position is set as 'left'or'right', the visual guide line will show.

{{ use: partial-funnel-label-line( prefix = ‘##’, length = true ) }}


{{ use: partial-item-style-desc() }}

{{ use: partial-item-style( prefix = “##”, useColorPalatte = true, hasCallback = true, useDecal = true ) }}


{{ use: partial-label-layout( prefix = “##” ) }}


Configurations of emphasis state.

{{ use: partial-emphasis-disabled( prefix = “##” ) }}

{{ use: partial-focus-blur-scope() }}

{{ use: partial-funnel-state( prefix = “##”, state = ‘emphasis’ ) }}


{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

Configurations of blur state. Available when emphasis.focus is set.

{{ use: partial-funnel-state( prefix = “##”, state = ‘blur’ ) }}


{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

Configurations of select state. Available when selectedMode is set.

{{ use: partial-select-disabled( prefix = “##” ) }}

{{ use: partial-funnel-state( prefix = “##”, state = ‘select’ ) }}

{{ use: partial-selected-mode( version = ‘5.0.0’ ) }}

{{ use: partial-rect-layout-width-height( componentName = “Funnel”, defaultLeft = 80, defaultTop = 60, defaultRight = 80, defaultBottom = 60 ) }}

{{ use: partial-seriesLayoutBy() }}

{{ use: partial-datasetIndex() }}

{{ use: partial-series-dimensions( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-series-encode( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-series-group-id() }}


{{ use: partial-1d-data-desc() }}


the name of data item.


data value.


{{ use: partial-item-style-desc() }}


Height of this data item. By default, the height is evenly divided for all data items. The height can be set to percentage (e.g.: ‘10%’) or pixel value (e.g.: 20). Please make sure that the total height of all data items is 100%.

{{ use: partial-item-style( prefix = “###”, useDecal = true ) }}


The label configuration of a single data item.

{{ use: partial-funnel-label( prefix = “###”, position = true, formatter = false, minMargin = true ) }}


{{ use: partial-funnel-label-line( prefix = ‘###’, length = true ) }}


{{ use: partial-emphasis-disabled( prefix = “###” ) }}

{{ use: partial-funnel-state( prefix = “###”, state = ‘emphasis’ ) }}


{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

{{ use: partial-funnel-state( prefix = “###”, state = ‘blur’ ) }}


{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

{{ use: partial-select-disabled( prefix = “###” ) }}

{{ use: partial-funnel-state( prefix = “###”, state = ‘select’ ) }}

{{ use: partial-tooltip-in-series-data() }}

{{ use: partial-marker( prefix = “#”, seriesType = “funnel” ) }}

{{ use: partial-silent( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-animation( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-universal-transition( prefix = “#” ) }}

{{ use: partial-tooltip-in-series() }}

{{ target: partial-funnel-state }}

#${prefix} label(Object)

{{ use: partial-funnel-label( prefix = “#” + ${prefix}, position = false, formatter = true ) }}

#${prefix} labelLine(Object)

{{ use: partial-funnel-label-line( prefix = “#” + ${prefix}, length = false ) }}

#${prefix} itemStyle(Object)

{{ use: partial-item-style( prefix = “#” + ${prefix}, hasInherit = ${state} === ‘emphasis’ ) }}

{{ target: partial-funnel-label }}

#${prefix} show(boolean) = false

{{ if: ${position} }} #${prefix} position(string) = ‘outside’

Label position.

**Options: **

  • 'left'Left side of funnel chart. Available when orient is 'vertical'.
  • 'right' Right side of funnel chart. Available when orient is 'horizontal'.
  • 'top' Top side of funnel chart. Available when orient is 'vertical'.
  • 'bottom' Bottom side of funnel chart. Available when orient is 'vertical'.
  • 'inside'Inside the trapezoid of funnel chart.
  • 'insideRight'Right inside the trapezoid of funnel chart.
  • 'insideLeft'Left inside the trapezoid of funnel chart.
  • 'leftTop'Top-left of funnel chart.
  • 'leftBottom'Bottom-left of funnel chart.
  • 'rightTop'Top-right side of funnel chart.
  • 'rightBottom'Bottom-right side of funnel chart.
  • 'inner' equals to 'inside'.
  • 'center' equals to 'inside'.

labelLine can be used to guide to the corresponding trapezoid when label is not inside. {{ /if }}

{{ if: ${minMargin} }} #${prefix} minMargin(number)

{{ use: partial-version( version = “5.0.0” ) }}

Minimal margin between labels. Used when label has layout. {{ /if }}

{{ if: ${formatter} }} #${prefix} formatter(string|Function)

{{ use: partial-1d-data-label-formatter( extra = { percent: { desc: ‘percentage’, type: ‘number’ } } ) }} {{ /if }}

{{ use: partial-text-style( prefix = ${prefix} ) }}

{{ target: partial-funnel-label-line }}

#${prefix} show(boolean)

Whether to show visual guide line.

{{ if: ${length} }} #${prefix} length(number)

The length of the first part from visual guide line. {{ /if }}

#${prefix} lineStyle(Object)

{{ use: partial-line-style( prefix = “#” + ${prefix} ) }}